Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

  • Thread starter Captspaulding
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I met so many cool people in the US. I almost got in to so much trouble, but people just helped me out everywhere I went.

In Vegas I met these super friendly but very lightly clad ladies. We went to a bar and they asked me if I could get us some drinks.

The bartender saved me. Just because. What a hero.


I don't smoke indica during the day cuz it just fucking wrecks my motivation. I got a box of purple papers and started rolling only indica with them. My ashtray is always full of half burned numbers so it was like playing Russian roulette firing one back up without knowing if I would be done for the day!
Purple doobs only in the evening!
this is genius and i cant believe i never thought about this. Thank you. I think ill be investing in a differnt colored bong slide and all now lol

I tend not to smoke indicas at all, but i keep them around because sometimes i notice its 130 am, and im still typing on the internet, and i have to get up for work in 4 1/2 hours lmao.


My trimming's lazy as fuck but sent this pic to an old work buddy and he said he wanted to try it even though not cured. I stuck it in a little plastic container I was gonna throw away and he picked it up. He takes it out of the container and sticks it in a plastic cigarette pack wrapper then straight to back pocket, giving me the container back.

I was like bro come on. lol

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No relevance here, this just reminded me of one of the most ridiculous sales ive ever made.

Asshole story-time lmao.

I had one dude from the drum tribe back in KC that bought a Zip of my biggs one go, he offered 150 over 100 so he could have "all best biggs buds". I obliged.

When he showed up, i gave him all my most beautiful top buds from a single biggs plant, and i even jarred it up in a quart Ball jar for him. A zip, in 5 huge top buds, not a flake of shake. If IIRC i also offered him a free gram of peaceblaster shatter, but he turned it down. This interaction is burned into my memory in vivid detail too for some reason.

He found the jar to be annoying to begin with and complained it wasnt in a zip lock before he even touched the jar, he was also annoyed by how many of the buds had a bigger stem in them. And before he left he asked for a grinder, sat and grinded the entire zip in front of me, asked for a scale, weighed to slightly over 1g of stems, and told me he was gonna need another gram of buds or hes gonna take 50 of the 100 back.

Biggs is half pre 2010 bubba kush. The plant is like 90% indica with F1 vigor. A 7g top bud is going to have a pretty good sized stem in it. But its going to be lighter the Styrofoam too.

But him asking me to replace the weight of the stem isnt actually what bothered me, it was the entire experience of serving this guy

It was him grinding up all of the best buds on one of the nicest runs of the one of the nicest plants ive ever had, all at one go and bagging it up together as shake.He asked for my best buds, which were some of the best buds ive ever grown, and insulted them directly as a way to try and get more out of me, while also destroying them right in front of so he could try and make some point about weight he didnt even understand. He didnt even use a ziplock, he threw all the grinded flower into an old, used, pleated sandwhich baggie, mexi-brick style. Probably still had ground mexi-brick in it.

Before he left he made sure he let a bitchy comment out reminding me how he can get "ounces of flower for 60 bucks since year 2000." (flat, mexican, brick garbage, not even worth smoking usually imho, i tried it a few times)

The guy had the nerve to send a text the following month and say he wanted the same deal, but hes not paying more then 60 for an ounce, thats "the going rate for weed in this state" (missouri)

LOL F***ING L hahahahahaha.

To me its hilarious to think about now. But at the time, it was a total mind-f*ck, what i was dealing with was incomprehensible to me and my roommate personally. I should have been like "yea come on i got you" then refused to answer the door that following month.

Edit::: I also just remembered that guy still owes me 80 bucks for helping him move back in 2016 or 2017 too -_- hahahahahahahaha. The definition of sheister he is. He even owed me that 80 when this cerfuffled sale happened and i had already forgot. Dude was def a bit of a total scumbag lol.
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No relevance here, this just reminded me of one of the most ridiculous sales ive ever made.

Asshole story-time lmao.

I had one dude from the drum tribe back in KC that bought a Zip of my biggs one go, he offered 150 over 100 so he could have "all best biggs buds". I obliged.

When he showed up, i gave him all my most beautiful top buds from a single biggs plant, and i even jarred it up in a quart Ball jar for him. A zip, in 5 huge top buds, not a flake of shake. If IIRC i also offered him a free gram of peaceblaster shatter, but he turned it down. This interaction is burned into my memory in vivid detail too for some reason.

He found the jar to be annoying to begin with and complained it wasnt in a zip lock before he even touched the jar, he was also annoyed by how many of the buds had a bigger stem in them. And before he left he asked for a grinder, sat and grinded the entire zip in front of me, asked for a scale, weighed to slightly over 1g of stems, and told me he was gonna need another gram of buds or hes gonna take 50 of the 100 back.

