Colorado's new growth industry: pot

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B.B. King

Gonna be interesting to see how it all plays out, but it's definitely gonna take a pocket full of cash to play by the rules!

Grow well,


and DUI-D legislation is up again...

The cocksucking traitors will keep bringing it up until it passes. I'd bet 20 bucks it passes this time around.
We Solidarity

We Solidarity

and DUI-D legislation is up again...

The cocksucking traitors will keep bringing it up until it passes. I'd bet 20 bucks it passes this time around.

thats not gonna happen until they figure out what to test for and how to test for it - another couple million dollars down the road that no one really seems to want to pay...not even a million was raised in the anti - legalization campaign...

whoever is trying to get that legislation to pass is about as redundant as Nader running for president.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
They are already writing DUI-D tickets left and right for marijuana and prescription drugs, no ones waitin for shit, DUI is a subjective field test, nothing scientific about it, it is only an officers opinion/descresion as to whether or not your impared...I know first hand so I know this to be true...Hell, I know a guy with a DUI right now that got pulled over with his pain medication prescription bottle in the console, the officer asked him if he was takin them to the prescription and he said yes, since the bottle says take every 4 hours, he was deemed impared and was arrested..he is still fightin it out with them

Just ask the top DUI attorneys in Colorado if they are handin them out yet or are waiting on some future legislation....

Legally you can be arrested for a DUI even if a breath-a-lizer test numbers don't meet the state threshold for can blow a .05 and get charged even if the state minimum is .08, doesn't really matter, they will do whatever they can to get you in the system..even if you fight it and ultimately win, it cost out the ass.. and a PBT is another way to trick ya into givin up your rights that every one just excepts
sky high

sky high

DUID has always been a crime. Current policy, if drugs are involved, is a roadside and a determination by the officer if you are fucked up. If he thinks you are impaired, you will be headed to the hospital for a blood draw. Refusal of either test is an automatic one-year suspension of your license...and since there are no limits for THC currently...any THC in your system combined with a police officers testimony you were high will put you in huge trouble.

Now that recreational and medical are in the picture...I heard the other night they may look into higher limits for med....or some sort of "affirmative defense" your MMJ card...may not keep you out of court initially...but MAY help your case if you can argue medical need.

Bottom line....snuff the joint/bowl you've been puffin' in the car for all these years and don't give them cause to even think you are high/holding/impaired.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Ever see that jailhouse show they film in Las Vegas? they flat out will strap you down to a chair against your will and forceably draw blood from ya, doesn't seem to matter that it is unconstitutional at all to those cops...they say they are trying to determine how to treat you in the jail whether medical attention or segregation or whatever.....still against the law for them to do it...I always thought that was crazy

THC test can only be done with a blood test and recent precedent says that it is unconstitutional to draw blood unless you secure a warrant and have an actual court order to draw blood


The DUI-D nano limit and it's new legislation will solidify arrests/convictions. You ain't seen nothing yet. Cops are still in the training processes for learning all the proper procedures regarding DUI-D, as we speak.

Once you lose your drivers license, people will be hard pressed to get to work (not to mention all the drug screening tests going on these days just to get a job). But without that DL,there's no other choice but to drive anyways. Then when they pop you again you are fucked.

Fill the jails, welcome to life in a cage. Prisons are money machines and they have cheap labor from the working slaves. Feeling free in America, yet? China looking any better? ;)

Again, no resistance from the commoners means more of the same.
sky high

sky high

yikes. I'll avoid Nevada.

I'd have to go find the verbiage in the law, TK....but without a doubt....the law is written here that EVERY driver in Colorado who applies for a license and then accepts it/uses it has consented via that use to be tested...either with a breathalizer..or via a blood draw. Thus, they aren't forcing you. You have already agreed to it as a condition of fulfilling your >privilege> to drive (not a right like so many think it is). As a result, i don't believe the "unconstitutional" aspect would apply in CO nor will the court recognize such a defense.

