500 watt cmh grow | organic super soil + JADAM + AACTs | Lets get it

  • Thread starter TheLostKing
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Sup everyone. I’ve slowly been acquiring all the materials for a grow I have planned. Going to be growing in a closet about 9’ x 5.5’. Gonna throw in a 4x4 frame of a grow tent and the bottom 1 ft height of the tent to contain water, saucers, and pots. I dont want the whole grow tent that way ventilation will be a lot easier. This closet has an attic panel on the ceiling, gonna have some HVAC buddies come over and make a 6 inch hole in panel and use a 6 inch fan to vent out warm air inside the closet, gonna have them rig the vent ducting to the bathroom ducting that leaves the house so I’ll have direct exhaust from the closet leaving the house. I got the 500 watt cmh from grower’s choice masters pursuit, I got the 4k bulb and the 3k enhanced res bulb, gonna use the 4k for veg the 3k-r for flower, I’ve used cmh once before briefly and it was amazing.

Now for the soil, gonna do a super soil type blend will be mixing up the soil this weekend.
2 bags roots organic (1.5 cu ft bags)
12 lb bag worm castings
4 cups leaf mold soil from nearby forest
3 cups chicken compost
.63 lbs fishbone meal
.63 lbs bone meal
.63 lbs mineralized phosphate (bat guano)
.63 lbs seabird guano
.63 lbs blood meal
.63 lbs feather meal
.4 lbs langbeinite
3/4 cup kelp meal
3/4 cup alfalfa meal
1.25 cup oyster shell meal
1/4 cup dolomite lime
1/2 cup basalt rock dust
1/2 tbsp humic acid
Leaf mold soil from nearby forest is the secret weapon. Kind of too lazy to make a JMS when jump starting the super soil whe wetting it, but I think some handfuls of leaf mold soil will suffice, all the mycos right there and its free lol.

Will probably be a little over a month for the soil and closet to be ready, I have to take out the carpet and replace it with hardwood laminate flooring, then do the venting.


Man, ditch the cmh.

I was here just this month, I'm an ex-grower starting again I ran a pretty decent sized 14,000 watt grow from 2003 to 2015.

I was getting ready to repurpose and set up all my 3:15s for this 5x5 tent

I went up to get a couple more Daystar AC hoods from hydro farm at the grow shop I've been going to for decades.

They literally laughed in my face when I told them what I was doing.

I'm telling you brother even if you have the lights already like I do get yourself a 720 to 800 w LED for that space.

Literally these lights are handing people 2 grams per watt on a platter without even working for it.

If you were able to break the gram per wattmark with hid you're easily going to get two and a half grams off of LED using 301 chips.

500 grams if you're lucky and you make sure those plants are perfect from start to finish with that ceramic metal halide.

Or we're talking close to 3 lb with the LED.

You'll get with the 3:15 would get even with sick plants off of the LED


Man, ditch the cmh.

I was here just this month, I'm an ex-grower starting again I ran a pretty decent sized 14,000 watt grow from 2003 to 2015.

I was getting ready to repurpose and set up all my 3:15s for this 5x5 tent

I went up to get a couple more Daystar AC hoods from hydro farm at the grow shop I've been going to for decades.

They literally laughed in my face when I told them what I was doing.

I'm telling you brother even if you have the lights already like I do get yourself a 720 to 800 w LED for that space.

Literally these lights are handing people 2 grams per watt on a platter without even working for it.

If you were able to break the gram per wattmark with hid you're easily going to get two and a half grams off of LED using 301 chips.

500 grams if you're lucky and you make sure those plants are perfect from start to finish with that ceramic metal halide.

Or we're talking close to 3 lb with the LED.

You'll get with the 3:15 would get even with sick plants off of the LED
Ive grown with LEDs before, I dont like them, imo they are only decent in flowering, vegetative growth is laughable. Best light I’ve ever used for veg was a 600 watt ushio MH and its not even close, vegged better than the sun! And best flower I’ve grown was using a super hps bulb. I grew last year with LEDs but didnt complete the grow veg growth was slow like previous times I tried LED, so I wouldnt consider it a grow. I actually have an 800 watt led with 301 H Evo chips but its gonna be taking the backseat on this grow. I’ve also never finished a grow with CMH, only vegged with them but they were some ridiculously healthy plants under the CMH. And Im not trying to grow for quantity here, pure quality, and healthy plants is how you get the best quality/no hermie weed. Im bringing back true sensimillia, not that hermed out bud that everyone sells now even dispos. Long story short, idc about LEDs lol CMH spectrum is amazing anyways cause it all comes from a single source outputting it aka like the sun. I got a friend who grows autos using bottle nutes under LEDs! Complete opposite of me lol, its funny cause he grows reggies like everyone else around me including dispos, and I have to yet see anyone in my state grow anything close to the quality I have before. Only out of state in cali like 5 years ago I got bud like that.


I like it

I saw the tiltle and thought another pre made super soil grow 😞 but no your making it yourself 👍
Haven’t seen anyone do that for so long it’s heartbreaking

I’m off the total opposite view when it comes to leds we’re not clones and as long as you keep it clean nothing wrong with that

If it wasn’t for the heat mh/hps put out I’d go back to them in a heartbeat
I am not a led fan at all.

I’ve not used a cmh witch is surprising for me as I’ve used everything else from street lamps to fluorescents

Be a very interesting grow.

