First post! 1600w DTW winter grow

  • Thread starter American_Agriculturist
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First post!
Setting up a new flowering room after taking a year off due to PM issues.

Currently have 4 mothers of:
Brothers Grimm pineapple
In-house Genetics Sugar Cane #5
Empire Breeding co Jezus Juice (pin joint pheno)
Gorilla Butter

Took 40 clones 2 days ago, 10 of each.

2- 6’x3’ tables
2- 400w Szhlux LED per table
18 on each table
9 clones of each strain per sq meter
1 gal pots of coco

Each table gets a 30gal res and a pvc drip manifold with 2gph dripper (1 per pot)

Seems to be mixed reviews on these lights, but they have served me incredibly well in the past.
Will update when clones root! Still have to set up ventilation for the room.

Here’s some photos of the last run under the Szhlux 600w.

First post 1600w dtw winter grow
First post 1600w dtw winter grow 2
First post 1600w dtw winter grow 3
First post 1600w dtw winter grow 6
First post 1600w dtw winter grow 4
First post 1600w dtw winter grow 8
First post 1600w dtw winter grow 7
First post 1600w dtw winter grow 5


Thank you! Always been a fan of LOS outdoors, but switched to salt based nutrients around 2016 and never looked back
I'm not sure it I'm just overly sensitive, but I swear I can feel the difference in the smoke from salt based nutes to organic. Same with salt nic vapes versus pg/vg. I don't knock any way though, as long as the plants are happy, it's all good in my books😉


We’ve got roots! Planted all 36 two days ago. One strain (Jezus Juice)did not do well through the cloning process, it’s been a year and a half since I’ve cloned and I’m a bit rusty. Hoping they’ll pull through. If not, I’ll flower the mother plant instead.

The new 8” exhaust and filter will be here today, and lights will be here Sunday!

Plumbing in a water line into the room this weekend and getting the drip systems made.
Pico’s drip manifold from ICmag back in 2007 has served me well with 2gph drip emitters, this is going to be a great run!


Clones have been in solo cups of coco for 5 days now, and ALMOST all of them are doing great!

Has anyone had clones look like this before? (Last two pics)
A half dozen of the Jezus juice clones are wilting horribly, I took a new batch of them and will be tossing these ones if they don’t improve.

Lights came, and got one of the tables set up last night.
3951CFEE 742D 4C4A A75F BF30F983D12A

9D8482A5 DF36 4D87 A28F ED7DDA7D7126
0C579D1B 0982 4102 B9F6 2EED297B9EC7
A010FD6B 1045 4ABC 93F4 810FA94B9CA0
F3DEA40D ED2B 4CAF 9A5D CA78CD47F591
983B4C1A 62A4 4CF9 9F07 6CA98AAF04C7


Clones have been in veg for two weeks now. Starting to see some drastic differences between each strains growth patterns.

-Brother Grimm pineapple was the first to root, and is an extremely vigorous grower. Throwing out a wide, branchy stature.

-Gorilla Butter is quite tall and lanky. Even after topping, it’s hesitant to bush out. Was warned that this one will get extremely tall and stretch a lot.

-In house Sugarcane #5 is another beauty. Clones are looking stout, and branching out very uniformly. The mother is a BEAST and I may flower it alongside of this grow in the 4x4.

Empire breeding Co Jezus Juice is a crowd favorite, and for some reason (my own fault probably) the clones of this strain just didn’t do as great as the others. Transplanting to 1gal pots of coco on Monday and getting the drip system in place.

Ventilation for the room will be a 800CFM fan paired with an 8” x 22” filter, center to the basement.
52B49C95 0BBF 4D2E 83B2 5C52F7C67956
63B029DD 2D00 47B0 8A28 5EDBAEE26CFA


Finally, both tables filled, drip manifolds almost done.

Left to right under each light:

9- Brothers Grimm Pineapple
9- In house Gentics Sugar Cane #5
9- Empire breeding Co Jezus Juice
9- Gorilla Butter (peanut butter breath x gorilla glue #4)

1gal pots of 70/30 coco/perlite.

