Wine cooler yea?
How long have you used this unit and what are your thoughts?
First run with it.. been babysitting it since I stacked everything in.
Backstory is I grabbed the wrong type to begin with, this is not a thermal electric wine cooler. Got it used.
So.. I'm hoping I can get away with just the Inkbird sensor.
My first hiccup is I didn't plan for this thing to work so good. Meaning it shuts off after it reaches the set temps like a fridge is supposed to do! Go figure.

So I'm having to run it a lot cooler than I initially wanted too. It's currently running at 50 degrees. And I have the Inkbird set to switch on when it reaches 60%, meaning we're hovering at 52-60% between cycles.
My indoor tent harvest is the Guinea pig for this session.
I really didn't expect this cooler to be this efficient at cooling. So that's very good news for them summer runs. If it doesn't work for me now I'll save it for the summer.