Why Are My Leaves Growing Three Fingers? Let Me Tell You Why

  • Thread starter Seamaiden
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I had a sativa that had several humungous 15 finger leaves. I'm told thats pretty unusual. I never see more than 9 indoor. But the photoperiod is longer indoor than outdoor. So is it genetic?

I had 11 outdoors...its fun to take them dry them and roll up a fan leaf blunt

cool thread


Okay so I'm having an issue with this as well ,I had taken clones from my girls that were 3 days into flower ,all threw out the rerooting process they were dialed in when I planted them they were dialed in suffered virtually no stress (growing in botanicare coco) they rooted fast btw but they were in 9 oz red cups for about 2 weeks to develop and did fine producing 5 an 7 fingered leaves all green ....then from my previous grow I had coco that I flushed that had flowering nuits in it from 3 waterings (pH 5.8, water temp is 73Ā°F ,ppms are at 1100 room temp 75Ā°F 18 hours light 6 dark ) using 6 bulb T-5 hood ,but last week for no dang reason the leaves just started producing 3 fingered leaves then down to one fingered leaves theyre ending their 4th week of veg in 5 days why now all of a sudden would they do this ? Theyre healthy as shit tho I flushed the previous coco from the old flower nuits checked the run off none of what you people are saying makes sense none of my other females have done this ever my lights are not messed up either


Okay so I'm having an issue with this as well ,I had taken clones from my girls that were 3 days into flower ,all threw out the rerooting process they were dialed in when I planted them they were dialed in suffered virtually no stress (growing in botanicare coco) they rooted fast btw but they were in 9 oz red cups for about 2 weeks to develop and did fine producing 5 an 7 fingered leaves all green ....then from my previous grow I had coco that I flushed that had flowering nuits in it from 3 waterings (pH 5.8, water temp is 73Ā°F ,ppms are at 1100 room temp 75Ā°F 18 hours light 6 dark ) using 6 bulb T-5 hood ,but last week for no dang reason the leaves just started producing 3 fingered leaves then down to one fingered leaves theyre ending their 4th week of veg in 5 days why now all of a sudden would they do this ? Theyre healthy as shit tho I flushed the previous coco from the old flower nuits checked the run off none of what you people are saying makes sense none of my other females have done this ever my lights are not messed up either

By far the best post I have ever seen. You Sir, have a personality to boot, make more videos, you are a sensation.

Your plants look great, don't worry about the three fingered leaves. Essentially it is allowing more light to penetrate your canopy.

Going from what @Seamaiden was describing in her original post. She stated that the change in leaf formation was due to a hormonal change based on photoperiod. She described a flowering plant, growing more and more blades on the leaf, and when the plant is in a full vegetative state, have less blades.

You are on 18/6, so the change to less blades could mean your plant has had 0 stress and is in fact in a perfect veg.

Good job, you are killing it.

Now I just need to figure out if you were being sarcastic in the video. Lol, I'm sorry but it gave me quite the laugh going through the thought process with you.

Reminds me of all the little things with growing that can drive you mad.

Reverted back to soil and the KISS technique, and never looked back myself.


All right yā€™all sound pretty educated on the topicšŸ‘I got a couple questions? I have been growing these girls sense last winter. Started indoor from seed, put outside when the weather was good enough. They really took off this summer, one went into a reveg state but snapped back. My question is sense the days wonā€™t cut back for a while into a true 12-12, or as close to as I can get out here. Iā€™m afraid I wonā€™t be able to get decent colas before winter comes around again. Would I be ok putting them back indoor under some lights on a good cycle?? Iā€™ve always grew indoor any tips also itā€™s never too late to transplant is it.
19928758 2F20 4C46 A5E9 46D8AC726BA7
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0366659D E4C1 4FBC 9142 B1449B9C8942


I had an interesting re-veg experience recently. I took clones from a plant about two-ish weeks into flower while doing some final lower pruning, and they did the normal curly leaves and big single blades and after a few weeks they're back to 5 blades again (this is not the interesting part).

BUT then, a friend of mine gave me a cutting from very low on his plant, a Rainbow Pie. It was about two weeks from harvest, and it was basically a tiny nug on a stick. I stuck it in a rapid rooter cube and it rooted in a week or so. Planted in a solo cup, and it sat there and did visibly nothing for almost 3 weeks. Then out of nowhere, growth appeared from below the nug, and it grew a new shoot with normal 5 bladed leaves. The shoots in the pic grew in just over a week.

