Leaves curling with a yellowish and glossy looking tint

  • Thread starter Harley.Freeman
  • Start date
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are you using purple lights? I have seen this happen but much worse on my friends' plants from his purple lights. they looked fake at the end almost like plastic.
No purple lights about two of three feet away I have baby seedlings they are under a blue and white spectrum very tiny light though i wouldn't imagine it would have an effect on them.


I'm in the middle of my first grow. So feel free to take the advice of those more experienced than me. However, I too had those "taco" shaped leaves start to appear on week 3 of my grow. I consulted my encyclopedia of marijuana, and was told that it was a sign of overwatering. This made sense to me since I had turned on the hydroponic drip feed just the day before.

Yellow spots are also a sign of overwatering (as well as other things). I got those during week 2 when I first tried to start the hydroponics.

Given that you have two signs of overwatering, I would bet that is your primary issue. The good news is that when I turned off the hydroponic system after getting those signs, it took less than a day for them to recover. Although the leaves that had the worst yellowing did need to be trimmed off as they didn't really recover and were just rotting on the stem. (ALL of those were leaves near the roots that were sprayed continuously from the hydro system)

As for how often to water, that depends on how developed/thirsty your plant is. My encyclopedia says that if growing in soil, one should push their finger into the soil up to the first knuckle. If it is dry, then you need to water. Since I'm doing a hydro grow, the other members of this forum will be a much better source of information on that front.

Good luck.
Thank you very much the overwatering might be a thing I need to consider. Sometimes I feel like I worry a little to much about the ability to retain the water but again I might be overthinking it . I'm gonna post some pics after I get back to my house.


I ♥ fat colas
Also you don’t need to flush anything. You are in soil. Zero need to over correct.
Why anyone would flush soil is beyond me, makes zero sense. If you have screwed up to that point in soil,, just start over.
There is so much bogus information on youtube and all over it's absurd. It's a plant, a living being, not a Machine. Hydro and coco are the only place it makes sense to flush IMO.


Why anyone would flush soil is beyond me, makes zero sense. If you have screwed up to that point in soil,, just start over.
There is so much bogus information on youtube and all over it's absurd. It's a plant, a living being, not a Machine. Hydro and coco are the only place it makes sense to flush IMO.
Yeah like I said in my massive wall of text, so many things bind together they can't all be washed out. I'm sure some of the water soluable nitrates come out but what about the stuff that is binding to the peat? You'd need to run some kind of conditioner through to get it out and who knows what that would do to your plant in the first place. Anytime I've flushed I've only made problems worse. Your forcing your plant to take in whatever in that soil when you slam water into it like that.


i’d like to see a picture of the whole plant,.
how did you check for pest?
The first set of pics is one of the two girls this is the other. I hope these pictures are kind of what you were needing. Any help would be much appreciated. There are so many things it would be from all the research I've done....
20240416 071215
20240416 071205
20240416 071156
20240416 071202
20240416 071148
20240416 070853
20240416 070859
20240416 071128
20240416 070833
20240416 070844


I ♥ fat colas
Yeah like I said in my massive wall of text, so many things bind together they can't all be washed out. I'm sure some of the water soluable nitrates come out but what about the stuff that is binding to the peat? You'd need to run some kind of conditioner through to get it out and who knows what that would do to your plant in the first place. Anytime I've flushed I've only made problems worse. Your forcing your plant to take in whatever in that soil when you slam water into it like that.
Sorry I have ADD so I see a wall fo text and run lol, I totally agree it only makes things worse ✌


were these just transplanted into those pots?
small and stunty- incorrect watering habits,..
Yes they were... I haven't attempted a grow in like 13 years and just thought transplanting then from a solo cup to a 5 gal would be okay. I've been told that it wasn't at all necessary for them to be in such a big pot so soon....

they seem on the smaller side to me, they are about 9 inches in height now. For how old they are I would think they would be a bit bigger but all phenos are different o guess to. I've never grown this strain before either.

But, over watering might be the source to my problem. My PH is between 6.60 to 6.80. My PPM was between 1324 and 1364 and my EC reading was between 2282 and 2446.

There were so many problems that looked relatable to mine when I was researching, like deficiencies in phosphorus, potash, calcium and possibly magnesium. I was looking into root rot also.