Biggs is half pre 2010 bubba kush. The plant is like 90% indica with F1 vigor. A 7g top bud is going to have a pretty good sized stem in it. But its going to be lighter the Styrofoam too.

But him asking me to replace the weight of the stem isnt actually what bothered me, it was the entire experience of serving this guy

It was him grinding up all of the best buds on one of the nicest runs of the one of the nicest plants ive ever had, all at one go and bagging it up together as shake.He asked for my best buds, which were some of the best buds ive ever grown, and insulted them directly as a way to try and get more out of me, while also destroying them right in front of so he could try and make some point about weight he didnt even understand. He didnt even use a ziplock, he through all the grinded flower into a pleated sandwhich baggie, mexi-brick style. Probably still had ground mexi-brick in it.

Before he left he made sure he let a bitchy comment out reminding me how he can get "ounces of flower for 60 bucks since year 2000." (flat, mexican, brick garbage, not even worth smoking usually imho, i tried it a few times)

The guy had the nerve to send a text the following month and say he wanted the same deal, but hes not paying more then 60 for an ounce, thats "the going rate for weed in this state" (missouri)

LOL F***ING L hahahahahaha.

To me its hilarious to think about now. But at the time, it was a total mind-f*ck, what i was dealing with was incomprehensible to me and my roommate personally. I should have been like "yea come on i got you" then refused to answer the door that following month.

You should have asked him if he takes his chicken bones back to the grocery store to get a partial refund since it's sold by weight. Boneless chicken is more expensive.


No relevance here, this just reminded me of one of the most ridiculous sales ive ever made.

Asshole story-time lmao.

I had one dude from the drum tribe back in KC that bought a Zip of my biggs one go, he offered 150 over 100 so he could have "all best biggs buds". I obliged.

When he showed up, i gave him all my most beautiful top buds from a single biggs plant, and i even jarred it up in a quart Ball jar for him. A zip, in 5 huge top buds, not a flake of shake. If IIRC i also offered him a free gram of peaceblaster shatter, but he turned it down. This interaction is burned into my memory in vivid detail too for some reason.

He found the jar to be annoying to begin with and complained it wasnt in a zip lock before he even touched the jar, he was also annoyed by how many of the buds had a bigger stem in them. And before he left he asked for a grinder, sat and grinded the entire zip in front of me, asked for a scale, weighed to slightly over 1g of stems, and told me he was gonna need another gram of buds or hes gonna take 50 of the 100 back.

Biggs is half pre 2010 bubba kush. The plant is like 90% indica with F1 vigor. A 7g top bud is going to have a pretty good sized stem in it. But its going to be lighter the Styrofoam too.

But him asking me to replace the weight of the stem isnt actually what bothered me, it was the entire experience of serving this guy

It was him grinding up all of the best buds on one of the nicest runs of the one of the nicest plants ive ever had, all at one go and bagging it up together as shake.He asked for my best buds, which were some of the best buds ive ever grown, and insulted them directly as a way to try and get more out of me, while also destroying them right in front of so he could try and make some point about weight he didnt even understand. He didnt even use a ziplock, he through all the grinded flower into a pleated sandwhich baggie, mexi-brick style. Probably still had ground mexi-brick in it.

Before he left he made sure he let a bitchy comment out reminding me how he can get "ounces of flower for 60 bucks since year 2000." (flat, mexican, brick garbage, not even worth smoking usually imho, i tried it a few times)

The guy had the nerve to send a text the following month and say he wanted the same deal, but hes not paying more then 60 for an ounce, thats "the going rate for weed in this state" (missouri)

LOL F***ING L hahahahahaha.

To me its hilarious to think about now. But at the time, it was a total mind-f*ck, what i was dealing with was incomprehensible to me and my roommate personally. I should have been like "yea come on i got you" then refused to answer the door, or just told him to leave or hes trespassing once he got there.
I would told him to leave and thanked him for the kief 🤣



I would told him to leave and thanked him for the kief 🤣
thats the friendly version of the interaction, yes lol. We definitely made him leave, and he left with his 27g of ground top buds. And he still tried to get more the following month even after that interraction, but maintained his dickheadedness and inability to haggle right. He just didn't understand the haggling process with cannabis at all, nor would recognize there is a such thing as different grades of the flower. At the time, where i was, a zip of buds like that, if you could even find it at one of the dispos around, would run you 300+ easy. Still would. They were the buds i normally kept to myself, i just felt like trying to impress him after he initially asked.

I took him as being blatantly douchy. So i was a sarcastic smartass in return for sure.