New shoot:
20190718 121018

Week later:
20190725 133339

20190725 133355

You can see a couple of strange round leaves on the lower area in the 2nd pic. Since then I gave her a haircut and removed all the remaining buds.


Cannabis is photoperiodic.

That means that it is the period or duration of lighting phase by which it "knows" whether to grow leaves (vegetative phase) or flowers (regenerative or sexual phase). These growth characteristics are controlled by hormones that are switched on or off by light, and these hormones are what tell the plant whether it should be growing leaves or flowers. It is not the daylight period that induces changes, but the dark period that controls this.

If you have a plant that has gone into flower and the dark phase is interrupted by sufficient light (moonlight is not enough to induce), by as little as a couple of minutes, it *will* cause the plant to go back into vegetative phase.

This growth has a distinct appearance, beginning with the plant growing triple-lobed leaves, often that don't have the normal serrations, which then become singles, then goes back to triples, and finally normally lobed leaves. Little to no bud growth will occur during this period.

Each phase change takes about two weeks for the plant to work through. So if you've got a plant in flower and you see it's started to throw triple-lobed leaves instead of the normal 5, 7, 9 or 11, you know that something has caused it to go back into a vegetative phase, aka reveg. If your plan is to get it back into flowering, know that the whole process will take approximately 6 weeks to get through before you see normal growth again.

I have found that reducing an 18hr lighting photoperiod by as little as an hour can induce flowering, but interrupting it for as little as 15 minutes 1x/night is enough to stop this. This is *not* the same thing as when a rootbound plant begins throwing pistils.

I have not played around a whole lot with photoperiods outside using a reduced daylight (reduced by 1/2hr each day) during flowering and stopped when I hit an 8hr day, so if there are others who've played a bit with photoperiods and what their effects are with other observations, I think this is the place to put them.
Your plant se
Cannabis is photoperiodic.

That means that it is the period or duration of lighting phase by which it "knows" whether to grow leaves (vegetative phase) or flowers (regenerative or sexual phase). These growth characteristics are controlled by hormones that are switched on or off by light, and these hormones are what tell the plant whether it should be growing leaves or flowers. It is not the daylight period that induces changes, but the dark period that controls this.

If you have a plant that has gone into flower and the dark phase is interrupted by sufficient light (moonlight is not enough to induce), by as little as a couple of minutes, it *will* cause the plant to go back into vegetative phase.

This growth has a distinct appearance, beginning with the plant growing triple-lobed leaves, often that don't have the normal serrations, which then become singles, then goes back to triples, and finally normally lobed leaves. Little to no bud growth will occur during this period.

Each phase change takes about two weeks for the plant to work through. So if you've got a plant in flower and you see it's started to throw triple-lobed leaves instead of the normal 5, 7, 9 or 11, you know that something has caused it to go back into a vegetative phase, aka reveg. If your plan is to get it back into flowering, know that the whole process will take approximately 6 weeks to get through before you see normal growth again.

I have found that reducing an 18hr lighting photoperiod by as little as an hour can induce flowering, but interrupting it for as little as 15 minutes 1x/night is enough to stop this. This is *not* the same thing as when a rootbound plant begins throwing pistils.

I have not played around a whole lot with photoperiods outside using a reduced daylight (reduced by 1/2hr each day) during flowering and stopped when I hit an 8hr day, so if there are others who've played a bit with photoperiods and what their effects are with other observations, I think this is the place to put them.
Plant is getting stressed someway...weather it be shitty ph or improper or inconsistent light...if not corrected you will get a below average yeild...


Isn't Triangle Kush another name for The White? My cut of The White never did that during veg, only when revegging.

I have only seen that when I had soil that was way too acidic, and at that time I was observing other weird problems as well, really bad lockouts and shit.

You know, I really don't know *why* root bound plants tend to go into flower, I only know that the smaller the container the more likely they are to go into flower, and when put in flower they will finish more quickly. I wish I had a definitive answer on why, but what I do when I see it is I get that girl repotted. If she's in the biggest size pot I can physically handle (3gals for me), then the green material on top gets whacked down hard, then I go at her roots and whack those down hard. I've take away as much as half the root material (sides & bottom) without causing a problem.
My girls doin this currently. Im debating moving her from 3 gal to 5 gal (but idk bout four plants inna 5 gal inna 4x4!) or i may go with the major trim option. Trying to keep her potential yield up as much as possible til the other 3 have been vegging bout 2 months total but shes rarin 2 go now haha. BUT evrn if i move her to 5 gal guess that dont mean ive gotta move the other three to 5 gals. Hmmm... Also i may be the only one in the world who fkn hates smartpots...


