What’s GNick55 up too

  • Thread starter GNick55
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Thats crazy dude hahaha. Finishing a bottle of absynthe will guarantee that you puke 100% yes hahaha and its better that way because your kidneys cant deal with that and your body knows. That said not all absynthes have the same graduation but all of them ara guaranteed to fuck you up real good. Usually the green one is around 70º, yellow 80º and black 90º. We used to take shots of the black one, no water and suggar preparation just as it is. 90º if Im correct means its 90% alcohol right? Must be because despite it being sweet and licorish it was hell in your throat. 2 shots and a couple of beers and I was fucked up, and Im not a small guy.
EDIT: Yeah just went to google to confirm, the black one is in between 80 and 90% alcohol, we used to drink the 90% one.
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Thats crazy dude hahaha. Finishing a bottle of absynthe will guarantee that you puke 100% yes hahaha and its better that way because your kidneys cant deal with that and your body knows. That said not all absynthes have the same graduation but all of them ara guaranteed to fuck you up real good. Usually the green one is around 70º, yellow 80º and black 90º. We used to take shots of the black one, no water and suggar preparation just as it is. 90º if Im correct means its 90% alcohol right? Must be because despite it being sweet and licorish it was hell in your throat. 2 shots and a couple of beers and I was fucked up, and Im not a small guy.
sounds good man, we need to go to nicks for some golf balls shots 😆 now you say liquorice think i remember that one to😂


Dont give him bad ideas for fuck sake 🤣 nobody ever felt better after drinking when being drepressed. I tried absynthe, the black one, the yellow one and the green one, I dont know if there's more. I used to take shots with beers when going out when I was 16 or 18, burns like hell. A friend choked a bit on it and puked inmediatly hahahaha you gotta be careful with that shit, I think I puked every single time I had it but went for more.
EDIT: Oh btw those bottles you got there go for 60 euros each.
After that testimonial, I can’t wait to try it! Sounds like a hell of a good time! Cowabunga!!!!! 🤠🚽 But €60! I am on a fixed income! How about a bottle on the arm, Nick Old buddy? 🫣😂 Back to pressing! So far so good!


Hahaha Im up for it, Ill watch you guys drink my drinking days are over. Maybe a couple of beers for me. Youre not suposed to drink absynthe like that, for us it was just a cheap way of getting fucked up. Its usually served very cold and diluted with water and more suggar. These are the traditional preparations:


How about an instructional video Nick? That would make a great Tuesday update!😆🍻
after having a few first! haha,.. no way in hell can i even have a sip of any alcohol,. i’m not a beer drinker,. haven’t had any alcohol in years like 25 yrs or more,. i partied soo much back than it was sooo much fun but it got to a point that i had to decide either drugs or alcohol, alcohol had to go, easy pick though i also stopped doing acid and mushrooms around the same time,.. i was getting waaay too stoned, what it was i was out of control, eating 10-15 hits of acid at a time or eating a half ounce of shrooms or more at a time,.. i was never a problem really the opposite i was quite fun to party with.. but alcohol acid mushrooms and all pills like demerol, morphine, dilaudid i had to stop,.. i miss the high from dilaudid,..

think im going to try and sell my alcohol collection,.. maybe!..


Kept my landrace, popcorn, and trim separate from the rest! I’m gonna try it tomorrow morning! Watched pot never dries!😁 Need to clean my screens! I guess just spray them down with 99.9 and rinse them off in the shower! Or with the hose outside.





That is some interesting stuff! I think you qualify as being a hard-core collector!
even with me showing some stuff, there is way more still packed away,. i’ve got so much rare music promo items, stuff bought from concerts and all the concert t shirts i bought,
volkswagen toys galore and promo items etc from vw car shows and being a vw club member,
old pop bottles, some war stuff, even a few granades,.. so on and so on,. ya me collecting and finding cool stuff in the garbage while working in the garbages trucks before ebay or any pickers tv shows were around,..
i have 4 full tool boxes full of tools i’ve owned for 30 yrs all found in the garbage, some were brand new,..
the garbage truck days were a blast in more ways than you could image,..
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