Tumble stumbles upon a Spider Farmer clip on fan.. Growing Blue Cheese, North Thunderfuck, Cali Blues, and Bruce Banner #2

  • Thread starter Tumbleweed375
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Hello all, bit of a hiatus for the last week. Getting some stuff straightened up.
Went on a bit of a hike and brought some cutting supplies. Walked down a path and it was so fragrant, I had to take some snips. Got a few honeysuckles:
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Here is a little video of the mother tent.
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Also, brought a big joint of some RS-11 with me on a wander. Really tasty, and uplifting.. good wandering strain.
I found some abandoned buildings and a broke down castle.
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This was here for a loooong time:
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I'll have more photos of everything else after I top all my clones.
yup tumble that river view looks awesome, i like the graffiti there to awesome pics.👍 if that beer where full i would of cracked it open😁


yup tumble that river view looks awesome, i like the graffiti there to awesome pics.👍 if that beer where full i would of cracked it open😁
Thanks, cheese! Haha too bad it was cracked open well before I got there. The brewery closed down in 1987. Was over around there again today. A lot of these Eastern Bluebirds. That's the NY state bird.



That’s crazy. It looks like it could be somewhere else in the world🤷‍♂️ very uninhabited looking! Super cool.

Edit: I just noticed the barge (I’m on my phone). Wasn’t being a smart ass about my comment 😂✌🏻
I didn't think you were being a smart ass! That cliff on the other side of the river definitely gives it a deep in the jungle kinda look.


Thanks, cheese! Haha too bad it was cracked open well before I got there. The brewery closed down in 1987. Was over around there again today. A lot of these Eastern Bluebirds. That's the NY state bird.
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cool man, imagen what a 37 year old beer would taste like wonder if still be refreshingly tasty😁 you could grow some great outdoor plants there place looks awesome👍


cool man, imagen what a 37 year old beer would taste like wonder if still be refreshingly tasty😁 you could grow some great outdoor plants there place looks awesome👍
I should have inspected further and found a date on the can. I wish it wasn't true, but I bet it would be skunked.... but in the name of science, only one way to find out... 🤓🔬🤯

There were some scientists that brewed an ancient beer not to long ago. They did some science to find some beer DNA and yeast on an old jug... I think. And then brewed a batch. I would give it a taste

I wish i would have brought some supplies today. I want some cuts of this.



Sometimes I get in my head from being so stoned lol, just wanted to make sure 🤦‍♂️😂. Yeah it looks like the amazon or something! : )
There is a lot of human dialogue lost in the written form. We don't always read the sarcasm, or general curiosity, intended in a statement made in text. I read it all with that in mind... 🤣 either way, you're all good bearwater


I should have inspected further and found a date on the can. I wish it wasn't true, but I bet it would be skunked.... but in the name of science, only one way to find out... 🤓🔬🤯

There were some scientists that brewed an ancient beer not to long ago. They did some science to find some beer DNA and yeast on an old jug... I think. And then brewed a batch. I would give it a taste

I wish i would have brought some supplies today. I want some cuts of this.
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yeh looks smart as tumble, id take some cuts to.👍


Here is a wild cherry I found. Sweet cherry:

Doubt they will last long enough for me to get them once they ripen. The wildlife is quick...

The mother tent needs a chop, but I'm about to flip the clones.
The support bars on the tent sit at about 37" from the soil. The Blue cheese is the shorty in the middle front, but she is bushy as hell, and thick stemmed so she keeps the others out of her way... still, it's a bit tight.


Here is a wild cherry I found. Sweet cherry:
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Doubt they will last long enough for me to get them once they ripen. The wildlife is quick...

The mother tent needs a chop, but I'm about to flip the clones.
The support bars on the tent sit at about 37" from the soil. The Blue cheese is the shorty in the middle front, but she is bushy as hell, and thick stemmed so she keeps the others out of her way... still, it's a bit tight.
View attachment 2176733
The birds know when you plan to get those sweet cherries. They’ll swoop in and eat every last one on the morning of that day..

I’ve got 10-18 days left on this plant. Anyone wanna talk me out of removing damn near every leaf that has a stem in order to help the mid section ripen more than it otherwise would by harvest time?
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The birds know when you plan to get those sweet cherries. They’ll swoop in and eat every last one on the morning of that day..

I’ve got 10-18 days left on this plant. Anyone wanna talk me out of removing damn near every leaf that has a stem in order to help the mid section ripen more than it otherwise would by harvest time?View attachment 2176739
They definitely do! The birds, squirrels and deer get most of the wild fruit I find. There are a couple cherry trees that may be too big for them to get it all at once. If they leave me a couple handfuls, I will be lucky 🤣

You aren't going to get any opposition from me! I think if you time it right and don't chop too much you can avoid stressing/herming them


They definitely do! The birds, squirrels and deer get most of the wild fruit I find. There are a couple cherry trees that may be too big for them to get it all at once. If they leave me a couple handfuls, I will be lucky 🤣

You aren't going to get any opposition from me! I think if you time it right and don't chop too much you can avoid stressing/herming them
I had a sweet cherry over an airstream camper I lived in one year. It was perfect for harvesting because I could walk almost the entire spread of the tree from on top of the roof. Most delicious cherries I’ve ever had. Endless bounty. Was planning to harvest the whole lot one day. Woke up and I shit you not there was not a single freaking cherry left. It was as if the whole thing was a hallucination..


I had a sweet cherry over an airstream camper I lived in one year. It was perfect for harvesting because I could walk almost the entire spread of the tree from on top of the roof. Most delicious cherries I’ve ever had. Endless bounty. Was planning to harvest the whole lot one day. Woke up and I shit you not there was not a single freaking cherry left. It was as if the whole thing was a hallucination..
Once one sends the call that they are ready, it's too late! Sad sight, but atleast them cherry pits are getting planted everywhere..


Once one sends the call that they are ready, it's too late! Sad sight, but atleast them cherry pits are getting planted everywhere..
So true. My 8 year old son often jokes when he sees large numbers of noisy birds that they are probably plotting to go to war against humanity. First they come for the cherries..
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So true. My 8 year old son often jokes when he sees large numbers of noisy birds that they are probably crudely plotting to go to war against humanity. First they come for the cherries..
Damn.. I never thought about it like that, but they do seem to laugh and take pleasure in our fruitless misery.. the bastards


Loving those pics as well. I recognised it immediately only because used to be up and down that way semi regularly in another life. Lovely stuff. ☺️


It's hard to calculate... maybe Im just lazy... it's not crazy, but I use the lung room as my office so 2 birds one stone kind of thing. Or at least i tell myself that.

The lung room is a window unit. 8,000 BTU energy star and alla that good stuff. It also has a thermometer built in so I set it to medium at 64° which saves a bit more on cost. I also am a bit crazy about turning lights off, and I usually work in a room lit by a window until the sun goes down.

Where there is a will there is a way. Total electricity consumption this month is 23% down from August last year. Not apples to apples because of the rest of the computers, lights, multiple ac units etc.
Why are you running ac at 64 degrees? Wouldn’t a 70-85 be a better range?


Damn.. I never thought about it like that, but they do seem to laugh and take pleasure in our fruitless misery.. the bastards
I got doves that hang out with my dogs on the fence. They seem to like them. A year or two ago I had some black birds that showed up on the wall and were laughing causing a ruckus. Totally reminiscent of the black crows from the looney tunes. The doves are way less annoying. The black crows straight up ass hoes.
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