I can’t believe how long ago it has been since I saw folks make there own super soil lol the last time was uncle Ben back in the 80/90s

Impressive to see its not a lost art


Unless you include time when you say, 2 grams per watt, it doesn't mean very much. I almost always get about 1.4 gpw with my 315 watt cmh lights. Thats in 100 days, seed or clone. It allows me 3 grows a year. Here's my first grow with a pair of 315 w cmh lights. They're the only lights I use now. I always scrog my plants. I think these plants had about 32"x36" screens. This grow was about 9 years ago. DWC https://www.thcfarmer.com/community/threads/deep-water-culture.93398/page-3#post-2082531


I ♥ fat colas
LEDs are better as far as any measurement you can actually take of a light. Some people mess up with LEDs when they transition because they are so different ✌


Unless you include time when you say, 2 grams per watt, it doesn't mean very much. I almost always get about 1.4 gpw with my 315 watt cmh lights. Thats in 100 days, seed or clone. It allows me 3 grows a year. Here's my first grow with a pair of 315 w cmh lights. They're the only lights I use now. I always scrog my plants. I think these plants had about 32"x36" screens. This grow was about 9 years ago. DWC https://www.thcfarmer.com/community/threads/deep-water-culture.93398/page-3#post-2082531
Not ti be malicious or derogatory, but im basing this iff of guys who been in the game since the late 70s.

Like comment above me said, the LED is better by every metric. The problem very well could have been the Indian, not the arrow


Ok just gonna disregard any LEDers getting in their feelings, seems to be pretty common if you aren’t using them lmao. Hey I’m not using feminized seeds either!! Or Bottled Nutes!! *crickets*. Oh, but its the light that gets people agitated haha… crabs in a bucket that’s what humans are. And tbf I really don’t care about the whole light thing either way I’m honestly more anal about using regular seeds vs feminized/autos, so let’s talk shit about that you hermed out fuks!! Btw when I’m done with this grow I will absolutely do the nug crack test. Ive grown killer looking weed before ex that was riddled with hermie seeds inside, on the outside it looked like a cannabis cup winner, guess how I grew that one too (hint: LED with feminized seeds and bottled nutes). No nug crack = youre scared homie, should be mandatory lol. Show the inside of those calyxes!! Haha I know most people wouldn’t out of shame, btw I’ve noticed no one does this when they are “showing off” their weed. All the “professional” growers for the dispos near me all grow hermed bud 😂😂😂, every single one of them, and once bud is hermed I really couldn’t care less about whatever thc% or terpene% is being purported, MIDDSSSSS.


Well said bud

All I got from this thread was folks bashing on a guy for his light preference

Not cool and not what I expected to read


IMG 0705

Made my ss mix tonight exactly how I said, it filled a 27 gal tote all the way up, now just need to wait and fix up my closet then we will be off to the races! I got 2 seeds of TGA subcool conspiracy kush reg seeds when the time comes, I got them right before he passed RIP hopefully at least one will be a female. Excoited. ✌️


Ive grown with LEDs before, I dont like them, imo they are only decent in flowering, vegetative growth is laughable. Best light I’ve ever used for veg was a 600 watt ushio MH and its not even close, vegged better than the sun! And best flower I’ve grown was using a super hps bulb. I grew last year with LEDs but didnt complete the grow veg growth was slow like previous times I tried LED, so I wouldnt consider it a grow. I actually have an 800 watt led with 301 H Evo chips but its gonna be taking the backseat on this grow. I’ve also never finished a grow with CMH, only vegged with them but they were some ridiculously healthy plants under the CMH. And Im not trying to grow for quantity here, pure quality, and healthy plants is how you get the best quality/no hermie weed. Im bringing back true sensimillia, not that hermed out bud that everyone sells now even dispos. Long story short, idc about LEDs lol CMH spectrum is amazing anyways cause it all comes from a single source outputting it aka like the sun. I got a friend who grows autos using bottle nutes under LEDs! Complete opposite of me lol, its funny cause he grows reggies like everyone else around me including dispos, and I have to yet see anyone in my state grow anything close to the quality I have before. Only out of state in cali like 5 years ago I got bud like that.
here my two copper:

i have grown with 250W hps for years then switched to 200W led
i m growing 8 plant in sog, short veg,no topping no lst

- i agree veg sucks with LED growth is noticeably more vigorous and faster with HPS (or any other HID like CMH or MH)
- while plants look more impressive with HPS on the other hand yield is slightly better with LED
- there's a tendency for less larfy buds bottom of the canopy with the LED than with the HPS
- overall my gr/W noticeably improved since i switched to LED
- overall my gr/m² slightly improved since i switched to LED

i think i have had the best result with first weeks of veg and first two weeks of stretch with the HPS then switching to LED to finish flowering, now i m too lazy to switch light so i just stick to LED because i also had lot of heat issues with HPS

if you have no issue with heat CMH is a good choice for sure.
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Made my ss mix tonight exactly how I said, it filled a 27 gal tote all the way up, now just need to wait and fix up my closet then we will be off to the races! I got 2 seeds of TGA subcool conspiracy kush reg seeds when the time comes, I got them right before he passed RIP hopefully at least one will be a female. Excoited. ✌️
Oh man I was in Amsterdam being showed round by a old timmer from overgrow ages ago.

As he took me to a coffee shop he said subcool lives there wanna go meet him.
I’d talked to him on the forum but still felt nervous and said to him I dunno what to say to him and passed to this day it’s a regret.

I seriously love the fact you made your own soil being a organic head I wish I was more abled and could do it myself

Please don’t stop updating I’m sure there’s a few that have passed by that are interested. There are a couple here at least that make there own but I haven’t seen much so the more the merrier

Shop brought ss feels like cheating alou I know it’s not making your own that’s hardcore


Awesome bro definitely following got 1 cmh 315w waiting on the other and build the grow space with the jadam aact great genetics and a light that mimics the sun this should be golden excited 😁
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