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How do I build my own aero-cloner with misters?

Cannabis cultivation has become increasingly popular as more people seek to grow their own plants at home. One effective method of propagating cannabis plants is by using an aero-cloner. This article will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to build your own aero-cloner with misters, ensuring you can cultivate healthy and strong plants.

Introduction to Aero-Cloning​

Aero-cloning is a technique used to propagate plants by suspending cuttings in an environment that encourages root development. This method relies on a fine mist of nutrient-rich water being sprayed onto the cuttings, ensuring they receive the necessary nutrients and moisture for growth. Aero-cloning provides several benefits, such as faster root development and healthier plants, making it an excellent choice for cannabis cultivation.

Materials and Tools Needed​

To build your own aero-cloner with misters, you will need the following materials and tools:
  1. A large plastic container with a lid (20-30 gallons)
  2. Neoprene inserts (to hold the cuttings)
  3. A submersible pump
  4. PVC tubing
  5. Misting nozzles
  6. A timer for the pump
  7. Drill and drill bits
  8. Nutrient solution
  9. Measuring cup and pH meter
  10. Gloves and safety goggles

Building the Aero-Cloner​

Follow these steps to build your own aero-cloner with misters:
  1. Prepare the container: Clean the plastic container thoroughly, ensuring there are no contaminants that could harm the plants.
  2. Cut holes in the lid: Drill evenly-spaced holes in the lid, large enough to fit the neoprene inserts. These holes will hold the cuttings in place during the cloning process.
  3. Install the pump: Place the submersible pump at the bottom of the container and connect it to the PVC tubing.
  4. Install the misting system: Attach the misting nozzles to the PVC tubing, ensuring they are spaced evenly and pointing upwards. Ensure that the tubing is long enough to reach all areas of the container.
  5. Set up the timer: Connect the pump to the timer, which will control the misting cycles. Set the timer to mist the cuttings every few minutes, as this will provide the optimal environment for root development.
  6. Prepare the nutrient solution: Follow the instructions on the nutrient solution packaging to mix the appropriate amount with water. Adjust the pH of the solution to 5.5-6.5 using a pH meter.
  7. Fill the container: Pour the nutrient solution into the container, ensuring it covers the pump but doesn't submerge the cuttings.

Maintenance and Care​

To ensure the success of your aero-cloner, follow these maintenance and care tips:
  1. Check the nutrient solution regularly: Monitor the pH and nutrient levels of the solution, adjusting as necessary. Replenish the solution every 7-10 days to maintain optimal conditions.
  2. Clean the misters: Periodically inspect the misting nozzles for clogs and clean them to ensure the cuttings receive an even mist.
  3. Monitor the cuttings: Keep an eye on the cuttings' root development, and remove any that show signs of disease or decay.


Building your own aero-cloner with misters can be a rewarding project that allows you to cultivate cannabis plants efficiently and effectively. By following the steps outlined in this article and maintaining proper care, you can ensure that your cannabis plants develop strong, healthy roots, and thrive in their new environment.
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