I had an interesting re-veg experience recently. I took clones from a plant about two-ish weeks into flower while doing some final lower pruning, and they did the normal curly leaves and big single blades and after a few weeks they're back to 5 blades again (this is not the interesting part).

BUT then, a friend of mine gave me a cutting from very low on his plant, a Rainbow Pie. It was about two weeks from harvest, and it was basically a tiny nug on a stick. I stuck it in a rapid rooter cube and it rooted in a week or so. Planted in a solo cup, and it sat there and did visibly nothing for almost 3 weeks. Then out of nowhere, growth appeared from below the nug, and it grew a new shoot with normal 5 bladed leaves. The shoots in the pic grew in just over a week.

New shoot:
View attachment 884419

Week later:
View attachment 884420
View attachment 884421

You can see a couple of strange round leaves on the lower area in the 2nd pic. Since then I gave her a haircut and removed all the remaining buds.
Holy shit thats awesome bruh!


We got given a clone late (July) I think it's a Northern Light strain, and it's been an outdoor plant. It started off good, 5 - 7 fingers, but now at the top and at the end of the season, it's started growing 3 again. I don't think it reached its full potential, wish I had've found this forum earlier to try and correct it. Weird how this happened at the end of the season.


We got given a clone late (July) I think it's a Northern Light strain, and it's been an outdoor plant. It started off good, 5 - 7 fingers, but now at the top and at the end of the season, it's started growing 3 again. I don't think it reached its full potential, wish I had've found this forum earlier to try and correct it. Weird how this happened at the end of the season.

Good news. Itā€™s very normal for colas, aka big buds to have 3 leave at this time in its life. I think all of my plants are back to three leaf now. Your plants look great.
just ohil

just ohil

I recently took some cuts from a Chemdog #4 about 2 1/2 weeks into flower. They continued to flower in the dome. They rooted in about 10 days with a flower top beginning to form. After removing and going into the veg room they went weird as hell on me. Some new leaves curled into a circle others only had one leaf, then two, three and finally started to look normal after a few weeks. Now healthy and thriving as if nothing had happened.
they call it reveg


Yes, I remember a thread where someone said it's common in some of those OG lines, but I haven't seen it in anything I've grown out to this point. In my experience, with the genetics I've run, it's a reveg issue. I see a lot of threads and questions, so I suppose the qualifier is that UNLESS it's one of those OG lines (a list might be helpful so anyone else who wants to add their here, I think it would be helpful to others) it's likely a reveg scenario.

They continued flowering just fine.

I have seen it, absolutely. Thanks for the reminder!

It has to be! At least I think so. Also, I've been told that there are some OG lines that just grow triple-lobed leaves, period. But I've never grown one out myself, so I can't speak to it. Again, however, assuming it's true (and I'm assuming it's true), I think it's gotta be genetic, just as the reveg expression itself likely has a genetic basis I would think.

I can totally agree with the OG line theory. Iā€™ve been growinga mystery strain for 2 seasons Now and Iā€™ve been thinking for a while now itā€™s some kind of OG. 1 itā€™s a super finicky Bitch of a plant to grow. Major OG trait right there. 2 it has that OG color green and smells pretty much like an OG. And now 3 itā€™s got these odd 3 finger leaves that it grows all through its lifecycle. I think you just helpedme figure out some of my mystery strain lineage! Thanks dude!


Cannabis is photoperiodic.

That means that it is the period or duration of lighting phase by which it "knows" whether to grow leaves (vegetative phase) or flowers (regenerative or sexual phase). These growth characteristics are controlled by hormones that are switched on or off by light, and these hormones are what tell the plant whether it should be growing leaves or flowers. It is not the daylight period that induces changes, but the dark period that controls this.

If you have a plant that has gone into flower and the dark phase is interrupted by sufficient light (moonlight is not enough to induce), by as little as a couple of minutes, it *will* cause the plant to go back into vegetative phase.

This growth has a distinct appearance, beginning with the plant growing triple-lobed leaves, often that don't have the normal serrations, which then become singles, then goes back to triples, and finally normally lobed leaves. Little to no bud growth will occur during this period.

