Tired of trainwrecking other peoples threads? Well then, come party at the captains! Trainwreck this thread with…….trains? Anything goes here……….

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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
necessity is the mother of invention.
Only thing that makes the viscosity of wax shatter oil, soupy, or hard to load is impurities.
Sure hope you didn’t get that terp spray grape special.

I do love some good or grape.
It’s why I’m hyped on these frostette plants
Grape cake x okie.
Those two plants large one is frostette
Born on the same day and potted up at the same time
IMG 4425
IMG 4463


necessity is the mother of invention.
Only thing that makes the viscosity of wax shatter oil, soupy, or hard to load is impurities.
Sure hope you didn’t get that terp spray grape special.

I do love some good or grape.
It’s why I’m hyped on these frostette plants
Grape cake x okie.
Those two plants large one is frostette
Born on the same day and potted up at the same time
nah it doesnt taste off in any way too me, im actually surprised by how "cannabisy" it actually tasted.

Soupy may be an exaggeration lol. It stretches a lot lmao. Usually with the super cheap dispo dabs theres something about the consistency that makes it undesirable ime. In this case its the stretch.

Ive run some plants before that has oily and stretchy consistencies, even after 72hrsat 100 in a vacuum. And i also tend not to run those plants again into dabs because they can be annoying to dab with anything but a nectar collector. I assumed there would be something annoying about the consistency being that cheap, is why i ended up not opening it for so long. Ive had some pretty decent crumble i can just drop right on my nail by hand for a bit


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
id love to check that one out lol.

Early on I played with stressing plants young for a while to see what i could get out of it. Generally what you get out of it, across the board, at least with te genetics i had at my disposal, seemed to mainly be longer turn around times for lower yields. Extra veg time to make up for the time lost, etc. If you stem split or use a nail, you end up with this big ugly knuckle scarred over the stem too, and yea its harder then the rest of the stem, but that does not mean its stronger.. If you do it with clones of the same plant, what you end up with.... drum roll please...

are longer turn around times (though not as bad as when done to seed plants early on), lower yields (also not as bad as when done to seed p[lants), and a big ass hardened callused up knuckle where you injured the plant. It may increase resin content a bit, but within margin of error and drifting variables... at the time all i was able to observe were cons, only cons, nothing but cons xD The clones seemed to keep growing through the damage though, a lot better then young seed plants do.

However, i also kept a control group at the time, something the guys who decided that worked probably didnt bother with.

I will also say, when ive implemented super cropping, the buds on those branches weren't all of a sudden, magically better then the un-scarred branches lol.

I tried boiling roots before hanging plants to dry when i was still a teenager too, all it did was make the house smell weird and my mom was annoyed.

Sorry, it would seem i used up my sense of humor last night with all the johnson talk
Super cropping to me is a means of control mostly, otherwise I just let them do their thing. If I’m cracking necks, it’s so I can maximize light bc it’s out of the hot zone.
As far as stalk splitting goes, I actually use a drill, 1/8 bit 3 in up from the medium and straight through and go two inches up turn 90 degrees and drill. Below all chutes and stalks to maximize the effect. I have done comparisons with drill/not drilled plants, but my main thing is if a plant is not bulking up like the rest, I’ll drill them. I have never had one wilt or droop, and imo, if the Dutch have been doing it since the 70s, hey, let’s give it a whirl unless the Dutchmen just have some odd love hate relationship with cannabis. it’s in the plants biology to create more resin as a defense. Over the years the stress tolerance of strains have definitely improved, but it’s something that I do sparingly, and the data is purely anecdotal so I say why not, there is nothing gained by not trying 👍🏻👊🏻🤡


So it's a lot like the concept backing the dark period before harvest then? lol.

I only mentioned super cropping because it's still stem stress and damage to the vascular system of the plant. The only reason i ever used it was for the same reason anyone else would.

But i also didn't have access to more then a few genetics at the time either. I also thought the point was stressing your plants when young with it for better results when older, so i may have also misunderstood the method originally as well or there were two "concepts" of it floating around at the time. I did the stem damage before flower, i just flowered the plants as soon as it healed. I tried right above the soil line, and a bit up into plants both. But i never did any of it during flower.

