Anyone making edibles with CBD-V and CBG flower?

  • Thread starter Tincandtoke
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I grew the white CBG the summer before last, I think I still have 60-70 pounds of flower.
Your probably going to pay between $20-$30 an eighth, but be careful, the industry is full of fraudulent individuals and the market is very volatile, especially on the seed side of suppliers.
We are a legal hemp farm in the state of Oregon.
All of our products are federal and state legal to be able to sale it on the open hemp market.
Our THC level is within the legal limit.
I do sale commercially, we are in the process of getting our website set up and introducing our tinctures and vapes in a couple local stores here in Portland.
CBDv products seem to be a little difficult to find on the open market especially bulk oil.
The lab I took my harvest to have processed had never dealt with CBDv.
It has been a learning experience so far and much more to learn.


Last summer’s harvest,
Forbidden Fruit:)
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I grew the white CBG the summer before last, I think I still have 60-70 pounds of flower.
Your probably going to pay between $20-$30 an eighth, but be careful, the industry is full of fraudulent individuals and the market is very volatile, especially on the seed side of suppliers.
We are a legal hemp farm in the state of Oregon.
All of our products are federal and state legal to be able to sale it on the open hemp market.
Our THC level is within the legal limit.
I do sale commercially, we are in the process of getting our website set up and introducing our tinctures and vapes in a couple local stores here in Portland.
CBDv products seem to be a little difficult to find on the open market especially bulk oil.
The lab I took my harvest to have processed had never dealt with CBDv.
It has been a learning experience so far and much more to learn.

As soon as you are able please post a link or message
Could use both oil and tincture form
Did you try some of the cbdv with a 1:1 cultivar
It makes a nice sleep med for non users of cannabis
Worst effect reported was feeling "heavy" upon waking up and that was a straight thunder struck tincture
Positive feedback since adding the cbdv

Have to go over state lines and quite a distance to get decent cbd flower
Like vaping the flower but more bang for the buck extracting

I am VERY interested!!!


Wow what a dream! How are you so blessed?
Dedication and hard farmin:)
Barely got that crop harvested as successfully as we did. 3/4 of an acre was extremely trying for a 1 man show, especially with a full time job. Walked out there one day in the middle of the summer and realized it was way more then I can handle to harvest flower like I was planning. Had to scramble to find a drying facility that could accommodate a smaller harvest, typically the company I took it to harvests 100s to 1000s of acres for farmers at the end of summer.
But the market and hemp farmers last summer were very few.


I grew The White summer 2022

Envy doesn't begin to describe what I feel
Every state bordering us has full legal with growing
I'm stuck with medical only and feet dragging
Dispensary makes good products but cannot meet everyone's needs, its impossible
They think I'm going insane for the extracting and filtering
More of a decarb the flower and sprinkle it on food which is a good idea but tastes bad


Looks yummy:)

Recreational cuckoo cannabis juice
Mix of rso, distillate and isolates

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This is basically thc syrup
Impossible to determine strength
Proof you can take your old concentrates and infuse them into sugar or oil
Now comes the potency testing
Teaspoon is a typical dose when I make it and have an idea of potency, so a half to start
Could be over 3000 mg or under 2000, my guess is closer to 2000
Stored well but there had to have been some cannabinoid degradation

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Infused coffee
Often use flavored syrups to temper the taste of an extraction or other concentrates
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Single stage filtered infused coconut oil
No carbon scrub as we begin to track mg and the different combinations to come
This is a straight simple filtered with most of the compounds intact
Will track the effects of the batch and start documentation
Different cultivar extractions will be added to the base tincture which was extracted from 10%THC/15%CBD flower

Anybody know how to contact a lab for testing
Corporate keeps people like me from having access to testing
Have to be licensed even if its for your own consumption

We should have access to testing anything we buy if we want to pay for it
Likewise we should be afforded the ability to check our own products since most commercial cannabis products are shit


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Single stage filtered infused coconut oil
No carbon scrub as we begin to track mg and the different combinations to come
This is a straight simple filtered with most of the compounds intact
Will track the effects of the batch and start documentation
Different cultivar extractions will be added to the base tincture which was extracted from 10%THC/15%CBD flower

Anybody know how to contact a lab for testing
Corporate keeps people like me from having access to testing
Have to be licensed even if its for your own consumption

We should have access to testing anything we buy if we want to pay for it
Likewise we should be afforded the ability to check our own products since most commercial cannabis products are shit
Look out of state, in a legal state, you can have anything personal tested in labs here in oregun, you can mail directly for testing, it’s all private. Make sure it’s a state certified testing facility.


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40 pieces at roughly 50mg of combined cannabinoid
Cold ethanol extraction makes these edible to me but you have a hint of cannabis, yuck!
People who have issue with taste can manage to eat the edibles from my extracts without too much complaint
This type of edible may be best, nice balance between cannabis taste and becoming nauseated
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