overwatering to much need help please!

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Thank you for all the tips and advice and help. I’m slowly starting to understand a bit better, however, does anyone have any tips specifically for watering clones and seedlings?


Thank you for all the tips and advice and help. I’m slowly starting to understand a bit better, however, does anyone have any tips specifically for watering clones and seedlings?

My personal method is start in shot glass sized solos 4x 1/4” holes drilled into the bottom of each

When the mini solos start drying back every 2 days I up pot, I switched to using using 1 cup sized pots, then 2 cup then 1 gallon then 3 gallon (if I wanna veg in the 3’s I eventually up pot to 5 gallon buckets I customized) (last 2 pics)

I found the frequent up potting made a huge difference in watering, once it dries back every 2 days (takes about a week) then I give them a week then they get the up pot again

Leaf position helps determine when watering is needed, I base it off pot weight, once you get used to the feeling of a certian size container being dry it’ll be 2nd nature

My tip would be LOTS of holes in the containers like mine show above, first thing I do when I buy new pots is make them look like Swiss cheese, when watering you’re looking for about 25% pot volume of water to saturate (roughly) so a 2 gallon pot should take roughly 1/2 gallon to Saturate fully

try this

If you’re in a 1 gallon pot get roughly 1/4 gallon into a watering can, use approx 1/3 of it, wait 5 minutes, then use 1/3 again, if you see ANY water dripping or even beginning to drip out the bottom drain holes after waiting the 2nd 5 minutes… you’re done, if looking to flush a bit use the remaining water, if running organics, you’re at the watering limit when you see the first drip out of the bottom dump the rest of the water out

Just my personal method

Also if using your leaves as indicators make sure to know the rhythm of your plants cycles, (day / night cycles)

Below is a 1 week time laspe from immediately after up potting from 2 cup pots to the 1 gallon pots and watering the leaves do crazy stuff at crazy times so make sure to pick a specific time of day to check, in the morning they may be straight up but mid afternoon the may appear to be drooping but in reality they have just reached their DLI (daily light interval) for the day and are shying back from the lights

TLDR: uppot when drying back every 2 days in veg / water fully - water slowly
IMG 0110
IMG 0012
IMG 1094
IMG 1093


I use a red solo cup to start and once the plant gets to be about the size of the cup. I'll transplant into a 5 gallon bag which is my final pot.


My personal method is start in shot glass sized solos 4x 1/4” holes drilled into the bottom of each

When the mini solos start drying back every 2 days I up pot, I switched to using using 1 cup sized pots, then 2 cup then 1 gallon then 3 gallon (if I wanna veg in the 3’s I eventually up pot to 5 gallon buckets I customized) (last 2 pics)

I found the frequent up potting made a huge difference in watering, once it dries back every 2 days (takes about a week) then I give them a week then they get the up pot again

Leaf position helps determine when watering is needed, I base it off pot weight, once you get used to the feeling of a certian size container being dry it’ll be 2nd nature

My tip would be LOTS of holes in the containers like mine show above, first thing I do when I buy new pots is make them look like Swiss cheese, when watering you’re looking for about 25% pot volume of water to saturate (roughly) so a 2 gallon pot should take roughly 1/2 gallon to Saturate fully

try this

If you’re in a 1 gallon pot get roughly 1/4 gallon into a watering can, use approx 1/3 of it, wait 5 minutes, then use 1/3 again, if you see ANY water dripping or even beginning to drip out the bottom drain holes after waiting the 2nd 5 minutes… you’re done, if looking to flush a bit use the remaining water, if running organics, you’re at the watering limit when you see the first drip out of the bottom dump the rest of the water out

Just my personal method

Also if using your leaves as indicators make sure to know the rhythm of your plants cycles, (day / night cycles)

Below is a 1 week time laspe from immediately after up potting from 2 cup pots to the 1 gallon pots and watering the leaves do crazy stuff at crazy times so make sure to pick a specific time of day to check, in the morning they may be straight up but mid afternoon the may appear to be drooping but in reality they have just reached their DLI (daily light interval) for the day and are shying back from the lights

TLDR: uppot when drying back every 2 days in veg / water fully - water slowly
Gm and this helps a lot! I don’t have a drill but I’m going to find a way to put holes in my pots since they are plastic! Thank you for the videos, the pictures and your time! All of sudden I don’t feel as hopeless🫶🏾🙏🏽


good morning thank you to everyone who who posted in this thread, I really am learning. I do have another question in terms of seedlings that only have one or two sets of leaves. I watered my seedlings about 4 or 5 days ago and the top of the soil is dry but the cups are still heavy.Should I water with a spray bottle next time or should I water with a tiny bit of runoff and wait like how I am now?
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