Wanted (Autos) Are my seedlings fine?

  • Thread starter YBGTA
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Hello, I'm new to growing in general and I'm doing dwc, I have 6 seedlings in about 4gal 5 gal buckets with about an inch airgap between the pots and waterline,it's been about 2 weeks going on 3 since transplant from germination. I started to give them 1/4 of nutrients of General Hydroponics Trio at 1.2ml for each bucket along with hydrogaurd at 2ml, I also have 2 Mars hydro TS1000's at around 12" from canopy and intensity at 50% .the one seedling that is just in its cube had to get swapped cause I accidentally over saturated it with straight tap water(my tap ph is like damn near 10 😭 so if she looks pretty bad that's why, the room environment has really no true continuous exhaust but there is air circulation. Here lately its been colder and my RH levels bounce between 30% to 40% on average and my temps are around 67-79F

I dont know how much of help this is either but the genetics are from ethos its their tropical thunder multipack.

Thank you for the consideration ! 🙏
Autos are my seedlings fine
Autos are my seedlings fine 2
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Autos are my seedlings fine 6


they look good, patience at first. they take a minute to take hold, but i have never successfully killed one yet, on accident, these plants are invincible.


they look good, patience at first. they take a minute to take hold, but i have never successfully killed one yet, on accident, these plants are invincible.
Thanks for the reassurance, I'll post a update in a week from now.
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