How do you decide what is safe/harmless to post/share?

  • Thread starter Coastal_Method_Cowboy
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Hi farmers,

So this is my first post, not counting my introduction post, and I was wondering how y'all decide what is okay to post. My concern is that posting certain pictures or details about your grow can end up overexposing yourself and vulnerable to any sort of bad news. Legal state or not.
So what types of things do you feel are acceptable to share online or even in person?



Hi farmers,

So this is my first post, not counting my introduction post, and I was wondering how y'all decide what is okay to post. My concern is that posting certain pictures or details about your grow can end up overexposing yourself and vulnerable to any sort of bad news. Legal state or not.
So what types of things do you feel are acceptable to share online or even in person?

Its all explained here, follow it and you should have no problems:)


Hi farmers,

So this is my first post, not counting my introduction post, and I was wondering how y'all decide what is okay to post. My concern is that posting certain pictures or details about your grow can end up overexposing yourself and vulnerable to any sort of bad news. Legal state or not.
So what types of things do you feel are acceptable to share online or even in person?

While there is always a chance you can get in trouble unless you're posting pictures of warehouses full of 12 ft plants you're not worth going after.

Just gotta be cautious about posting exact location or personal facts that can lead back to you but, honestly, like I said, you're not really worth it.


Hi farmers,

So this is my first post, not counting my introduction post, and I was wondering how y'all decide what is okay to post. My concern is that posting certain pictures or details about your grow can end up overexposing yourself and vulnerable to any sort of bad news. Legal state or not.
So what types of things do you feel are acceptable to share online or even in person?


I'll post anything


I don’t get #7 first 3 lines.isn’t there quite a few people doing that on this site.
Pertains to members local laws, different for each members state or country.
Gota cover your ass:)
Dummy buds

Dummy buds

Honestly unless you have a huge grow, and you outside of the laws set by your state, it would cost to much to pull data from a website, they would need a warrant which takes time, then execute the warrant, and then it would be fought in court, that takes time, once they obtain what little evidence they have, figure out you ipn, which takes more time. Then, figure out where your ipn is located, bounce through a network, which takes time, then they have to go to your cellphone carrier and figure out your number, which once again will be litigated in court, which takes more time. Then they need another search warrant, time again, then kick down your door, for 10 plants.

Now, all that time, is lawers, fees, hourly wages, salaries, and interest.

It will cost an incredible amount of money and time.

You're fine


Hi farmers,

So this is my first post, not counting my introduction post, and I was wondering how y'all decide what is okay to post. My concern is that posting certain pictures or details about your grow can end up overexposing yourself and vulnerable to any sort of bad news. Legal state or not.
So what types of things do you feel are acceptable to share online or even in person?

You will have to decide what you post.. It's a different story for a location point of view. The only thing you don't want to be doing is to be giving your personal information on the website. You will be OK with what you're doing. If you were be putting pictures of your 100 plants then the story will be a little different.. It's like the advice that you have had previously and even if you don't give a f*** as you have heard from one of the other farmers and the utmost in respect to his personal views on the subject I have thought about the situation with this when I first came to the farm and I was wondering if its possible to get fucked by the authorities. But I have no real concern about it now and I think that it is a bit different in the amount that you have been growing and the amount is fine for the amount of work that they would be doing in bustling your small amount. But if you have given out your details then you may have a visit from undesirable people. Good question to ask though as I have thought about it before and I am sure that otters have aswell.. I think the only thing is that you're in charge of your post's on the farm and it's not a big deal to be honest.. But I think it's worth being coutious with the things that you're doing.. You take care of yourself and enjoy yourself with your gardening.. Peace ✌️🧙‍♀️


I suspect one is best advised to either obey the law or be quiet. In that regard, I'm quite legal, but careful from many years of practice. I grow legally, and yet, it still feels strange to talk openly of anything cannabis related. That said, this is just another website at which one must beware the vagaries of the Internet. Ultimately, as with many things, if it doesn't feel right, don't do it.


OPSec. google it. i even created a thread here many moons ago talking about it. TL;DR:

- Keep identifiable things out of focus. Eg, don't post a pic of your gorgeous plant with landmarks (your house, landscape [mountains, beach front, streets, etc], etc)
- Don't post your hands and/or tattoos
- Don't post your face
- Scrub images of EXIF and metadata (logic says images are scrubbed upon upload -- they're not scrubbed before the servers receive em. due diligence)
- If you don't want people to DOX you, don't post about your personal life. Only disseminate info you're confident won't lead back to you.
- Being too paranoid is not being paranoid enough. You can always do better.

People will say "I have nothing to hide" then their door gets kicked in for a miscommunication and they still get charged with something because LEO has to play CYA. If you CYA, you reduce your odds of problems. I could go way deeper on true anonymity but the above will cover 99% of members here. the other 1%, well, they aren't here anymore.


OPSec. google it. i even created a thread here many moons ago talking about it. TL;DR:

- Keep identifiable things out of focus. Eg, don't post a pic of your gorgeous plant with landmarks (your house, landscape [mountains, beach front, streets, etc], etc)
- Don't post your hands and/or tattoos
- Don't post your face
- Scrub images of EXIF and metadata (logic says images are scrubbed upon upload -- they're not scrubbed before the servers receive em. due diligence)
- If you don't want people to DOX you, don't post about your personal life. Only disseminate info you're confident won't lead back to you.
- Being too paranoid is not being paranoid enough. You can always do better.

People will say "I have nothing to hide" then their door gets kicked in for a miscommunication and they still get charged with something because LEO has to play CYA. If you CYA, you reduce your odds of problems. I could go way deeper on true anonymity but the above will cover 99% of members here. the other 1%, well, they aren't here anymore.
Have a lot of fun with the things that are said in the way of the no benefits of the whole thing and it's okay if you talk about anything that you want.. You can be sure that it's not the first time it's been spoken about before.. Let me say hi to all of us here.. But I think its a good thing to be a bit careful with what you do and I mean in anything you do. Only chucking a few things about..don't worry about it. I'm a grown up with the ability to know how to conduct the topic I want to talk about.. Thank you for your help and I hope that you will stay safe and calm.. Peace
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