Source Turbo tinctures-oils & shatter (methanol/alcohol extraction)

  • Thread starter AnselAdams
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Distillation In Progress!!!

Now thats much more better 😁

That is the color i have been searching for. Now let's see if the final product is worth a crap.... 🍻🙏

First cycle is just finishing. Will refill and go for another 2.5 hour cycle.
20200118 143250
20200118 143241


Research Notes:

Isopropyl vs Ethyl alcohol

The highest proof alcohol you can buy is Everclear, at 190 proof. That’s nothing! Let’s get together and make an alcohol that’s 200 proof! Except we can’t possibly do that. There’s a physical limit to how pure alcohol can actually get, and we’ll tell you why.

Ethanol, the business molecule of alcohol, is more volatile than water. Given any set of conditions, it will be more likely to fly away than water molecules. This includes higher temperatures. Heat up a mix of ethanol and water, and more of the ethanol will go away. This proved a bane to liquor makers, until someone stumbled on the secret of distillation. Heat up a mixture of ethanol and water to a point where the alcohol boils but the water (except for the stray molecule or two) does not, and you can make a liquid that’s pure water and collect a steam that’s pure ethanol.

Few people actually wanted pure ethanol, though. Though a little extra kick was good, only the hardcore drinkers demanded pure alcohol — and they weren’t going to be repeat customers. So it took a relatively long time for people to realize that no one could make pure alcohol or pure water from ethanol and water.

This is because ethanol is not an ordinary mixture, it’s an azeotrope. Instead of boiling purely and separately at two different temperatures, its vapor will form a certain proportion. Steam from alcohol is 95.57 percent alcohol. Get a pot of 95.57 percent ethanol boiling and the steam will be 95.57 percent ethanol right down until the last drop evaporates. That’s the limit.

It seems like it should be enough. (There is, reportedly a Bolivian beverage, Cocoroco, that’s 96 percent ethanol. It’s not legal, but it does exist.) However, leave it to people to try and change it. Someone found a solution. Benzene, when added to a mixture of water and ethanol, will allow more alcohol to steam upwards. What a disappointment that benzene was found to be carcinogenic. Well, we still can dream.

[Source: Solvent Recycling, Proof: The Science of Booze by Adam Rogers.]


I was reading that ethanol can only be purified up to something like 95% by distillation and further purification calls for CaO. Why is this? Is CaO a drying agent? Why is it that you can't separate water completely from ethanol? Is it just not feasible without CaO, like the tiny amount of water is nearly impossible to remove due to their being so much ethanol around it. Their structures are similar, they both are polar with the OH group and there are few carbons on the ethanol so they are pretty miscible (sp?). So I guess I can see how water would have trouble breaking free of its bond to ethanol in solution, at such a low concentration. I can see it, but is it right?

At the concentration of 95% ethanol, water and ethanol form what is known as an azeotrope. This is a mixture in which the azeotrope distills off before the desired liquie (ethanol). Citing from my memory, ethanol boils at 78.3C and the azeotrope of 95% ethanol/water boils off at 78.15C. So you really neevr can get 100% ethanol from distillation because the azeotrope has a lower boiling point and so you have to use a dehydrating salt (CaO).


Isopropyl vs Ethyl alcohol facts:

Ethyl alcohol consists of 2 carbon atoms while isopropyl alcohol has 3 carbon atoms. Ethyl alcohol is produced when ethene is hydrated or when sugar is fermented by yeast cells. ... Ethyl alcohol is suitable for drinking while isopropyl is toxic when ingested. Both can be used as a cleaning agent

Isopropyl alcohol, often called IPA or isopropanol, is similar in function and structure to ethanol. It evaporates at a similar rate and destroys bacterial and viral cells by the same mechanism. However, it is not as effective at dehydrating living tissue and so is a better solution for disinfecting skin than ethanol

Fuel grade ethanol may contain dangerous impurities and should never be consumed. Ethanol (C2H6O), the alcohol in alcohol beverages, sometimes just called “alcohol.” ... However, it is toxic to drink. Methanol (CH3OH), sometimes called “wood alcohol,” is highly toxic.

