New Simplified Way to Water

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Don't Knock my buckets...I had to go through a lot of ice cream to get them. Antiques now too I guess if over 20 years gives them that status. Double - triple duct taped holes burned through for their ventilation needs....Ah the memories of past grows these pots give me and here you are speaking ill of them. Calling them tall and skinny ! I think there is some form of outrage I should have.....I'll keep in touch and let you know when I figure it out.😁😁😁
Pipe u gunna start the next Meme, Ice Cream container challenge. Or maybe Nectarivorous with his Milk Jug Challenge instead of milk crates LMAO...


I water slowly also. Takes me 5 or 6 times 15 min apart to water a 3 gallon pot until I see runoff.
I start watering slowly and I can judge by how quickly the water hits the trays to how dry they are. If it pours straight through I'll let it sit in the runoff. I know from experience how much liquid they take at a time. In my 3 gallon Ice cream buckets it takes 1 gallon of liquid to satisfy them. I was taught flood means flood so I start slow and let the water disappear from the top then pour some more when I see it pooling on top I let her have as much as they'll take and flood the bucket. If I catch my plants at the right time only 10% or so leaks out...too dry and I'll fill the trays so I let them sit until it sucks it up. after a bit I'll wet vac up what they didn't take and remove the trays to allow more air around the bottoms.


I start watering slowly and I can judge by how quickly the water hits the trays to how dry they are. If it pours straight through I'll let it sit in the runoff. I know from experience how much liquid they take at a time. In my 3 gallon Ice cream buckets it takes 1 gallon of liquid to satisfy them. I was taught flood means flood so I start slow and let the water disappear from the top then pour some more when I see it pooling on top I let her have as much as they'll take and flood the bucket. If I catch my plants at the right time only 10% or so leaks out...too dry and I'll fill the trays so I let them sit until it sucks it up. after a bit I'll wet vac up what they didn't take and remove the trays to allow more air around the bottoms.
Yep, 3 gallon soil is 1 gallon liquid right on the money. I get a few drops out if I tip the pot at a 45 in the sink. They usually are sad and droopy for an hour after tho. I get the worries that they are suffocating but then leaves are point high and they grow and inch overnight, lol.


I start watering slowly and I can judge by how quickly the water hits the trays to how dry they are. If it pours straight through I'll let it sit in the runoff. I know from experience how much liquid they take at a time. In my 3 gallon Ice cream buckets it takes 1 gallon of liquid to satisfy them. I was taught flood means flood so I start slow and let the water disappear from the top then pour some more when I see it pooling on top I let her have as much as they'll take and flood the bucket. If I catch my plants at the right time only 10% or so leaks out...too dry and I'll fill the trays so I let them sit until it sucks it up. after a bit I'll wet vac up what they didn't take and remove the trays to allow more air around the bottoms.
Is this in soil or Coco?


just trying this, but so far so good...

i took a smart sensor and stuck it to the side of the bag pot. i think once i figure what reading it should be set at, i can turn on the hose that comes from my dehumidifier (just because that was a close water source and i have it on a smart valve). i will note what it reads when it needs water and set it at that. for this i dont even need ifttt. just set a limit and it activates/deactivates the valve. im just using smartthings.

i can definitely make the water come on and off with the sensor. so if i can find the right numbers i can make it work.

id have to get a more permanent water source to make it actually be beneficial for the whole grow area.

i will have to wait at least a day till it needs water, but it seems to work.
AHA! it worked! finally!

i thought it was taking so long that it just wouldnt work. after all im using a humidity reading, not a moisture reading. but it worked!!!

it watered sometime in the night. i set the humidity reading to 35% and to stop at 60%. looks like it put about 3/4s of what was there, so maybe a little less than a gallon. it is a 5 gallon pot with a plant in week 8 flower.

ill change it to only water at certain times.

the best thing seems to be that i will not have to empty the dehumidifier so much now!
Aqua Man

Aqua Man

Yep, 3 gallon soil is 1 gallon liquid right on the money. I get a few drops out if I tip the pot at a 45 in the sink. They usually are sad and droopy for an hour after tho. I get the worries that they are suffocating but then leaves are point high and they grow and inch overnight, lol.
That is a great tip for ppl with dense soil or who have over watered. If you tip the pot it will shift the water table to the corner of the pot and since the water table stays the same say 2 inch when you tip it on a 45 there is much less media under 2 inch so it will drain as runoff.

If I'm confusing ppl on the water table aspect and what I mean read here.



I’ll vouch for it. Tried it and it works. Very useful on 20 gallon and larger pots. I was dumping four or 5 gallons on a 25 gallon pot and was shocked to find out how little of it was getting much past halfway down. Great idea!
Jesus!!!! 4 or 5 gallons of water? What kind of plants are you growing in 25 gallon pots? That's like a bathtub. Lol


Easy now! I’m not indoors. I grow outdoors where it is 100+ degrees every day pretty much from June to September. Hot weather growing. I think the large Pots kind of help insulate the roots from the heat. A lot of people use much larger than that. I haven’t been able to grow trees like a lot of people but I managed to grow enough for my needs. Unlike, east of the Rockies, north of the border, and South of the Mason Dixon line, out here you can almost relax during September October and half of November. No humidity, rain , Etc. probably for another month. So you can push Them as long as you want. I don’t have to deal with the early harvest bullshit. Be watching your indoor but won’t be offering much help on it other than encouragement. Take it easy brother.


Easy now! I’m not indoors. I grow outdoors where it is 100+ degrees every day pretty much from June to September. Hot weather growing. I think the large Pots kind of help insulate the roots from the heat. A lot of people use much larger than that. I haven’t been able to grow trees like a lot of people but I managed to grow enough for my needs. Unlike, east of the Rockies, north of the border, and South of the Mason Dixon line, out here you can almost relax during September October and half of November. No humidity, rain , Etc. probably for another month. So you can push Them as long as you want. I don’t have to deal with the early harvest bullshit. Be watching your indoor but won’t be offering much help on it other than encouragement. Take it easy brother.
Ten four. Thanks for the reply. Outdoors makes sense now. Yeah here in VA humidity like 80% plus most of summer with Temps between 90-100. That's a big no go for me.


I use BLUMATS and the plant gets just as much water as it needs. easy and you can leave it and go on vacation for a week or 2 and come home to healthy plants.
3 balls

3 balls

Not sure how I missed this thread but I likey. I've considered buying one of those cheapy probes a million times but always assumed the accuracy would be a joke. I there a brand more superior to others? Or is the technology so simple that there all pretty much identical?
3 balls

3 balls

Just ordered what looks to be the same one in the original pic, on sale at amazon now.

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The holes in bucket and meter are brilliant and cheap .
No guess work . It works . Love it .
The blumat seems to take it up a simple non complex notch .
Saw this in their info ;

Location ,location ,location ..
This install or multiple heads would make the longer spikes unnecessary and assure an accurate assessment of the whole pot ..
What's up all ! First post , good info to be found around here ..
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