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here’s a way blotter acid was dropped onto paper.. this is the outer edge to hold with your hands as you would use an eye dropper to dose each piece than cut them out..
than we switched paper and would just lay the sheets in a paint roller tray filled with liquid acid and hang to dry.. than we just starting filling 5 gram viles of liquid acid and taking it that way..


Get a college connection the university kids always have been able to get it. 100 or so times was enough for me. Not since 1986. Something called "Green Pyramid" which was like a liquid jell inside plastic sections. It was very strong. Window Pane and white blotter were the strongest in the late 70's. Then a lot of mellow blotter around. Which wasn't very good at all. Red Dragon, Blue Dragon. And then the endless variety of "barrel" acid micro-tabs in the early 80's. It was all shit and it was all that was around. You could tell it was dirty. Your body wanted to wash it out with beer. Probably because of strychnine.
the purple mic ya was hit and miss, more like biker acid, but the orange double barrel we’d would get would knock us out of the park!


i had to stop acid and mushrooms, the real extacy, etc i was getting way to high and eating something almost everyday.. think my last day with shrooms was a fruit stew we made to drink and put a quarter pound of shrooms in it, so i drank like 5-6 cups and was also munching on them too🤪
plus smoking who knows what else, i lived with no limits to drug usage and mixing them up!!
at a dead show in the late eighties or early nineties, which i cannot remember because i was on a couple hits of window pane, extacy, shrooms, smoking opium, only thing i can barely remember is being helped out of the tapers section by a couple people nicely, that’s it! haha..
last time i tripped on acid ..i took 13 hits ... didn't work out so well.. i was in pearl harbor waiting on a discharge and was assigned to a barracks.. and we were all stoners... anyways a couple friends and i did 3 hits of acid apiece and went up in the mountains to find us a dope field !! didn't happen lol ..well we came down the mountain and to the base ...our barracks got busted! everyone was holding something ...well we decided to steal it all back ..and we did ! t was a thing of beauty anyway 1 fella got busted with 30 hits of blotter.. when everyone gathered outside we handed out everyone's shit ..we gave the dude his acid back and he gave us each 10 hits .!wellll lol i ate that shit ....and the rest is history ..what happened after cost me 4 yrs in prison ...nowadays im in to/ LSA not as strong but ok Hawaiian baby wood rose /elephant creeper
IMG 5792


last time i tripped on acid ..i took 13 hits ... didn't work out so well.. i was in pearl harbor waiting on a discharge and was assigned to a barracks.. and we were all stoners... anyways a couple friends and i did 3 hits of acid apiece and went up in the mountains to find us a dope field !! didn't happen lol ..well we came down the mountain and to the base ...our barracks got busted! everyone was holding something ...well we decided to steal it all back ..and we did ! t was a thing of beauty anyway 1 fella got busted with 30 hits of blotter.. when everyone gathered outside we handed out everyone's shit ..we gave the dude his acid back and he gave us each 10 hits .!wellll lol i ate that shit ....and the rest is history ..what happened after cost me 4 yrs in prison ...nowadays im in to/ LSA not as strong but ok Hawaiian baby wood rose /elephant creeper
haha wow!!
i’ve ate 9 at once before in the middle of winter, freezing cold out, don’t remember much haha..


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