Warning .. The Poolice In Spain Have The Power To Lie

  • Thread starter thesoftdrugbaron
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Just a little insight to what went on in Spain in the last 1.5 years.

well my spannish company GRO-ZONA.S.L,was doing very well for year 3 in business, Employing 4 people, with a healthy turnover.

Then on the 1 dec 2014.operation PEROTEX started...then things took a turn for the worst for me my wife and daughter and a few friends, i had just dropped my wife off at her best friends house.my daughter was picking my wife up later that evening.. so i set off back home.

I was on my way home when i was ambushed by 2 cars, 1 in front and 1 behind. 4 men jumped out with guns ablaze. and did not identify themselves as bandits or police.?
they kicked me to the floor and put a gun to the back of my head for 10 to 15 minutes .It was only when i herd radios that i knew it was the police. . it was only 1 hour later
then i saw my daughters car pass us on the road, i knew that they had captured my wife and her freind and my daughter.i found out later that they to had the same treatment as me..

A few hours later at the police station,i saw the had captured more people. 7 people in total.....6 english and 1 spannish.they had recived infomation that i was a major leader of organized crime group. we all were held and questioned for 24 hours {with no food or drinks,or a translator] the 5 others were released but me and 2 other people were held for 4 days {very little food or drinks],then taken to malaga courthouse.

the 3 of us arrived at the couthouse around 3 pm on the 4 dec.

the police lied in court and said, the 3 of us were working together and had 68kg of cannabis. read to ship out to where ever..?this was a complet lies. my 2 customers[freinds}. 1 had a small 18 plant setup.. the other 20 plant setup... there is no way possible to get these amounts from just 38 plants. i had nothing to do with these grows, they were just customers in my shop. i only had 50g of personal weed for my own use at home.

in malaga court the judge remanded 2 of us to go to prison....not quite shure why the 3rd guy did not get remanded{he was defo not a grass].. but thats spannish law .. it makes no sence at at all. and never try to make sence of it . me and my mate where gutted... shocked.... and a little frightened.

we were taken down to the courthouse cells which were very crowded.this was at around 5.30pm 4 dec by now .then around 11pm that evening the meat wagon arrived, we were off to Alhuriun de torres prison in malaga{ not recomended on trip adviser} about 11.45 we arrived at the prison...hungry cold and in shock. we had arrived in modula 1 called ingresso. that where everyone starts from in prison. the 1st night was not pleasent at all. a dirty horrible place to be. the next day we were screened to find out what modulas me and my mate were to be move to . i spent 2 weeks there ,,, and was moved to modula 5 the respect modula.... my mate turd up 3 weeks later. spending xmas and new year on his own.

130 men on modula 5 and the food was discusting, you had to buy your own drinking water , there was a basic shop open 1 time a day.a normal day was . woke up at 8am... let out at 8.30... breakfast was hard bread with a sache of jam and a cup of muddy watery looking stuff the called coffee, then on the walled patio till 1pm ... dinner time more shit food . 1.30 pm.. back up to the cell [ i was in with my mate by jan 2015 .. which did mate it alitle better] 5pm let out .. shop opens for coffee tea snacks till 5.30pm.. you gotta be quick in the que.. else you miss it .7pm more shit food... 7.30 .. bang up for the night. there was a library and a gym. but again hard to get in .over half of the 130 prisoners were dutch english german ect. all for hash or weed offences. that was a basic day in the prison .. very boring.. i read many books to keep my head from exploding and going mad not knowing how long i was to be kept here .oh and there was a good supply of hash in the prison, which helped a little to .

me and my mate spent 12 months waiting for a court date, but was ajourned 3 times and spend a further 3 months before we were to be sentenced. so on the 5 feb 2016 we recived 2years 2 months [26 months} we had served 14 months so were freed, on time served that day. a good day for me .

i pitty anyone that come into contact with the spannish laws. cos you in for a shock. it,,s corrupt to the core. you stand no chance. they do not have a system and noone every get freed with out a deal or sentance.you will never get a case in spain dissmised. what the police say go,s in court basicaly you fucked they do not need evidence to back the offence you supposedly commited. we took a deal in the end.. or we were facing 4.5 years in jail there. if we took it to full trial court.the lawyers are working with the police and judge to.... they are powerless.

well i,ve cut that long haul...... into a very short story.i might add to the story as i rember more.... i,m now back in the uk... were at least you stand a better chance... with the laws here in the uk.

thanks for your support


here,s a link to what the police put on the web about us...WTF



That sucks to hear,sorry for the time you loss..
We all know that the law lies even for petty offenses,but yet we have to be truthful.
I'm sure the Fire Arms didn't help especially with the laser sites, almost looks too tatical..
I thought Spain was a "relax "country?


hi ,
the fire arms.. was a picture they already had, and just put that in the case.. to look good .. it was not used in the trial in the end.. and was nothing to do with the people involved. i myself only had a small amount in my house. i was simply a growshop owner that was targeted .


it sucks that good people get treated so deplorably. glad to know you're free and safe.
maybe you should write a book about your ordeal. you probably don't have any legal recourse against the spanish pigs responsible for destroying your lives, but maybe you can profit from it while helping shine a light on what is a huge ugly problem.
blessings and stay safe.


