Long time grower - Back at it - Interesting Genetics.

  • Thread starter Thatoneguyyouknow_
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First two girlies in ground as of last night. Looking mighty happy today, we'll see how they look at the end of the day, home on lunch break rn.

No transplant shock, and definitely saying "come on in, the waters fine" to the rest of the girlies.

Dug out about 2 foot wide x 1 foot deep, filled with compost and flood plane loam for planting, covered with the local topsoil and detritus for mulching.

Far end of cleared plot gets morning and mid day sun. Close end gets mid day, and evening sun. My more sativa dominant, large phenos (what appears to be anyway) will get planted more towards the middle of the plot where these two are, more indica dominant phenos (what appear to be) will get planted more towards either end. When that "plant wall" grows back in green, and wont take long, will be impossible to see through without going completely inside

If curious about the cages.... we have a lot of rabbits here. Taking no chances, by the time they grow into the chick wire itll be time to take it off and plop a tomato cage down anyway
439328722 1629222214499440 3959334349242167386 n

Peaceblaster #1
439953205 2199245677100128 4791834065355580685 n

Gobnugget #1
439832151 941580677647261 1273253357748780746 n

Should take long for the "plant wall" to grow back in green


First two girlies in ground as of last night. Looking mighty happy today, we'll see how they look at the end of the day, home on lunch break rn.

No transplant shock, and definitely saying "come on in, the waters fine" to the rest of the girlies.

Dug out about 2 foot wide x 1 foot deep, filled with compost and flood plane loam for planting, covered with the local topsoil and detritus for mulching.

Far end of cleared plot gets morning and mid day sun. Close end gets mid day, and evening sun. My more sativa dominant, large phenos (what appears to be anyway) will get planted more towards the middle of the plot where these two are, more indica dominant phenos (what appear to be) will get planted more towards either end. When that "plant wall" grows back in green, and wont take long, will be impossible to see through without going completely inside

If curious about the cages.... we have a lot of rabbits here. Taking no chances, by the time they grow into the chick wire itll be time to take it off and plop a tomato cage down anyway
View attachment 2162833

Peaceblaster #1
View attachment 2162830

Gobnugget #1
View attachment 2162829

Should take long for the "plant wall" to grow back in green
Every in ground soil grower...


Every in ground soil grower...View attachment 2162872
carted up from the bottom of a creek gully by hand while still wet, blood, sweat, and tears style. 😇 😎

Ill snap some pics of it next bucket load if i remember to have my phone on me, i usually dont while doing yard work stuffs, i break em a lot lol

Even if you have clay rich soil that turns to shale a foot down on top of a hill, if you cart in enough natural loam and compost each spring, then just throw down some goat poo sporadically through the season on the surface. Your pretty golden to keep planting in the same spot indefinitely and expect similar results year after year. Within a few years you'll have some truly incredible topsoil built up too. Only reason I'd ever even recommend planting in containers outside is if you can't access loam or composted manures. Or if you can't manage the suns swing south into fall in a single plot.

Some older school growers do nothing but throw down fresh goat poop on the surface and water through during the season. No other amending whatsoever. Goat poo is wonderful stuff fresh or composted either one. They don't get the biggest plants, but still have nice happy plants.

Next spring I'll probably case the plot in with some 10" boards and build up a large 6" deep raised bed on the natural surface of nothing but compost and loam mixed with local topsoils. Much like this one I made at moms house for her veggies this year just a bit bigger and a little shallower 💪

The pale spots on the left have some hardwood ash and ground pumice stone dust mixed in for the peppers 😈
IMG 20240502 124613
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All I have to say after first full sun day in ground is WOW.

Yea, rest going out tonight, they're literally begging me to. Gonna be a couple on/off cloudy rainy days to water them in nicely too.

24hrs outside and they look like whole new plants. Gorgeous.

The green is completely different now. Wild.
IMG 20240502 154638
IMG 20240502 154658


Got 3 more in the ground tonight. Getting all the compost and loam carted up here, it is legitimately back breaking labor. Worth it though.

Peaceblaster #1 already low-key my favorite plant of the bunch.

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Gonne have 4 days of consecutive rain according to forecasts, but sun will poke through here and there. I may wait until after that to put the last 5 out. Any plants i was worried about potentially preflowering before the transition are out there, as are my two most vigorous phenotypes. It shouldn't hurt anything left to wait a few more days for some better weather for the rest.