After looking at the photos did you see any abnormalities?


Sorry I have ADD so I see a wall fo text and run lol, I totally agree it only makes things worse ✌
were these just transplanted into those pots?
small and stunty- incorrect watering habits,

were these just transplanted into those pots?
small and stunty- incorrect

Yes they were... I haven't attempted a grow in like 13 years and just thought transplanting then from a solo cup to a 5 gal would be okay. I've been told that it wasn't at all necessary for them to be in such a big pot so soon....

they seem on the smaller side to me, they are about 9 inches in height now. For how old they are I would think they would be a bit bigger but all phenos are different o guess to. I've never grown this strain before either.

But, over watering might be the source to my problem. My PH is between 6.60 to 6.80. My PPM was between 1324 and 1364 and my EC reading was between 2282 and 2446.

There were so many problems that looked relatable to mine when I was researching, like deficiencies in phosphorus, potash, calcium and possibly magnesium. I was looking into root rot also.

After looking at the photos did you see any abnormalities?
Also they were not just transplanted but have been in these pots for about 10 days.


Yes they were... I haven't attempted a grow in like 13 years and just thought transplanting then from a solo cup to a 5 gal would be okay. I've been told that it wasn't at all necessary for them to be in such a big pot so soon....

they seem on the smaller side to me, they are about 9 inches in height now. For how old they are I would think they would be a bit bigger but all phenos are different o guess to. I've never grown this strain before either.

But, over watering might be the source to my problem. My PH is between 6.60 to 6.80. My PPM was between 1324 and 1364 and my EC reading was between 2282 and 2446.

There were so many problems that looked relatable to mine when I was researching, like deficiencies in phosphorus, potash, calcium and possibly magnesium. I was looking into root rot also.

After looking at the photos did you see any abnormalities?
what’s the temp and humidity 24/7?
so for 5 gallons how much will you water each?


were these just transplanted into those pots?
small and stunty- incorrect watering habits,..
I have also been
what’s the temp and humidity 24/7?
so for 5 gallons how much will you water each?
The temp is 75 currently and usually usually stays between 69 and 80 roughly, it has been a challenge to get it the temps at a closer range 24/7.

Humidity is at 42 currently and usually stays between 40 and 58 also been a challenge to get it in closer ranges.

My lights were on 24/7 for the first week then I thought it would be better for them to be in a 18/6. At least I think so?


what about watering the 5 gallon? been 10 days since transplant, did you water in transplant day and when since?
how much water and how did you water? water come out the sides or no?


what about watering the 5 gallon? been 10 days since transplant, did you water in transplant day and when since?
how much water and how did you water? water come out the sides or no?
So I have watered them in total 4 times since transplant once every 3 to 4 days and I did water them day of transplant also. Also I checked my grow calender I have had them 13 days to be exact. I was always under the impression I shouldn't water to the point of run off. Having don't more research on the subject, I have gotten many mixed reviews on that topic. The amount of qater I have been giving them is anywhere from 1/2 to 2/3 gallon dechlorinated tap water. I had made the mistake of trying nutes on them half of the feedings and I don't think It was needed. I feel like them being so new to my environment, I should have waited a couple of weeks maybe too introduce nutrients into there feedings.


oh i see in pots,..
Should I not have them in pots?

I have been out in my garage with my tent for a bit now and am realizing they seem a bit crisp to the touch. I raised the light a lil more. There are like 4 settings to my light, I put it at a 3 like two days ago. Hoping that helps also! Haha


Should I not have them in pots?

I have been out in my garage with my tent for a bit now and am realizing they seem a bit crisp to the touch. I raised the light a lil more. There are like 4 settings to my light, I put it at a 3 like two days ago. Hoping that helps also! Haha
yes was getting to the light, good that you raised it,..
well to me your watering incorrectly and too often,.
you have to let it dry out!,.
when watering,. water, covering the whole top surface a 1000 ml at a time every 15 min for 3 waterings, for a total of 3000 ml,..
when was the last day of watering?


yes was getting to the light, good that you raised it,..
well to me your watering incorrectly and too often,.
you have to let it dry out!,.
when watering,. water, covering the whole top surface a 1000 ml at a time every 15 min for 3 waterings, for a total of 3000 ml,..
when was the last day of watering?

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