do you smoke every day ?

  • Thread starter GreenGalaxyFarm
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Lately been smoking a few bowls every single day while focussing on sidehustles had a cookie or two as well but prefer the instant high from bong any day lungs are complaining though


I used to be a wake and bake but I now have breakfast first then I hit my shop and smoke the day away. I'm on 2 J's at a time now 2 - 1 1/4 raw paper joints packed, one to give me the buzz the other to lock it in ..............and I just like to smoke...1 joint just doesn't do it any more.

55+ years of smoking daily except for a few years I was disabled and on heavy drugs I've spent my life consuming pot. I'm going through around 10 grams a day now and I don't do anything without having a smoke first and after....@ 70 retired with 3 black cats and a loving wife pots been good to me so far.


I used to be a wake and bake but I now have breakfast first then I hit my shop and smoke the day away. I'm on 2 J's at a time now 2 - 1 1/4 raw paper joints packed, one to give me the buzz the other to lock it in ..............and I just like to smoke...1 joint just doesn't do it any more.

55+ years of smoking daily except for a few years I was disabled and on heavy drugs I've spent my life consuming pot. I'm going through around 10 grams a day now and I don't do anything without having a smoke first and after....@ 70 retired with 3 black cats and a loving wife pots been good to me so far.
Damn makin me wanna retire 20 years early 🤣🤣🤣


Now 69 years and have a vape each evening. As is common my friends and me would have a joint when we could get hold of brick hash back when we were teenagers. Then I started a career and met a nice girl and weed was the last thing I had in mind until I got friendly with a guy who smoked joints every day. This was 30 or so years ago. For a couple years I didn't know he smoked it until one day the subject got around to weed.
The next fishing trip and he pulls out a fat one. I had half a doz pulls on it and was off on another planet. I recall my mouth being as dry as the bottom of the birdcage. We had to wait a couple of hours until I was fit enough to drive us home. Fortunately, the roads weren't busy. After that it was three times a week and each time I was high as a kite. When I packed in smoking tobacco, I switched to vaping, this was around 2017.

Then 3-4 years ago as a retiree living in a quiet location, I decided to grow my own. With more weed than I could handle, the vaping went to every night and then occasionally twice as the effect just wasn't there anymore.

Each year we go travelling overseas for a month and I don't touch the stuff and funny thing is I don't hanker for it either which leads me to believe it's not a physically addictive substance, though I accept it can be psychologically when it's used as an escape from living.

Anyhow after a head to head with the misses who reckoned my mental health was suffering (heck I burn through a gram every four or five days or 2.5 oz's a year), I limit to one vape/evening, but it's not like it was when I partook three times a week and after a month break, you can tell the difference a rest makes. One thing I didn't notice was how strong my home grown actually is. When a friend of my wife stayed a few nights who likes a puff, I rolled a three paper jobby to share, well I had most of it and she a long time casual puffer had to take a lie down.
Otto Bonn

Otto Bonn

I've never been a wake n bake guy....1 toke to get breakfast going but then it's on. I'll roll 2 large Kings of (anything sativa) every morning and they are gone by evening. 1 indica bone before nighty night is normal. Being retired allows for a lot of burning!


I quit for 30 days to pass a wizz quiz, other than that every day for 45 years
I got a dui for smoking in 2015, I refused the test which was a bad idea but they threw me in dui classes. You can start these classes even before your plea deal and my lawyer recommended it so I did. Well the place I went to my teacher was some ex meth head ass whole wanting to look at everyone’s wiener’s a couple times a week but he couldn’t make me do it until I had my plea deal done. So I’m sweating bullets for a few weeks listening to this ass hand out whizzz quizes🫨 threatening me letting me know they are coming.
Luckily I was talking to others in this class and was told to look around so I did and found a lady with a small buisness style dui classes and she literally stopped pissing anyone a week before said she ain’t doing that shit just don’t come to class drunk or high. 6 months of weekly classes but I got through it. 😅


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I got a dui for smoking in 2015, I refused the test which was a bad idea but they threw me in dui classes. You can start these classes even before your plea deal and my lawyer recommended it so I did. Well the place I went to my teacher was some ex meth head ass whole wanting to look at everyone’s wiener’s a couple times a week but he couldn’t make me do it until I had my plea deal done. So I’m sweating bullets for a few weeks listening to this ass hand out whizzz quizes🫨 threatening me letting me know they are coming.
Luckily I was talking to others in this class and was told to look around so I did and found a lady with a small buisness style dui classes and she literally stopped pissing anyone a week before said she ain’t doing that shit just don’t come to class drunk or high. 6 months of weekly classes but I got through it. 😅
I see the state’s methods really worked man!


Haven't had a T break since I started growing weed two years ago. Haven't needed one. My weed gets me consistently high.

On the other hand, I needed T breaks when I bought weed because after a few months of toking, I couldn't get high.

So now I'm a firm believer that you don't need a T break, you just need some better weed.

When I do take a T break, it's hard to sleep and there will be some funky nightmares. It will also give me 2-3 days of diarrhea.

Plus, all that weed I grow ain't gonna smoke itself. So I get baked daily.
That’s one reason I grow my own. Quality makes a difference.

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