🔥 Fire from the Shire 🔥 Come on in ✌️

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Beautiful work! Nice training.


Thanks fellas!

I can’t remember if ive updated the WC in the 10 gallon these past few days. I dont think i have. Starting to take off. I sprinkled some diatomaceous earth on the surface for some added silica and calcium. Also noticed some gnats too, not fungus gnats, the other ones. Dont think they hurt anything, just annoying

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Picked up a couple items from the shop:

an airstone. My dumbass didnt even think to pick up a more powerful pump :/

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And some Seabird guano. I tried using it when i first started growing, but never a lot because i got scared when someone said it would burn plants.

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I just went ahead and mixed in some (2.5 tablespoons, which is a little more than half of recommended heavy feeding) with the castings i applied this morning.

I will be attempting to document daily to see just how much it helps with flower.

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Had the worst transplant of my life from the 3 gallon into the 10 gallon. She is PISSED. Also hungry. I top dressed some alfalfa meal and kelp meal. Not a whole lot (7 tablespoons) because there is a good bit in the mix. If she goes any lighter i will pick up some bone meal for faster delivery.

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Fed the wedding cake some bone meal (3 tablespoons) and langbeinite (1 tablespoon), and that should do me for flower for my P/K as well as cal/mag. Will certainly brew some flower based teas. You bet your ass. Slowly getting some more trichomes

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Here is the rest of the bunch. Will transplant the Euforias into their 10 gallon homes, and maybe another pie face. Was really hoping to sex the pie face before transplant, because i really only have room for 2. So i will have to pick one and leave one in the 3

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Also been harvesting my first tomatoes from the garden 🍅

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Had the worst transplant of my life from the 3 gallon into the 10 gallon. She is PISSED. Also hungry. I top dressed some alfalfa meal and kelp meal. Not a whole lot (7 tablespoons) because there is a good bit in the mix. If she goes any lighter i will pick up some bone meal for faster delivery.

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Beautiful job on them maters. They are that perfect shade. I hope that stressed plant gets it together sooner than later. Some can be so whiny. Nice looking grow though. 👊🏻


OMG what a shit show. Got a lot done this morning, but my method was not pretty. Cant believe I didnt wake the kids up cussing.

I went ahead and transplanted the Euforias and one of the Pie faces into their 10 gallon forever homes. It was quite the struggle. Didnt realize until i was in the shit that i had never transplanted from a fabric pot…. Only to a fabric pot. Was difficult. Will not do that again.

Anyways, had 4 plants but only 3 10 gallon pots. So some poor bastard had to move into a lowes bucket. With that in mind, I chose the one that looked the most male. Much too early to tell, in fact these past few nights i added some dark in attempt to trick them into preflower so i could look up their skirts. No bueno. I gave a heavy watering to saturate the new media.

In unrelated news. The Pie Faces are starting to give off the nutmeg/cherry smells the last one did. The most unique and beautiful smell to ever grace my tents. A very welcome return.

Some changes to my water. Being that im going from a happy frog base to the promix hpcc base, i want to make damn sure that my ph is right. Im pretty sure its supposed to be ~6.2 in the peat/coir mix. If anyone knows better please feel free to jump in at any point.

Anyways. I will be aerating my water then ph’ing to 6.2 just BEFORE water. Up to this point i had been ph’ing to 6.2 before the bubbler, never adjusting after. So if my plants start going to shit with some suspected ph issues, someone remind me i should start there.

The tent is very crowded. I will be making some room in there once the wedding cake auto in the 10 gallon starts to flower. Then i will be kicking the other wedding cake in the 2x2 out to my back yard. Any of the pie faces that show me some balls will be getting the chop. Would like to collect some pollen but any chances of that went out the window when i started all my wedding cake autos. Perhaps i will move it outdoors to my inlaws land, where i dont have to worry about it pollenating any of my, or anyone elses plants.

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It wont be easy kicking this one out. Shes nothing special but for some reason i have taken a liking to her. For those that have been following; i can say with 100% certainty that the seabird guano is getting her into gear.

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The pie face is looking much better. Waiting for her to start feeding off the castings and alfalfa meal. I have decided to pick up some bat guano. I generally dont need soluable nutrients because my soils are normally cooked, but good for situations like this and for teas

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They all seem fairly happy despite my attempts to kill them yesterday

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I believe i will scrog this round. Net Should be order by tonight.

Heres wedding cake while im here

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Speaking of parts on order…. I went ahead and sent out monies for the next grows seeds. Going with Hazemans Chocolate Thai, which are Drawohs that he bred to F4’s iirc. That was supposed to be this grow but i decided to wait until i upgraded my light. The chocolate thai will flower anywhere from 10-16 weeks, so i didnt want to dedicate that time with an underpowered light.


Not looking bad. Have at least 1 suspected male Pie Face. Will need another week to know for sure


After the last couple grows i have come to the conclusion that most growers over fertilize during veg, especially nitrogen. With that in mind i have been tinkering with my mix by reducing nitrogen. For the most part it has worked. Not this time.

This is what happens when you underestimate just how much nitrogen is needed for the early flower stretch. I brewed a quick 24 hour bat guano/molasses tea, also topdressed maybe a tablespoon. Most of the time
I would easily remedy with synthetic nutes; but i really want to see what bat guano can do.