For scale... These buds are almost wimpy compared to the zip of pretty much straight cola-tops i sold him for 150 in a place where the going price for good small buds was 200/.zip. He got the tops from that massive leaf plant i posted. One of the top buds was almost 10g by itself. IIRC the entire zip was slightly over 28g and was only 5 buds. There are pics somewhere too, if tracked down ill def post em. I sat at home waiting on him, looking at that jar, being incredibly proud of the sale i was about to make....

I was expecting him to take the jar and show it off and brag to his own buddies about the buds and the price he paid and make some new customers lol.

Sorry my hands in pics always look so dirty. It's pretty much always cannabis resins though.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I will be nice today and share some cool AI screens.
I will be nice today and share some cool AI screens.
Second to last pic,
That leaf is showing a bit of heat/light stress,
So I would raise your light, and turn it down to 30% until your plant starts to reach, then dial it in 👊🏻

wait….dafuq? 👊🏻🤡


This guy has me pissed off now. lol
I actually ,due to my antagonistic nature want to meet him, just to tell him off. I used to wait patiently all day in a customer service job for that one guy who thought that they were special and deserved the special treatment without being a decent human being. I loved setting those asshats straight. Did I mention I worked at Pop Copy?? I was out sick the day they filmed this commercial. Lol


I actually ,due to my antagonistic nature want to meet him, just to tell him off. I used to wait patiently all day in a customer service job for that one guy who thought that they were special and deserved the special treatment without being a decent human being. I loved setting those asshats straight. Did I mention I worked at Pop Copy?? I was out sick the day they filmed this commercial. Lol
Chappelle Show never gets old. lol


Harvest finally complete. I put the larf and smaller buds I got sick of trimming in gallon jars. The quart jars are separated by the very top of the colas and everything between that and the larf. The tops closest to the light have a slightly different smell than everything else. Letting plant 2's leftovers dry out some more to finish the kief.

Thanks to everyone for all your tips and dealing with my million questions. Didn't expect this much from 2 plants in a 3x3 and need to find more friends asap. 😂

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This guy has me pissed off now. lol
I genuinely didn;t know there were stoners out there that operated that way. And generally im very non judgmental, but in the context i felt my self to be the one being judged unfairly lol. Everything about the experience was completely absurd to me and it just did not compute. At all lol.

It was genuinely psychologically painful for me, at the time, to see those particular buds getting handled and talked about that way lmfao 🤣 🤣 🤣 Felt like he was adamantly trying to prove a point, but neither me, nor him knew what it actually was.


I genuinely didn;t know there were stoners out there that operated that way. And generally im very non judgmental, but in the context i felt my self to be the one being judged unfairly lol. Everything about the experience was completely absurd to me and it just did not compute. At all lol.

It was genuinely psychologically painful for me, at the time, to see those particular buds getting handled and talked about that way lmfao 🤣 🤣 🤣 Felt like he was adamantly trying to prove a point, but neither me, nor him knew what it actually was.

If he tried that shit in the projects he'd get fucked up.


You'll never guess who slept the sleep of the dead🤪 2 more muffins left. I love edibles after a long day of smoking weed🤣

It's sad there are those who it doesn't effect or gives them a bad effect. I ❤️ edibles.

Another long day ahead of smoking weed, I'm on j2 already so I'll save those muffins for tonight. I almost got out of bed last night and ate them with the munchies I had🤣🤣🤣


Harvest finally complete. I put the larf and smaller buds I got sick of trimming in gallon jars. The quart jars are separated by the very top of the colas and everything between that and the larf. The tops closest to the light have a slightly different smell than everything else. Letting plant 2's leftovers dry out some more to finish the kief.

Thanks to everyone for all your tips and dealing with my million questions. Didn't expect this much from 2 plants in a 3x3 and need to find more friends asap. 😂

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Nice haul sir 🤙 🤌
If he tried that shit in the projects he'd get fucked up.
Im assuming he probably grew up in our neighborhood there in Missouri outside KC. KC can get... rough to say the least, and you can throw a walnut from a mansion and hit a foreclosed house fallin down in the ghetto. It still has a racial segregation road/line called The Paseo.

Our neighborhood Was a quiet clean suburban neighborhood for of non cookie cutter older, 3-5br houses, mostly retired older folks, with a HOA that would put printouts and fliers on your doors at 6am if your grass got too long. We all had 75-100 yo oak trees in our yards. He was a little older then me, had a software/app development job and worked from home in his parents house, probably waiting for them to die so he could take it over for property taxes alone mainly. The only time he probably got anywhere near the projects in KC was driving to drum tribe at the park downtown. Not the projects. Not even close lol. You just had to skirt their edges to get there. I'd imagine he'd roll his windows up as he did too.

thats my highly judgmental take anyway lmao.
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