A peek inside my grow tent.

  • Thread starter Smokey0418
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Made a pollination of a top on day 21 to make sure I still have it for another time.

Will save the pollen also for ,oh I don’t know. Lol

Day 30 for blueberries and oranges from the fabulous Useful Seed collection.

BA9375D9 1066 44E3 981E 91BC70135A92
75D6D053 3131 47FE 8317 1ED72C8309C3
93B56210 A511 4271 B245 5593FFFAA5B2


Day 44

Another week goes by and the ladies are doing good.

Raised my Light a bit and also dumped and reloaded my mix with a lower ec.

Since then the ec is still creeping up slowly , so will keep watering a bit more down till I find balance.

Leaves that cupped have a yellow edged perimeter.

6CC55248 44BB 4207 BF19 C68677089735

752CB6AE EE50 4203 B7BE 980F2216AF07
D9070597 FFFD 48CD 853E DB7E1902C6EF
BD9C78DA B355 4DC7 A468 B4505A64E3EF
A4FD7D57 55ED 4E57 9E1E 20A3F4AB1AE6


Good day Everyone.

This is Dankberry from Anesia Seeds.

There a week into flower.

I trimmed some leaf from them yesterday for more airflow.

View attachment 1979169View attachment 1979170
Hi, i’m a bit confused because people say you should not trim of leaf after you flip to bloom. But i also do need to trim some leafes to get better airflow but i’m scared to ruin my crop. You think i could do it safely??😃


Hi, i’m a bit confused because people say you should not trim of leaf after you flip to bloom. But i also do need to trim some leafes to get better airflow but i’m scared to ruin my crop. You think i could do it safely??😃
I trim off leaves prior to flower. I would again be trimming after a couple weeks in.
I like to keep most all my leaves on but there are times that 5-6 inches into the canopy that removing the leaf is best for me to get the light in.
I don’t want to trim them down excessively , just a bit here and there.


Hi, i’m a bit confused because people say you should not trim of leaf after you flip to bloom. But i also do need to trim some leafes to get better airflow but i’m scared to ruin my crop. You think i could do it safely??
I'm a trimmer, especially during flower. Every couple of days the large shading leaves have to come off to let light to the developing buds. Later on when the buds are swelling. I take half a leaf or less, but still removing most of the large inwards facing leaves.
Mirroring what would happen in nature as animals grazed, hopefully leading to increased resin protection to protect the plant. 😃


I'm a trimmer, especially during flower. Every couple of days the large shading leaves have to come off to let light to the developing buds. Later on when the buds are swelling. I take half a leaf or less, but still removing most of the large inwards facing leaves.
Mirroring what would happen in nature as animals grazed, hopefully leading to increased resin protection to protect the plant. 😃
Okey cool thanx, i will definitly do it now😃✌️✌️


Looks like super sweet candy! Yummi
Pretty awesome grow as well, keep it on.
How much did you harvest?


Looks like super sweet candy! Yummi
Pretty awesome grow as well, keep it on.
How much did you harvest?
It definitely smells wonderful and quite sticky

Seems to have a lot more crystal this time around, I did add a uv-a light.

But there is alot of controversy on wether it does anything.
Between you and I , I will keep running it. 😀

Now you last ?

I always have a number that I would like to achieve, not going to know till everything trimmed and dried but I will go out on a limb.
8 branches x 4plants averaging an oz from each branch.

Going to scale back a bit on the larf moving forward, cones are way easier to trim.

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