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David Rheins
Founder of the Marijuana Business Association (MJBA)
On Marijuana prohibition: “We’ve had the discussion about prohibition. We’ve given it well past its due with 80 years of a war not on drugs, but on people, in a culture where pharmaceuticals are on every other commercial and ad page.”
Founding the MJBA: “We chronicle and promote the industry. The best way to build a sustainable industry is by providing reliable information and the network of experts and folks that every small and start-up business needs. [They] just happen to also have an extra layer of compliance and regulation to contend with.”
Tax talk: “We’re told we can’t afford to fund teachers in schools, to fix the roads, to clean the air, to develop alternative energy. The reality is that with these extra dollars, we can apportion this in such a way that we can say, ‘Yes, let’s address these social issues.’ I would rather pay a higher tax to fix the economy and reinvigorate these communities and stop the senseless prosecution and the wasted lives of victims of this war on drugs.”

Ricki Lake
Celebrity; producer of Weed the People
Lake, who was introduced to a young fan with cancer during her stint on Dancing With the Stars, is filming a documentary with director Abby Epstein. Weed the Peoplefollows ill children, including a cancer patient named Sophie, and the results of their use of medical marijuana.
Getting involved: “[Pot] was not something that I did. I looked at it like a gateway drug. I didn’t want to be paranoid, out of it, like a couch potato. I was really turned off to it. But I fell in love with this girl via social media, and I went on this quest for her, to heal her.”
Cannabis curve: “I’m still learning with cannabis—the ratio, the dosing, the CBD versus THC, and what kills the cancer cells and what keeps the bad side effects at bay. But it’s fascinating to me. I want to know more, and I want the public to know more. A whole new world opened up to me, because [before,] I was sheltered and judgmental.”
Her film: “It shows a lot of amazing characters who are all relatable, particularly Tracy and her daughter, Sophie. Baby Sophie [represents] our biggest fear with our own children. And this mother will do anything to get her baby healthy and to keep her from suffering. We have great results from the last scan. Hopefully we will see continued cell death in the tumor.”
Proceed with caution: “There are a lot of people in this industry who take advantage, and that is really scary. There are people selling cannabis oil to desperate families, but you have got to know what you are getting, and you need to test, and that takes money. There are so many advantages, but I think people still need to take a lot of precautions.”
Vision quest: “I would love to be able to prove that cannabis is killing cancer cells. It’s so much better than doing a talk show. We have more than enough people who want to be documented and are willing to tell their stories.”

Congresswoman Dina Titus
Nevada, District 1
Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) & pot: “As a member of the veterans committee and the ranking member of the subcommittee on benefs, I began to hear more and more about the potential of medical marijuana for treating PTSD. I am circulating now to get signatures that will go to the US Department of Health and Human Services, asking them to lift the limitations on studying the effects of marijuana. It’s very restrictive now. We need to study it just like any other kind of medicine, or any other kind of drug.”
Buds & banking co-ops: “I have signed on as a cosponsor to [Colorado Congressman] Ed Perlmutter’s bill that will change the banking laws so that we could have legitimate marijuana businesses operating through bank accounts.”

Nevada State Senator Tick Segerblom
Author of SB 374, which allowed the establishment of medical marijuana dispensaries
Why Senate Bill 374? “People didn’t have the ability to actually purchase medical marijuana they were entitled to use under the Constitution.”
Tourist tokes: “Las Vegas is going to be the Amsterdam of the West. Everyone is going to want to have their picture taken in front of a marijuana dispensary.”
Allocating tax revenues: “Education. The money first goes to offset administrative costs, then to police costs, then it goes to education.”
Politics & pot: “Support for medical marijuana is at 90 percent. It’s incredible.”

Dr. Sanjay Gupta
Neurosurgeon; CNN chief medical correspondent
How cannabis connects: “There are cannabis receptors in the body. So it’s more natural than a lot of drugs, which simply inhibit the transmission of neurons from cell to cell. This binds to something that already exists in the body.”
Farming for the future: “You are going to have the CBD strains become more in demand as a medicine. It’s harder than people realize to breed these plants up to specifc strands of CBD versus THC. But there is going to be higher demand, and it will continue to be very necessary.”
On recreational use: “This is legitimate medicine, and I wouldn’t take it away from people because of the concerns of recreational use.”

Keith Stroup
Founder of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws(NORML)
Smokers’ rights: “If it’s contraband, nobody is going to require it to be pure. Now we’re beginning to focus on the real consumer issues. A private employer can drug test, and if you test positive for THC, even though there is no indication you were impaired on the job, they can free you. What they need is an impairment test, not a test that says, ‘Have you smoked in the last six weeks?’”
The DWI debate: “We all agree that we don’t want people driving while impaired. But THC adheres to your fatty tissues, and can be detected days or even weeks after smoking. We’ve got to convince legislators to use science so we test impairment.”

Ed Bernstein
Las Vegas attorney and talk show host
Daughter Dana & Crohn’s Disease: “When she smokes medical marijuana, often times before going to the hospital and going through that cycle with the Dilaudid, it takes the edge off her pain.”
Betting on Business: “The law is still unsettled regarding lawyers and doctors and their professional licenses around dispensaries. But legislators in our state are very positive about medical marijuana; the voters certainly are.”
Gateway drug?: “A lot of people don’t understand the medical benefits and have been so brainwashed about marijuana being a gateway drug that under any circumstances they are not in favor of it. In the past, to buy it you had to go underground, dealing with people who are selling cocaine, crack, marijuana, and heroin. Legalizing marijuana will have the opposite result. If you have a legal, safe place to purchase the medical marijuana, then you will not come into contact with the stereotypical pusher.”

Tripp Keber
Founder and CEO of Dixie Elixirs and Edibles
Tie-dyed businessman: “This is not a fool’s business. You have to be intellectually charged, committed, and funded to succeed, because you can’t go to the bank and get a loan.”
A kinder drug?: “There may be two [marijuana-related] deaths in Colorado since January. How many hundreds of alcohol-or opiate-related deaths are there?”
Potent packaging: “We as manufacturers have to set the tone, to make sure that the packaging is not attracting children. Our products are designed to look like a luxury consumer packaged brand.”