When i get home from work im going to cart the rest of the loam up to water into the plot through the rain before planting. If i don't do that today, ill have about a week where it's just too physically heavy for me to gather lol. The flood plane loam here is very mineral and organic matter rich both, it can hold an astonishing about of moisture. Once it's saturated it has the interesting property of continuing to let moisture pass through it mostly unrestricted, but it will still hold a crap load of moisture itself.


Man... natl weather service is forcasting more then 25 of 31 days in may being cloudy/rainy where im at.

Hope not. Took about all i had to get one half cart of loam up to the plot, i need about 3 full carts worth. I imagine plants put out this young would end up pretty lanky after that too lol.

the 3 added yesterday looking great. Planted 2 of 4 OJ x BB today too. No pics, was raining, didnt bring my phone out.

Ive decided im keeping the lumpy mutated oj x bb inside too. So that makes 7/10 in ground so far.
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Very nice. I don't know if I'm going to put any in the soil this year.
Man... natl weather service is forcasting more then 25 of 31 days in may being cloudy/rainy where im at.

Hope not. Took about all i had to get one half cart of loam up to the plot, i need about 3 full carts worth. I imagine plants put out this young would end up pretty lanky after that too lol.

the 3 added yesterday looking great. Planted 2 of 4 OJ x BB today too. No pics, was raining, didnt bring my phone out.

Ive decided im keeping the lumpy mutated oj x bb inside too. So that makes 7/10 in ground so far.
I know the feeling. Fortunately it usually burns off by noon here so some sun but slow growing until about July, then stand back😉


Ive decided im calling this weirdo "graboid" because of how she (hopefully) looked when she popped. Slow one, so im going to keep her back inside for now. other girls inside because rain. will get them planted up in the morning.

I dont think this one was actually a trifoliate. Just weird and lumpy. Has a cabbagey look to her.
439432691 424906980256878 1633387160226050215 n
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Theyre loving being outside, and they're loving this rain so far too. All plants have been topped.

Peaceblaster #1. If i were a betting man, i'd bet this is definitely going to be my biggest plant this fall. They F1 vigor is strong with her and gobnugget #1 both. 3 days in ground and shes twice as big as she was. and Towers over all the other plants Beside Gobnugget #1.
440069505 956637385825975 7837422680205610155 n

Peaceblaster #2
439521084 8055520111124756 6771080760938568001 n

Gobnugget #1 Strong F1 vigor, but can already tell trapping rainwater is going to become an issue this fall with this one. Heavy bud rot is in it's future almost guaranteed, i may actually dig this one up and bring it back inside if it stays trapping water like this. In all my years of growing, ive never seen a plant this young, with leaves that trap this much water. Even tapping on the leaves she wont let it go.
440004773 1271929247527948 1099461470873921253 n

Gobnugget #2
439638992 411806238372170 6313839663336610302 n

439856352 1092607468512477 4015672629633212074 n

OJ x BB #1 and #2. No cages yet, haven't had time to grab another rol of chick wire. They didnt get as much loam or compost either, but they have also already shown themselves inside to be much lighter feeders then my other plants anyway. Their section of the plot has a richer softer topsoil to begin with as well, more already decomposed, and currently decomposing leaf/stick litter. Im thinking these, size wise, should stay right on the heels of my PB#1
439840522 434507652515349 115163412239499873 n

439755780 1167041917824481 7426155485672881100 n

So far my two most similarly expressing plants, are Peaceblaster #2 and Gobnugget #2. They're almost identical. They are half-sisters from the same seed mother though, so no surprise there really.
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Updates will prob just be once a week from this point further.

i cut my 5 chick wire cages into 10... they were too tall anyway and i dont want to buy more.

Soon as this rain passes ill be giving my first permethrin/pyrethrin sprayings. They already have the odd aphid or two. (i do stop ALL spraying once full flowering is under way though)

All 10 in ground now. It's kind of crazy how much difference there already is from one plant to another. I'm going to have one helluva roster to chose from to make some clone mothers 😎

Peaceblaster 1,2, and 3. In order of their photos.
437129282 459676383114270 4869214703668306700 n

440042505 961777998588020 4422231997658542230 n 1

439348465 395936296758773 1915841304599177937 n 1

Gobnugget 1,2, and 3. In order of the photos.

439237200 1354094198602422 902066259164909651 n

440064359 651250513823360 6268601241636230491 n

439348472 1164173048088569 570529060904972963 n 1

Oj x BB 1, 2, and 3(trifoliate) in order of their photos.

