Week4Bytch ..The Cannabis Karen

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Loyal To The Soil
We mailed out the leaf samples to get tested. The pots here are numbered with the same corresponding leaf sample. Yes I could wait 6 weeks until they mature and show sex ...but,

Aint nobody got time for that!


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Loyal To The Soil
If I had the option of getting this done in my country? I would be doing it 100%. You'll find no criticism from me for using a service like that, I would do the same thing if I could.
I got told by Todd McCormick not to waste my money doing it this way, but the dude is retired ..lol, he's got all the time in the world and probably more than just a few tents around 😂. He lets his plants naturally sex out. But for us small growers, time is of the essence. More for me, I really only get two runs a year in my garage. The cool thing is the guy who tests these for me (Jim Carlson) only charges $4 a sample. And he's literally only a 3.5 hour drive from me, I could drive to his house if I needed too. But I'm a busy family guy, so mailed it. He'll probably get them sexed by this Saturday. Hopefully.
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Loyal To The Soil
I got a little anxious (I've never used this stuff) and opened up the Pro Mix HP... And WOW! The soil is soft and light. Love it. Might be my go to here on out. Anxious to top dress the 4x2 bed for the next run I did a @Mikedin move and in a 5g bucket mixed all the dry amendments/compost with a gallon of pro mix soil, got it all mixed up then top dressed the 4x2 bed the Skywalker are sitting in. Not too worried about the Skywalker getting to much of this as it's a slow release and if you know soil... Top dressing is not feeding the plant, it's feeding the soil. Plants gonna be ok. It will not get anything it doesn't need from this top dressing. (*if done right)
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PXL 20241205 025502958
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Loyal To The Soil
Man...that took longer than expected. We got rid of the old soil and cleaned the tent out a little. Cleaned the floor and disinfected with a light Clorox spray and wipe. Then we mixed up some Super Soil. The one gallon challenge thread has me second guessing filling these 20 gallon pots all the way, especially just for a 4x2. So we're gonna dance with these half filled. Will make it a little easier to top dress later, hopefully. This soil is stacked with dry amendments though...I'm thinking I can go a whole grow with literally just water. I'm gonna let her fly all the way till 3 weeks into the flip see what happens.. can I ?
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Loyal To The Soil
Wine cooler yea?
How long have you used this unit and what are your thoughts?
First run with it.. been babysitting it since I stacked everything in.

Backstory is I grabbed the wrong type to begin with, this is not a thermal electric wine cooler. Got it used.

So.. I'm hoping I can get away with just the Inkbird sensor.

My first hiccup is I didn't plan for this thing to work so good. Meaning it shuts off after it reaches the set temps like a fridge is supposed to do! Go figure. 🤣
So I'm having to run it a lot cooler than I initially wanted too. It's currently running at 50 degrees. And I have the Inkbird set to switch on when it reaches 60%, meaning we're hovering at 52-60% between cycles.

My indoor tent harvest is the Guinea pig for this session.

I really didn't expect this cooler to be this efficient at cooling. So that's very good news for them summer runs. If it doesn't work for me now I'll save it for the summer.


Loyal To The Soil
And my samples.. have not been sexed yet. probably won't know till next Saturday 😒 well fudge. My comfort zone is another week of waiting, if not we're gonna try a Skunkman Sam Bro Science hack. (didn't work last time I tried) 🙃
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