Floraflex nutrients
D8CAE7CC 54F5 4F53 9D78 C259E2425C59


Love these drippers, have been using PICO’s drip manifold design (2007) since around 2013 and it’s served me well for the past ten years.
C7C0A5EB A331 4F72 8EA2 5156AE682096


Just finished week 1 of flowering. Things are going pretty damn smoothly. Pineapple and sugarcane are hungry for nitrogen right now, so hand feeding them a mix that’s got a little extra.

Any guesses on yield? Shooting for 4 pounds, hard to say at this point but it’s looking somewhere between 3-4.

Temps are staying 74-78°f during the day and low 70s at night. Humidity is staying 55-60%

First time using Floraflex nutrients, and I’m loving it.
27B850A2 7CE6 4372 976D DFA419A7B39E
C40CF58E 1638 4E40 9821 F48F3631661A
B16A5B20 00FC 44BE AB73 59EF1865B455


Flowering day 15, first day of week 3 and the stretch is UNREAL on the gorilla butter. Tables have filled out quite nicely and it’s looking like it’s going to be a great run! Things are going smooth as can be.

Thinking of doing a pheno hunt on In house Platinum Kush Breath and Elite Cut Genetics Black Cherry Punch
1E12E2CA F949 43D5 A648 F30E4A305B99
1611BD5C 3854 4C2E B7E1 749DBB3198CD
E558A61B DD76 4B43 90CD 50B554C5914E
C8604504 9753 4015 806C 466286D709F8


Week 3 started yesterday. Definitely underestimated the stretch on gorilla butter and Jezus juice. Going to need shorter steel cable hangers as I’ve got the lights as high as they can go. Starting to really take off with bud development
A224CB94 A896 47EB 9E68 97D10499FC58
A4C587AA 747B 409B 8DE3 1F7E0F5B7761
7E9069FF D001 45F9 98D2 B9D147182854
62E701D9 5AEB 4EC2 8EB0 B15D30C09492
74D97A74 FA59 40FD 8191 85B926DE650F


First post!
Setting up a new flowering room after taking a year off due to PM issues.

Currently have 4 mothers of:
Brothers Grimm pineapple
In-house Genetics Sugar Cane #5
Empire Breeding co Jezus Juice (pin joint pheno)
Gorilla Butter

Took 40 clones 2 days ago, 10 of each.

2- 6’x3’ tables
2- 400w Szhlux LED per table
18 on each table
9 clones of each strain per sq meter
1 gal pots of coco

Each table gets a 30gal res and a pvc drip manifold with 2gph dripper (1 per pot)

Seems to be mixed reviews on these lights, but they have served me incredibly well in the past.
Will update when clones root! Still have to set up ventilation for the room.

Here’s some photos of the last run under the Szhlux 600w.

View attachment 2120706View attachment 2120707View attachment 2120708View attachment 2120711View attachment 2120709View attachment 2120713View attachment 2120712View attachment 2120710
IMG 2673
IMG 2679


Finally some feedback! It is getting crazy, and I should have taken the warning about GB’s stretch more seriously. Today is day 23, and I’ll be taking clones for the next run within the next week or so. Definitely not running 4 strains this next run. One strain per table from here on out


Clones have been in solo cups of coco for 5 days now, and ALMOST all of them are doing great!

Has anyone had clones look like this before? (Last two pics)
A half dozen of the Jezus juice clones are wilting horribly, I took a new batch of them and will be tossing these ones if they don’t improve.

Lights came, and got one of the tables set up last night. View attachment 2130904
View attachment 2130899View attachment 2130900View attachment 2130901View attachment 2130902View attachment 2130903
Looking great my friend!!!
This is clone wilting, many possible reasons, probably the callus didn't formed in time and/or stem cut got infection preventing water to keep going trough.
Or they got underwatered and stood too dry for too long.
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