439432700 1649936935819192 70882062461397111 n

439991678 1498778130673383 3082757055540113312 n

439840527 957334419519539 4153599795820246971 n


439388529 1630395957704671 2902900700791775204 n

The entire plaot as of tonight.

440114836 487195993918270 3565928484308797425 n

I definitely could have done better on their positioning. But it'll be fine. They get like 6 hours a day.

I suppose i should update the indoor plants as well.

up-potted the biggs. The graboid, as always and i have already come to expect, cannot be phased by anything. It just is what it is. Ill up-pot it sometime soon. It has a piss-ant root system though. It'll be a while before it need it. I got a feeling i'll be glad i kept the graboid around though.

Peppers and eggplant's almost ready for the raised bed.

440042504 1079920433069980 4368668181745731974 n

Check out my cucumbers that are younger then my cannabis youngins. The power of blood, sweat and flood plain loam compells you. Seriously. Get off your lazy ass and go find some real loam and aerate it by hand you lazy bastards. in 95% of this country it's as easy as driving 10 mins with a wheel burrow in the back, asking some elderly redneck permission, and doing work for an hour.

440085468 1084188876006460 6828138011995511785 n
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P.S. Some time in the next 2 weeks ill be running a hose down to the plot split into 2 groups of 5 drip feeders. Come mid summer when the heat and dryness hits ill be running it for 25 minutes every day, so long as it goes more then 2 days without rain. I may or may not run it from my RO supply it depends how the girlies respond to the alkaline (sits about 7.8-8.3 ph) stinky egg-water that comes out of my well. Out doors, in an area with vigerous local plant life though, ive never had an issue feeding whatever water from wherever. So long as the surrounding vegetation is fine and healthy it can be stagnant and your plants will be ok. Seriously. In this case, once my roots are colonized with the local soil fauna/flora it doesn;t matter what i give to the girls. It will pass through the ecology of the soil for metabolic processing first. Your plants will be fine. Even with 5pg stagnant water or 8.5ph well water. The already thriving soil ecosystem got your back (in most cases short of planting within 50 feet of a pond/bog. Cannabis does not like being anywhere even close to motionless, stagnant water bodies)

(im getting a 5 gallon countertop RO setup going with a constant pressure bladder for indoors reguardless. There's no way on god's green earth im giving my well water to plants bound within a container or DWC bucket though)

Feel free to ask any and all questions, Pm or public forum i don't mind. Chances are if you ask, i have something to say.

I won't be pulling gobnugget #1 inside, ill just be taking plenty of clones through the first half of the summer. I do have a very strong suspicion she's going to be a nightmare keeping PM and rot free outdoors though. I could literally smack her around and that water just stayed on her leaves... I've only ever had one other plant do that this young outdoors, and i pulled her for blasting by mid September lmao.
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Figured i'd make a legend, should any discussion end up happening at any point, this may be of use. Spread the detritus layer back out as much, will help the local plant life grow back in, which i definitely want. Will all help the ground be cooler in direct sun. I also want some fresh greenery growing back in just behind my plants, will help that happen faster. All will be kept treated for bugs. Even the bushes around the plot.

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An aquaintance is wanting to pick a spot on her property for a biggs. Has always been her favorite of mine. Gave her my Biggs i was going to keep indoor so she could find a spot for it. Ill keep her guided on the training and pruning. And she knows that one may be a crapshoot in the fall weather here too. Told her to pick a spot with plenty of airflow, drainage, and afternoon sun, she may not like the september mid-afternoon heat, but it'll prob be the better option to loosing half the plant to all the september thunderstorms.

My work schedule is hell right now, im just gonna roll with the slow mutant cabbage graboid plant inside for now and hope its a female. I can bring some clones in quarantine off the outdoor plants for indoors up until about july anyway.

So far im pretty stoked on my new region's environment. I don't think i've ever seen plants this young take off like this so fast transitioning to outdoors. Been getting nightly rain, with warm afternoon sun throughout the day for a bit now. The girlies are lovin it.


Updates will prob just be once a week from this point further.

i cut my 5 chick wire cages into 10... they were too tall anyway and i dont want to buy more.