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Here’s what poppin in the 4x4

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The plant (pie face)on the lower right is a male. I posted him for giveaway on a Facebook group, gonna keep him for a couple days in case anyone is looking for some pollen. Unlikely, being that most growers on it are newer fem growers, but its currently not shitting on anything, and would hate to see a good male go to waste


Im really liking what im seeing from the roots organics additions. I may use them exclusively for flower from here on out. With organics I traditionally don’t trouble myself with yield chasing, i have coco for that. But if i can get yield AND the quality of organic with minimal effort i will certainly do it. Still waiting for that nitrogen to start feeding those leaves. I generally dont care about leaves after week 5, but im not quite there yet. Im hoping the other wedding cake gives me atleast another 1.5 weeks in the 4x4 before it starts to flower and i have to kick the this one outside

I would also like to mention that this plant is growing herself; i have not had to defoliate one bit. I think thats why i have been enjoying this one, regardless of her smaller stature.

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If anyone is curious, here is the feeding schedule for roots organics dry amendments

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Cranked up the light to ~450 ppfd. In their final pots and established, time to get this show on the road. Will veg for 2-3 weeks. Will top dress on thursday or friday, should do me until after the stretch. Should. All of this subject to change depending on growth. My last pie face stretched over 3x, so dont want to fly too close to the sun.

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I released the chains on the Wedding cake and cranked the light up to 100%. Nitrogen starting to be delivered to hungry leaves from guano. Praying for another full week before i have to kick outside

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1st net down. Plants responding very well to light increase. Euforia giving off a rubber smell, never had that in my tent before. Caught me off guard, checked all my equipment to make sure it wasnt getting hot before i realized it was the plants lol

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Wedding Cake chugging along. Plain water this morning, terp tea on thursday or friday.

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OMG what a shit show. Got a lot done this morning, but my method was not pretty. Cant believe I didnt wake the kids up cussing.

I went ahead and transplanted the Euforias and one of the Pie faces into their 10 gallon forever homes. It was quite the struggle. Didnt realize until i was in the shit that i had never transplanted from a fabric pot…. Only to a fabric pot. Was difficult. Will not do that again.

Anyways, had 4 plants but only 3 10 gallon pots. So some poor bastard had to move into a lowes bucket. With that in mind, I chose the one that looked the most male. Much too early to tell, in fact these past few nights i added some dark in attempt to trick them into preflower so i could look up their skirts. No bueno. I gave a heavy watering to saturate the new media.

In unrelated news. The Pie Faces are starting to give off the nutmeg/cherry smells the last one did. The most unique and beautiful smell to ever grace my tents. A very welcome return.

Some changes to my water. Being that im going from a happy frog base to the promix hpcc base, i want to make damn sure that my ph is right. Im pretty sure its supposed to be ~6.2 in the peat/coir mix. If anyone knows better please feel free to jump in at any point.

Anyways. I will be aerating my water then ph’ing to 6.2 just BEFORE water. Up to this point i had been ph’ing to 6.2 before the bubbler, never adjusting after. So if my plants start going to shit with some suspected ph issues, someone remind me i should start there.

The tent is very crowded. I will be making some room in there once the wedding cake auto in the 10 gallon starts to flower. Then i will be kicking the other wedding cake in the 2x2 out to my back yard. Any of the pie faces that show me some balls will be getting the chop. Would like to collect some pollen but any chances of that went out the window when i started all my wedding cake autos. Perhaps i will move it outdoors to my inlaws land, where i dont have to worry about it pollenating any of my, or anyone elses plants.

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It wont be easy kicking this one out. Shes nothing special but for some reason i have taken a liking to her. For those that have been following; i can say with 100% certainty that the seabird guano is getting her into gear.

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I always do my transplants at night or super early in the morning, can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken everyone up dropping a bale of peat moss or some other dumb move I made and found myself yelling at myself 😂😂😂

Plants are looking great though

I run 5 gallon buckets as well but I Swiss cheese the hell out of them lol
I do the same with every pot including nursery pots as soon as I buy them

I found this method with them makes for some really fast dry backs vs the grows I did without the holes, I keep screen on the bottom to reduce medium loss, with he screen I lose no media (minus a small bit from the side holes on the initial watering)

They are wrapped in gorilla tape to blackout the root zone. I recently found some black hydro 5gals that I’ll eventually buy, but these are working great for the time being, every root ball in these is SOLID top to bottom
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I always do my transplants at night or super early in the morning, can’t tell you how many times I’ve woken everyone up dropping a bale of peat moss or some other dumb move I made and found myself yelling at myself 😂😂😂

Plants are looking great though

I run 5 gallon buckets as well but I Swiss cheese the hell out of them lol
I do the same with every pot including nursery pots as soon as I buy them

I found this method with them makes for some really fast dry backs vs the grows I did without the holes, I keep screen on the bottom to reduce medium loss, with he screen I lose no media (minus a small bit from the side holes on the initial watering)

They are wrapped in gorilla tape to blackout the root zone. I recently found some black hydro 5gals that I’ll eventually buy, but these are working great for the time being, every root ball in these is SOLID top to bottom

I drill holes in my buckets but never tried them that big. I like the screen idea too!
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