As far as i understand it resins are mainly an evolved protection mechanism that keeps UV radiation from hitting the ovule in the calyx while a seed is developing. It's most likely reason for existing is to protect the plants own DNA , and that of it's offspring because cannabis has a fairly primitive flower structure. I have played with a lot of stress methods that have definitely, sometimes massively impacted resin production. Damaging the meristem of a plant didn't seem to be one of them, at least with my plants. But never did it in flower.

I was able to HUGELY increase the resin content of my plants using actinic UV led's here and there in the tent sparingly. It did increase potency of the flower a bit and gave it all fantastic lung fill, but it decreased the potency of the concentrate returns while increasing return's volume. The dabs were never as strong under the actinic supplementation, but i could pull nearly a G from 2 grams of top buds after that. at least from the Biggs anyway

Hell i may look back into that though, once i dont have anything to lose messing something up anyway. Prob a few months at minimum

Im sure you and I will definitely find ourselves respectfully agreeing to disagree here and there though my brother. But that's one of the things that makes life interesting. We've both been doing things the way we do them for a while i imagine.
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Natural selection is real people.
View attachment 2157878
Holy shit, he was fired before he hit the ground

That there ladies and gents, is what I refer to as a “whizzbang”

Rolls in and just picks up the left hand worm drive circular saw being a righty, and for the life of himself can’t figure out why he can’t make a straight cut. will spend 5 hours ripping apart the truck looking for the universal pipe stretcher just so I don’t have to look at his silly ass. guaranteed the tie off is on a fucking vent hood that’s gonna rip out anyway but still.
Please fall 🤣


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
12 way solo cup mainline.
I’m topping it one more time to 24
Then I’ll clean up the stalks, I like to leaves as much veg as possible then prune and leave 5-6 nodes per branch and then roll
IMG 4650
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What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
Hey,Cap I can’t make anything out on the cee vee ess bottle but someone else may be able to? I didn’t want to quote you so you can edit it.
Thank you my friend, I posted a pic with a box that had my name and addy on it.
I be doing that dumb shit from time to time. Good looking out homie!


Thank you my friend, I posted a pic with a box that had my name and addy on it.
I be doing that dumb shit from time to time. Good looking out homie!
Doing my part amigo. I always try to scan for stuff like that when I am taking a picture before I post, yet only when I take the picture on counter tops. I always catch myself in the reflection, the other night when I was taking a picture of the controller I could see my face clear as day. Watch for that too. You can take it from a different angle to prevent that. 🤡👊


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
12 way solo cup mainline.
I’m topping it one more time to 24

Doing my part amigo. I always try to scan for stuff like that when I am taking a picture before I post, yet only when I take the picture on counter tops. I always catch myself in the reflection, the other night when I was taking a picture of the controller I could see my face clear as day. Watch for that too. You can take it from a different angle to prevent that. 🤡👊


Hey guys. If I have a 65W/600W Led growlight meant for one plant in a 1/1 space, can I get away with having another plant vegging next to it or should I get some additional light for it? I'm talking about autoflowers here, so lightcycle slishshycle (Wow)


Natural selection is real people.
View attachment 2157878
During one of the fall arrest courses I went to ( giant money grab) they had an incident listed of a guy on a roof with his harness on, but nowhere to tie off. So he slings his rope over the other side of the peak and ties off to his truck bumper, meanwhile his partner decides to grab something for coffee time and jumps in the truck.
Well you can figure out the rest of the story.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
It’s been a great year so far.
Good morning! Hope everything is great with y’all, and your gardens.
It’s Friday, and that’s rad.
Some pics for the morning to go with that cup o joe
IMG 3797
IMG 3803
IMG 3805
IMG 3641
IMG 3642
IMG 3633
IMG 3558
IMG 3395
IMG 3344
IMG 3199
IMG 3173
IMG 3130
IMG 2703
IMG 2688
IMG 2493
IMG 2214
IMG 9273
IMG 1338
IMG 1274
IMG 1245

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