Soon as this rain passes ill be giving my first permethrin/pyrethrin sprayings. They already have the odd aphid or two. (i do stop ALL spraying once full flowering is under way though)

All 10 in ground now. It's kind of crazy how much difference there already is from one plant to another. I'm going to have one helluva roster to chose from to make some clone mothers 😎

Peaceblaster 1,2, and 3. In order of their photos.
View attachment 2164522
View attachment 2164523
View attachment 2164524

Gobnugget 1,2, and 3. In order of the photos.

View attachment 2164525
View attachment 2164526
View attachment 2164527

Oj x BB 1, 2, and 3(trifoliate) in order of their photos.

View attachment 2164529

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View attachment 2164533

The entire plaot as of tonight.

View attachment 2164535

I definitely could have done better on their positioning. But it'll be fine. They get like 6 hours a day.

I suppose i should update the indoor plants as well.

up-potted the biggs. The graboid, as always and i have already come to expect, cannot be phased by anything. It just is what it is. Ill up-pot it sometime soon. It has a piss-ant root system though. It'll be a while before it need it. I got a feeling i'll be glad i kept the graboid around though.

Peppers and eggplant's almost ready for the raised bed.

View attachment 2164552

Check out my cucumbers that are younger then my cannabis youngins. The power of blood, sweat and flood plain loam compells you. Seriously. Get off your lazy ass and go find some real loam and aerate it by hand you lazy bastards. in 95% of this country it's as easy as driving 10 mins with a wheel burrow in the back, asking some elderly redneck permission, and doing work for an hour.

View attachment 2164553


I should probably clarify. I spray the groundcover near the plants and the surrounding vegetation with permethrin, because it last a long time exposed to sunlight. It is very effective at both killing, and repelling all near by insects. And it makes the entire area unappealing to winged insects.

I will spray a still vegging plant with PYrethrin, as its decay time is much much faster, and plants can even pull some N from it through their foliage, but ill usually stop that entirely when flowering starts, and focus entirely on permethrin treatment of surrounding vegetation and ground cover through the harvest season. I will carefully spot treat water leaves with pyrethrin if i find eggs or something, which i tend to do compulsively every evening.

I buy 36% concentrate of both, and dilute to 1% for use in a pump sprayer.

The surrounding bushes should make a perfect insect and privacy wall both.

The 3 OJ x BB are looking mighty fine. Totally different green and leaf margins then the rest, can definitely tell it's a gene pool far removed from mine. potential future PeaceBlaster regular F1 cross potential maybe?

First one here looks a touch male-ish to me but i can't put my finger on why. Tbh im def hoping for a male on this one or #2. ill kill the plant, but bring a cutting or two back inside for making seeds for the future :3
440341129 408443752006395 5273485674397396820 n

441178668 1136159410763996 3437357697145652806 n

439427486 1146996323000000 1069201067999284964 n

The last Peaceblaster and Gobnuggets put out (#3 and #3 lol)

440531660 439397708735559 7267442214291257941 n

441124818 424952523600269 3756272251972541594 n

Plants are stretching just a bit from the amount of cloudyness and how young they were when put out. Not too worried about it though, could probably use the extra airflow down low come fall here anyway. It'll stop quick after the sun comes back to life or they get a bit more surface area going. They're probably going to end up pruned back a good bit and that'll bush em up more anyway.
439959755 289281394237080 3722771670290168769 n

(i know i said no update for a week, but you know how it is, took the pics yesterday, slow at work today, couldn't help myself.)
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It's always so tough to say goodbye 😥🥲

She's got a real good mom with a real big green thumb now. She been growing her own veggies from her own seeds for 2x as long as i've existed
439437372 1147594776389456 582274051184009364 n


2.5" of rain today, and still pouring. Worst supposed to come after dark, and more most the day tomorrow. Flood warnings going out, gonna be totally cloudy for next several days 🙄

They gonna get stretchy, maybe i should have kept em in another week or so. We shall see.


Incoming storms with potentially 80mph wind gusts, baseball sized hail. Have already spawned several tornados and are supposed to be as bad or worse when they come through here.

Having my friend with the Biggs plant wait til right before the storm, and put a 5gal bucket over the plant with a cinderblock on top (in case of hail+wind obviously)

I only have 2 buckets and some bricks, and some crossed fingers 😅

This constant humidity recently is really bringing out the bugs too. And the constant rain is rendering my spraying pointless. Really need this weather to move on. Plants are getting stretchy, aphids are hatching, and mosquitos are kicking my ass every time i go out to the plot. Bad.
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