Guardia Civil chief in Coín is held in drug and corruption case

A top-ranking police official is linked to Operation Pharisee, which is already overwhelming local courts.

The Guardia Civil captain responsible for police activity in the Guadalhorce valley was arrested in Coín on Wednesday and remanded in custody. He was held in connection with a large ongoing investigation into alleged drug trafficking, bribery, violent robbery and corruption in the area.
The Guardia Civil station in Coín is responsible for coordinating the service’s law and order activity in all the Guadalhorce valley and this arrest is a significant development in the operation which has been given the code name ‘Pharisee’. The operation was first made public in April with the arrest of three other Guardia Civil officers at the nearby Alhaurín El Grande station, although investigations have been under way in secret since the end of last year.
To date, twenty people have been arrested or questioned about their alleged involvement. Ironically, it is the Guardia Civil’s own officers in the Malaga district who have been investigating their own colleagues.
The main line of investigation so far points to some of those detained having entered houses illegally just after they had been subjected to police raids. Taking advantage of the fact that the property’s occupants were in custody, the properties were broken into to remove drugs and other items of value. Following the same theory, the Pharisee investigation has been trying to discover if the detainees were linked to the Guardia Civil officers who were carrying out those criminal investigations and were privy to confidential information about addresses and whereabouts.
In the first phase of the investigation, four residents of Alhaurín El Grande were also arrested along with the officers, when some of the missing items from properties were recovered.
Courts under pressure
The detention of the head Civil Guard for the area in Coín has put fresh pressure on local judicial services. The increasing number of people being investigated has meant that the small courthouse in Coín has been overwhelmed with work. The lead investigating judge and the judicial service trade union have called for more resources to be allocated.
Coín courts are also still handling the case of a large bush fire on the Costa del Sol a few years ago when 8,200 hectares burned and there are 400 people seeking damages and other compensation.
It has also emerged that the detained Guardia Civil agent was sentenced in a different case when still a lower-ranking officer for the illegal arrest of a young man who was sleeping with his 14-year-old stepdaughter.

i have info .. that some of the officers where arrested and remanded ,in the very same prison i was in .carmer bites back.


LINK../ http://www.surinenglish.com/20160617/news/costasol-malaga/guardia-civil-chief-coin-201606171227.html


that is just hilarious. i love to see when karma hits bad people that deserve to get f*ck't. even more so when the bad people are corrupt pigs.


Glad you're out of Spain that was a heart crushing story that made me angry just to read it. Can't even imagine what that must have been like.
mack 10

mack 10

Dam! That's terrible.
Good to have first hand info on the Spanish syste,
or lack of it. I had no idea..
I mean I know a lot of robberies go down but in court
( I thought you had a chance, with them using evidence)

kinda cool the police guy got hammered too.
Ronnie V

Ronnie V

Turns out the cops were the drug lords. Guess it's like that everywhere.

Hard to imagine what u went through but glad to here you and your family are alright. Stay up man.
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Just a little insight to what went on in Spain in the last 1.5 years.

well my spannish company GRO-ZONA.S.L,was doing very well for year 3 in business, Employing 4 people, with a healthy turnover.

Then on the 1 dec 2014.operation PEROTEX started...then things took a turn for the worst for me my wife and daughter and a few friends, i had just dropped my wife off at her best friends house.my daughter was picking my wife up later that evening.. so i set off back home.

I was on my way home when i was ambushed by 2 cars, 1 in front and 1 behind. 4 men jumped out with guns ablaze. and did not identify themselves as bandits or police.?
they kicked me to the floor and put a gun to the back of my head for 10 to 15 minutes .It was only when i herd radios that i knew it was the police. . it was only 1 hour later
then i saw my daughters car pass us on the road, i knew that they had captured my wife and her freind and my daughter.i found out later that they to had the same treatment as me..