One of my bud's who has a card went through this crap and refused the test because he was high and stupid and thought his med card would cover his ass...and he just recently was able to petition for his license back. Of course, his insurance is now astronomical...and he has all of that crap on his record for his NEXT traffic stop "fun"....


I've lost my license many times. My insurance is dirt cheap, about 500-600 per year for basic liability.

How do I do that? I do not give my insurance company my ssn number. That is how insurance companies track you and are linked up with DMV and the piggies. It's a bit tough to find a ins co that will sign you on without giving your SSN but I did it. Small town businesses are the best bet.

If anyone want my ins. companys name and number, PM me.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
I read that Denver actually has a seperatly trained group of cops solely to do field sobriety test on stoners..already on the job and out there

Lolol Kolah, I have lost my lisence a few times gets really cheap when they throw you into the high risk pool that insurance companies are required to participate in...I had to petetion the court to get mine back once and it sucks


Premium Member
Got pulled over for speeding Idaho Springs PD on i70 been puffin all day, we stop and puff outside Caddie, issued ticket, 240 bucks off i went...Was pretty baked, no hasels...


Yeah TK, my lady-friend who works at my insurance company told me they also run credit checks on folks and if your credit is shit they jack up your rates. Again they need an SSN to do this.

Many years back I tried doing the "right to travel" thing. I made my own plates and tossed out my DL. I lost a lot of cars (they impounded my clunkers) and I spent some nights in the clink for it. I tried to fight it out in the courts to no avail. It was a fun learning experience but I lost. So I have now "tailored things a bit.

I avoid Denver like the plague.

CM, 240 bucks?? wtf?? thats some real chump-change there..shit.

Horseback and covered wagons look better and better every passing day.

CM notation-like: elk steak with mushrooms and onions cooking on the stove, baby.
sky high

sky high

Knockin on wood here re "insurance"....and never losin my license for any reason. Had some wrecks/tickets as a teen/tickets in my 20's and spent years of high-risk insurance til i wised up. LOL. These days...I always love it when they check our credit score. We've worked hard to max that bitch out at the top.

I do worry about the THC/driving gig...but I'm driving less than 5K a year now so I just travel as carefully as I can. If I puff it's hash only... and those smell-proof bags are a must.

But yeah...I have no doubt a substantial part of this 'growth industry" will be in blood testing and court-related expenses...
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
I had a few double'n the speed limit, a 135mph in a residential, a few promoting competition racing on a public street, a stack of exhibition of my youth I racked up 25+ crazy ass tickets and traffic arrest in one year one point they threatened to petition the court for psych evaluation ....whole thing was pretty was just a crazy fast Mustang..but they took my lisence

Here was one of my daily drivers at one point..needless to say I was always sober in this silly shit..I drove this to the bank and grocery store every day, people would trip when I left the house at 6am with a smokey burnout

Tbucket 5


Thats a nice grocery getter, lol. Had a fast car in high school, exceeding 100 down Broadway, alluding, running red lights, reckless, racing, couple other things I think, last fast car I ever owned. When driving around I make sure the weed is in some kind of smell proof container. And out of site, lol, how many people you know got harassed cause they forgot about the bong setting there in between the seats?


lol. Brings back some memories. Sneaking up to a house to put water in the bong, way back in the day.


Nice cruiser TK. It's hard to tell from the pic but I'd guess that ain't a small block Chevy..looks like a big block to me. Is that 2 four barrels stacked on it?

Hod rods and Harleys aren't made to putt around in. Full throttle and hang on.


I was speaking with a recently retired(really recently) cop at christmas,he told me you should treat your bag as an open container and carry it in the trunk or a seperate compartment in his opinion,he also said if you use some damn visine,eat a tic tac and your car doesnt reek its damn near impossible to make the call you are stoned in the field and highly doubtful they would take you in to check,this is in cali though not colorado.

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