Aero-cloner is struggling to get roots - and now I have mold!

  • Thread starter Thegreywizard
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Ok I don't know where to go from here, I thought I had everything dialed in.

Even though the clones had no roots after 10 days, they still looked pretty good on top.

But then a few days ago I noticed I have mold every where all over the foam pucks

This is a Turbo Kloner

I am running a full AC Infinity setup and have it sealed, but exhausted with a humidifier to keep my VPD at 0.7 - and it's been working perfectly holding that VPD

But that keeps my humidity around 70% and I'm assuming that's where all of this mold came from as I didn't have this on my first run with this setup.

I've added a 1/10th chiller to this since then and have been keeping all of my numbers super dialed in:

PH - 5.8
Humidity - 70% +/-
Temp - 74*
VPD - 0.7
Water temp - 69*
PPMs - 700
AC Infinity LED - 40% brightness

I'm using Jacks Clone formula and using RO water

I have a Bluelab Guardian, AC Infinity 69 Pro Controller & brand new chiller. So I know all of these numbers are correct and have been stable this whole time too. I don't even have to open the tent for days, it's incredible how automated it all is. I still check it daily through the window. But I figured just leave it sealed to the humidity stays high and the clones can root faster.

But why are my clones still not showing any roots after 10 days?

The foliage has definitely grown, but just no roots yet still. I know it can take 14-21 days in aero-cloners, but I've also seen people get roots in 10 days too.

And why is all of this mold forming? (it's not on the plants, just the foam pucks)
Aero cloner is struggling to get roots   and now i have mold
Aero cloner is struggling to get roots   and now i have mold 2
Aero cloner is struggling to get roots   and now i have mold 3
Aero cloner is struggling to get roots   and now i have mold 4
Aero cloner is struggling to get roots   and now i have mold 5
Aero cloner is struggling to get roots   and now i have mold 6
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Sorry grey......I wish I had an answer.....or even a speculation.....the only thing that I can think of.....they were sent that way or stored wrong....just not sure....


Ok I don't know where to go from here, I thought I had everything dialed in.

Even though the clones had no roots after 10 days, they still looked pretty good on top.

But then a few days ago I noticed I have mold every where all over the foam pucks

This is a Turbo Kloner

I am running a full AC Infinity setup and have it sealed, but exhausted with a humidifier to keep my VPD at 0.7 - and it's been working perfectly holding that VPD

But that keeps my humidity around 70% and I'm assuming that's where all of this mold came from as I didn't have this on my first run with this setup.

I've added a 1/10th chiller to this since then and have been keeping all of my numbers super dialed in:

PH - 5.8
Humidity - 70% +/-
Temp - 74*
VPD - 0.7
Water temp - 69*
PPMs - 700
AC Infinity LED - 40% brightness

I'm using Jacks Clone formula and using RO water

I have a Bluelab Guardian, AC Infinity 69 Pro Controller & brand new chiller. So I know all of these numbers are correct and have been stable this whole time too. I don't even have to open the tent for days, it's incredible how automated it all is. I still check it daily through the window. But I figured just leave it sealed to the humidity stays high and the clones can root faster.

But why are my clones still not showing any roots after 10 days?

The foliage has definitely grown, but just no roots yet still. I know it can take 14-21 days in aero-cloners, but I've also seen people get roots in 10 days too.

And why is all of this mold forming? (it's not on the plants, just the foam pucks)
what was your sterilization method for the cloner and pucks? I know you said your first run and this is 2nd, how did you sterilize each component?


when I had fun making clones, I used clonex, root riot cubes, a spray to vaporize my cubes and a 105w turbo neon special growth and nothing else.

I had a scissors dedicated only to cutting clones.

Before each cut, I took gloves, 90 degree alcohol, I only cleaned scissors with alcohol before cutting.

My growth chamber was, before and after each use, cleaned with bleach and I left the room ventilated for 48 hours before launching my clone culture.
if this helps


With a clone machine the clones don’t need high humidity or need to be sprayed. It’s probably hurting you more than helping you. I prefer around 55% or less.
Run bleach water through pump and clean everything with the bleach water after every use.


Do 5 things:
1)get rid of those collars and get new ones
2) Drop the humidity (65 - 60RH)
3). Give the clone stems a 30 minute hydrogen peroxide 1:2 h2o2 to water parts h2o2 soak. It’s highly likely you have pathogens on the stems from the mold that’s only forming biofilms as time go on. Which will eventually suffocate your clones. Although you can’t see them, clones will not root in the presence of pathogens.
4) spray h2o2 on clones and your in the environment every 2 to 3days. This will kill any spores or PW/mold on your clones and in your environment, You obviously have mold spores in your grow environment. Therefore, I recommend that you sterilize your tent and inactivate /kills any spores you have present.
5) go ahead and clean out that water and supply new freshwater. Also, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to ensure low chlorine or hypochlorous acid is in the reservoir at all times.


Hey everyone I wanted to thank you all for your input.

I took each individual puck and washed them in bleach water, and disinfected each stem with alcohol swaps where they touched the pucks

Things looked fine for another 7-10 days, but they never rooted and then the white mold came back after a couple more weeks.

I completely removed the aero-cloner from my setup and took it outside to clean it thoroughly.

I then sprayed my entire tent down with a mist of isopropyl alcohol

But I was so disgusted with everything that I put the aero-cloner in the garage for now and went back to a cheap clone dome with rapid rooters & Clone-X gel.

I have almost a 99% success rate with roots in less than 3 weeks.

It's also been pretty maintenance free since I've kept the dome 100% closed

I have had zero issues with any mold of any kind this time around, even with 100% humidity & the dome closed. I do let it breath every now & again.

All in all, I wish I knew what went wrong. I'll probably re-vist the aero-cloner again at some point in the future.

But for now, the dome & rapid rooters have been giving me great results, so I'm just going to stick with that setup for now.

Thanks again everyone for all of your input.


You could create a calcium loaded dead zone by spraying pool shock and ro.

Enjoy and best of luck with the cloner.


People joke around when i say it, basically diluted bleach, but all I use for a sterilizer is Hypocleanse, it just works
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