Dont bet your life....

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“Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control

(Credit: Public Affairs Books/Jenna Pope)
Excerpted from "Rise of the Warrior Cop: The Militarization of America's Police Forces"
Sal Culosi is dead because he bet on a football game — but it wasn’t a bookie or a loan shark who killed him. His local government killed him, ostensibly to protect him from his gambling habit.
Several months earlier at a local bar, Fairfax County, Virginia, detective David Baucum overheard the thirty-eight-year-old optometrist and some friends wagering on a college football game. “To Sal, betting a few bills on the Redskins was a stress reliever, done among friends,” a friend of Culosi’s told me shortly after his death. “None of us single, successful professionals ever thought that betting fifty bucks or so on the Virginia–Virginia Tech football game was a crime worthy of investigation.” Baucum apparently did. After overhearing the men wagering, Baucum befriended Culosi as a cover to begin investigating him. During the next several months, he talked Culosi into raising the stakes of what Culosi thought were just more fun wagers between friends to make watching sports more interesting. Eventually Culosi and Baucum bet more than $2,000 in a single day. Under Virginia law, that was enough for police to charge Culosi with running a gambling operation. And that’s when they brought in the SWAT team.
On the night of January 24, 2006, Baucum called Culosi and arranged a time to drop by to collect his winnings. When Culosi, barefoot and clad in a T-shirt and jeans, stepped out of his house to meet the man he thought was a friend, the SWAT team began to move in. Seconds later, Det. Deval Bullock, who had been on duty since 4:00 AM and hadn’t slept in seventeen hours, fired a bullet that pierced Culosi’s heart.
Sal Culosi’s last words were to Baucum, the cop he thought was a friend: “Dude, what are you doing?”
In March 2006, just two months after its ridiculous gambling investigation resulted in the death of an unarmed man, the Fairfax County Police Department issued a press release warning residents not to participate in office betting pools tied to the NCAA men’s basketball tournament. The title: “Illegal Gambling Not Worth the Risk.” Given the proximity to Culosi’s death, residents could be forgiven for thinking the police department believed wagering on sports was a crime punishable by execution.
In January 2011, the Culosi family accepted a $2 million settlement offer from Fairfax County. That same year, Virginia’s government spent $20 million promoting the state lottery.
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They i figured they were the 6th branch Ever since they started training like military, applying military tactics and last and most disturbing dehumanizing opponent like the literally so sad that i feel like the second civil war began when regan declared war on drugs it was really a war on the drug addict people, war on the unworthy, war on the underclass....
A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same nation state or republic,[1

Just as sad many unorganized innocent fathers mothers and children get caught in the crossfire..
Thanx for sharing chickenman


Very sad,i have close family that just retired after 30 years,the last ten or so as a homicide detective and he is sad too,lies.coercion and intimidation rule the day now,do as we say not as we do or else,we are dirtbags and below them.I think all the shootings of innocent bystanders while they were hunting down christopher dorner shows pretty clearly their mindset,they truly beleive they have the right to do whatever they like up to and including killing without repercussions.No way cops should dress like military assault teams,drive armored tanks or answer only to their department instead of a court of law,Biggest gang in america!


Police are civilians too. Law enforcement has turned into a military force now. It's gone too far, and they will never let go of their new toys and power. We are seeing the bill of rights become worthless, this is turning into a perfect storm.


So once a large majority of people realize there is a serious problem and once they realize that it will not go away by itself.... what are the solutions?

Or do we keep sitting and just watching and only do something constructive until it effects us directly or a close loved one? ....and hoping it just goes away on it's own.

No, the sky isn't falling but we have some very serious problems today. And yeah is was bad in the past (50's, 60's) but in comparison things have been severely ramped up. And IMO it will continue to escalate without any resistance from people who call themselves Americans.

Remember, real americans fought and died for the very same thing we are facing today. They decided to take action. We may not have to resort to guns as there are other ways to make the changes needed. But there may come a time when we won't have options. "WE' being defined as people who are willing to become pro-active to make the necessary changes to save this dying country.


Premium Member
Back in my drinking days we went to a show at the paramount theatre in Denver. Boz Skaggs and band, great show.
I got all dressed up in high end thrift store clothes looked sharp. We had drinks before with this gal who could not handle her beer. After the show had a few more. She was caught pissing in the parking lot of the Denver pavilions.
The pinkerton gaurds were really pissed off. They told me and my buddy to get the hell out of here shes coming with us under arrest, she crying, there yelling. Before we knew it we in cuffs and escorted to a room where they were yelling and man handeling us.
They left the room and we shut the door behind them locking them out. they had no key and were yelling open this fucking door were going to kill you if you don't.
They were really pissed, no way would we open the door until the cops arrived, we told them so.
They went and got a fire ax and proceeded to bash away at that metal fire door in cinder block.
We barricaded ourselfs inside with the table wedged on door knob, took them a good 15 minutes bashing and cursing to get to us which they finally did >got us out and had us down just about to beat the shit out of us guys handcuffs and all.
the cops showed up 10 of them saw the carnage and wrote 2 tickets, one for pissing in public the other for disturbing the peace to my buddy, I was let go no charges my thrift store clothes all tore up, my friend got his finger tip cut off blood all over the room where it went down.
We got lawyer they dragged it out for 3 years we settled for 15 thou each. Pinkerton no longer guards the Pavilions...
Was not really drunk, just the wrong place at the wrong time, that gal always had to pee, this time we caught hell...
Funny now not so funny then......


Back in my drinking days we went to a show at the paramount theatre in Denver. Boz Skaggs and band, great show.
I got all dressed up in high end thrift store clothes looked sharp. We had drinks before with this gal who could not handle her beer. After the show had a few more. She was caught pissing in the parking lot of the Denver pavilions.
The pinkerton gaurds were really pissed off. They told me and my buddy to get the hell out of here shes coming with us under arrest, she crying, there yelling. Before we knew it we in cuffs and escorted to a room where they were yelling and man handeling us.
They left the room and we shut the door behind them locking them out. they had no key and were yelling open this fucking door were going to kill you if you don't.
They were really pissed, no way would we open the door until the cops arrived, we told them so.
They went and got a fire ax and proceeded to bash away at that metal fire door in cinder block.
We barricaded ourselfs inside with the table wedged on door knob, took them a good 15 minutes bashing and cursing to get to us which they finally did >got us out and had us down just about to beat the shit out of us guys handcuffs and all.
the cops showed up 10 of them saw the carnage and wrote 2 tickets, one for pissing in public the other for disturbing the peace to my buddy, I was let go no charges my thrift store clothes all tore up, my friend got his finger tip cut off blood all over the room where it went down.
We got lawyer they dragged it out for 3 years we settled for 15 thou each. Pinkerton no longer guards the Pavilions...
Was not really drunk, just the wrong place at the wrong time, that gal always had to pee, this time we caught hell...
Funny now not so funny then......

good story man.


They i figured they were the 6th branch Ever since they started training like military, applying military tactics and last and most disturbing dehumanizing opponent like the literally so sad that i feel like the second civil war began when regan declared war on drugs it was really a war on the drug addict people, war on the unworthy, war on the underclass....
A civil war is a war between organized groups within the same nation state or republic,[1

Just as sad many unorganized innocent fathers mothers and children get caught in the crossfire..
Thanx for sharing chickenman

This is on point- especially considering that the ranks of our police forces are chock full of military veterans- that is to say, people who were trained to break things and kill people first, and worry about consequences later. That training, reinforced by combat experience and trauma, is hard to overcome. What's sad is they've stopped trying.

How is this different from fascism?
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