A few hours later at the police station,i saw the had captured more people. 7 people in total.....6 english and 1 spannish.they had recived infomation that i was a major leader of organized crime group. we all were held and questioned for 24 hours {with no food or drinks,or a translator] the 5 others were released but me and 2 other people were held for 4 days {very little food or drinks],then taken to malaga courthouse.

the 3 of us arrived at the couthouse around 3 pm on the 4 dec.

the police lied in court and said, the 3 of us were working together and had 68kg of cannabis. read to ship out to where ever..?this was a complet lies. my 2 customers[freinds}. 1 had a small 18 plant setup.. the other 20 plant setup... there is no way possible to get these amounts from just 38 plants. i had nothing to do with these grows, they were just customers in my shop. i only had 50g of personal weed for my own use at home.

in malaga court the judge remanded 2 of us to go to prison....not quite shure why the 3rd guy did not get remanded{he was defo not a grass].. but thats spannish law .. it makes no sence at at all. and never try to make sence of it . me and my mate where gutted... shocked.... and a little frightened.

we were taken down to the courthouse cells which were very crowded.this was at around 5.30pm 4 dec by now .then around 11pm that evening the meat wagon arrived, we were off to Alhuriun de torres prison in malaga{ not recomended on trip adviser} about 11.45 we arrived at the prison...hungry cold and in shock. we had arrived in modula 1 called ingresso. that where everyone starts from in prison. the 1st night was not pleasent at all. a dirty horrible place to be. the next day we were screened to find out what modulas me and my mate were to be move to . i spent 2 weeks there ,,, and was moved to modula 5 the respect modula.... my mate turd up 3 weeks later. spending xmas and new year on his own.

130 men on modula 5 and the food was discusting, you had to buy your own drinking water , there was a basic shop open 1 time a day.a normal day was . woke up at 8am... let out at 8.30... breakfast was hard bread with a sache of jam and a cup of muddy watery looking stuff the called coffee, then on the walled patio till 1pm ... dinner time more shit food . 1.30 pm.. back up to the cell [ i was in with my mate by jan 2015 .. which did mate it alitle better] 5pm let out .. shop opens for coffee tea snacks till 5.30pm.. you gotta be quick in the que.. else you miss it .7pm more shit food... 7.30 .. bang up for the night. there was a library and a gym. but again hard to get in .over half of the 130 prisoners were dutch english german ect. all for hash or weed offences. that was a basic day in the prison .. very boring.. i read many books to keep my head from exploding and going mad not knowing how long i was to be kept here .oh and there was a good supply of hash in the prison, which helped a little to .

me and my mate spent 12 months waiting for a court date, but was ajourned 3 times and spend a further 3 months before we were to be sentenced. so on the 5 feb 2016 we recived 2years 2 months [26 months} we had served 14 months so were freed, on time served that day. a good day for me .

i pitty anyone that come into contact with the spannish laws. cos you in for a shock. it,,s corrupt to the core. you stand no chance. they do not have a system and noone every get freed with out a deal or sentance.you will never get a case in spain dissmised. what the police say go,s in court basicaly you fucked they do not need evidence to back the offence you supposedly commited. we took a deal in the end.. or we were facing 4.5 years in jail there. if we took it to full trial court.the lawyers are working with the police and judge to.... they are powerless.

well i,ve cut that long haul...... into a very short story.i might add to the story as i rember more.... i,m now back in the uk... were at least you stand a better chance... with the laws here in the uk.

thanks for your support


here,s a link to what the police put on the web about us...WTF

Thats shitty.quick question-did the prison cells have toilets in em?u didnt say.the reason i ask is i done time in a prison called Barlinnie-scotlands toughest jail apperently.dunno about toughest but definetly the most disgusting.no toilets un the cell-just a chamber pot.i was put in a cell and i lay down on the bed and wen i looked at the wall i quickly worked out the person in there b4 me musta sat doing atleast ten years in that cell.i was able to kinda work that out by the amount o snotters the dirty bastard had wiped on the wall and left there.it looked a couple o inches thick atleast.makin me sick just remembering it.


hi MR BEE .. yes we did have toilets in the cells[no showers in cells ...just a cold 1 downstairs].. but the toilet used to block and flood your cell with sewage regularly . the winter were freezing and he summer was festering . and pig swill for food.

looking back .. i probably was working my way to an early grave, and now i can do what i like best and thats chill and grow very nice things to smoke .


Mr Bee

Mr Bee

hi MR BEE .. yes we did have toilets in the cells[no showers in cells ...just a cold 1 downstairs].. but the toilet used to block and flood your cell with sewage regularly . the winter were freezing and he summer was festering . and pig swill for food.

looking back .. i probably was working my way to an early grave, and now i can do what i like best and thats chill and grow very nice things to smoke .


Prison atleast puts things in perspective.like wats important in life....growing and smoking your own weed.
fuck the polis.i smoke weed everyday.

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