Ethanol, or ethyl alcohol, is the only type of alcohol that you can drink without seriously harming yourself, and then only if it hasn't been denatured or doesn't contain toxic impurities. Ethanol is sometimes called grain alcohol because it is the main type of alcohol produced by grain fermentation.

If as little as 10 ml of pure methanol is ingested, for example, it can break down into formic acid, which can cause permanent blindness by destruction of the optic nerve, and 30 ml is potentially fatal, although the median lethal dose is typically 100 ml (3.4 fl oz) (i.e. 1–2 ml/kg body weight of pure methanol).

EFFECTS OF SHORT-TERM (LESS THAN 8-HOURS) EXPOSURE: Methanol's toxicity is due to its metabolic products. The by-products of methanol metabolism cause an accumulation of acid in the blood (metabolic acidosis), blindness, and death.


I hope this helps someone else improve their understanding of the differences. These articles have certainly given me something to think about and seriously consider. Before all i had were myths; these seem based on solid science. Science that I can live with.

🍻 😎
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my concern was that the ISO will eat at the coating of the crucible over time exposing nasty metals and or eating at the the rubber ring. also since the source is more a vacuum distiller than true extraction machine it makes me wonder is all.
the latest batch looks super nice. i have 300 ML from a zip of shake i got in the freeze now. i will run in it in 12 hours or so. BOL i'm sure you will make a super product. i don't care to much about what mine looks like etc as long as it smokes well and hits hard i'm happy. i consider it up cycling myself when you consider even low or mids come out 99% .
on a side note check out this stuff my buddy gave me. its called 'the best wac you ever had' its some type of thca crystals or some shit. crazy good one and done stuff no joke.

IMG 1569


When you pull heads and tails from an ethanol distillation one smells like acetone and the ends smell like methanol.
And other assorted poisons.


When you pull heads and tails from an ethanol distillation one smells like acetone and the ends smell like methanol.

this is all over my head tbh.. which would be which? i have no dog in this fight as i fight pure grain to work just fine for my purposes and if i went higher i would use 200 food grade. but any way which one produces acetone?


I use the heads and tails to clean my vape and other trimming equipment.


Have any of you tried short path distillation to purify the oils you extract?
I fiddle around with chemistry a bit, we make colloidal silver, Lugol's, Swedish Bitters etc. and wine and mash and,,,,,,

I have looked at it but that may be something i tackle in the future.

I had my required semester of Chem. that is it. That sounds like WAY above my pay grade right now.... but geeezz your glass collection is awesome. and expensive. 😁


I have looked at it but that may be something i tackle in the future.

I had my required semester of Chem. that is it. That sounds like WAY above my pay grade right now.... but geeezz your glass collection is awesome. and expensive. 😁

Short path is an easy apparatus to use and the process is fairly simple.
You need a substantial amount to process though I guess.


When you pull heads and tails from an ethanol distillation one smells like acetone and the ends smell like methanol.
And other assorted poisons.

"... heads and tails ..." ? Que!

Please educate a chem 101 grad. 40 years ago. 🍻


"... heads and tails ..." ? Que!

Please educate a chem 101 grad. 40 years ago. 🍻

When you, oh let's say you are mixing up a batch of mash, you got your corn, sugar and malaise.
You let that sit for a week, 10 days or so.
During that time it begins to burp and fart CO2 as the sugar consumes the corn and produces a plethora of alcohol's and ketones.
You filter that off, pour into your distillation vessels, attach a condenser and start the process of separating the good alcohol (ethanol) from all of the bad ones.
During the distilling process, as liquid heats up a flow of liquids and gas begin to come over to your collection vessel.
If you are expecting say 2 gallons of product you would let approx. A qourt to collect then replace this vessel wit a new larger one and this will be the beginning of the "good" product and then towards the end, "tails" you again replace your vessel with a smaller one to catch the end products.
The heads and tails are no good, but I do use them for solvents.
I hope this makes since.

Oh , and as for the ethanol, we use it for extractions and tincture etc.

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