Each phase change takes about two weeks for the plant to work through. So if you've got a plant in flower and you see it's started to throw triple-lobed leaves instead of the normal 5, 7, 9 or 11, you know that something has caused it to go back into a vegetative phase, aka reveg. If your plan is to get it back into flowering, know that the whole process will take approximately 6 weeks to get through before you see normal growth again.

I have found that reducing an 18hr lighting photoperiod by as little as an hour can induce flowering, but interrupting it for as little as 15 minutes 1x/night is enough to stop this. This is *not* the same thing as when a rootbound plant begins throwing pistils.

I have not played around a whole lot with photoperiods outside using a reduced daylight (reduced by 1/2hr each day) during flowering and stopped when I hit an 8hr day, so if there are others who've played a bit with photoperiods and what their effects are with other observations, I think this is the place to put them.
OK well I've had single leafed plants buy I am not a newbie growing since early sixties but had no I'll effects great for camp lol smell is what gets most crops found and bad trail camp, three can keep a secret if two are DEAD!


Okay so I'm having an issue with this as well ,I had taken clones from my girls that were 3 days into flower ,all threw out the rerooting process they were dialed in when I planted them they were dialed in suffered virtually no stress (growing in botanicare coco) they rooted fast btw but they were in 9 oz red cups for about 2 weeks to develop and did fine producing 5 an 7 fingered leaves all green ....then from my previous grow I had coco that I flushed that had flowering nuits in it from 3 waterings (pH 5.8, water temp is 73Ā°F ,ppms are at 1100 room temp 75Ā°F 18 hours light 6 dark ) using 6 bulb T-5 hood ,but last week for no dang reason the leaves just started producing 3 fingered leaves then down to one fingered leaves theyre ending their 4th week of veg in 5 days why now all of a sudden would they do this ? Theyre healthy as shit tho I flushed the previous coco from the old flower nuits checked the run off none of what you people are saying makes sense none of my other females have done this ever my lights are not messed up either
The plant has reverted to the vegetative state, I've experienced it myself, from a fully grown 9 fingers leaf to 3 pronged buds, profound effect on the yield, at some point the plant has been exposed to light, during the dark time, I can't stress how important full blackout, save moonlight, is. If you're sure this isn't why, there aren't many other ways for it to revert. Have you changed your lighting mid growth? At 12/12?.
This is a common occurrence, hence, I never have a naughty peek during dark time.
That's how I've managed it myself. Annoyingly, it wasn't worth the wait, which I did.....


my Chemdog D and Chemdog 91 have the 3 fingered leafs got to be genetics
Cannabis is photoperiodic.

That means that it is the period or duration of lighting phase by which it "knows" whether to grow leaves (vegetative phase) or flowers (regenerative or sexual phase). These growth characteristics are controlled by hormones that are switched on or off by light, and these hormones are what tell the plant whether it should be growing leaves or flowers. It is not the daylight period that induces changes, but the dark period that controls this.

If you have a plant that has gone into flower and the dark phase is interrupted by sufficient light (moonlight is not enough to induce), by as little as a couple of minutes, it *will* cause the plant to go back into vegetative phase.

This growth has a distinct appearance, beginning with the plant growing triple-lobed leaves, often that don't have the normal serrations, which then become singles, then goes back to triples, and finally normally lobed leaves. Little to no bud growth will occur during this period.

Each phase change takes about two weeks for the plant to work through. So if you've got a plant in flower and you see it's started to throw triple-lobed leaves instead of the normal 5, 7, 9 or 11, you know that something has caused it to go back into a vegetative phase, aka reveg. If your plan is to get it back into flowering, know that the whole process will take approximately 6 weeks to get through before you see normal growth again.

I have found that reducing an 18hr lighting photoperiod by as little as an hour can induce flowering, but interrupting it for as little as 15 minutes 1x/night is enough to stop this. This is *not* the same thing as when a rootbound plant begins throwing pistils.

I have not played around a whole lot with photoperiods outside using a reduced daylight (reduced by 1/2hr each day) during flowering and stopped when I hit an 8hr day, so if there are others who've played a bit with photoperiods and what their effects are with other observations, I think this is the place to put them.
Same here
20200309 111036


Looks like my plant.
I think that you're onto something, atm I have 4 girls indoors, random strains as they were a freebie, one is Sativa dominant and I'd potent, flowers are producing 3 fingers, while the rest less Sativa, are 5-7, the remarkable thing is the 3 fingers plant is outrageously producing big sticky and stinky buds, seems like they have another 3 weeks till harvest, can't take pictures atm, it's night. I'm truly surprised
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