My Cheap Ass Grow.

  • Thread starter jipp
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No silly I don't see any clones in those bags:) those are seed cups. I think he's slowing down the dry out time of the soil.
I know clones need fed but only for a short time. Trying to figure out if I bed to done my seeds.


i did not want to ruin my seeds trying to plant them even more blind than i am. hah.

so 93 Afghani in the soil.. everyone send them some positive vibes.. so they at least get to be a plant. laughs.
and if i have no luck, ill try a gain i still have a few more Afghani seeds. laughs.
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tape root was facing up when i covered it.. laughs View attachment 690661
i had no small baggies, these will work better for clones.
also in my environment these bags work much better than a plastic bottle.. i tried it.. they would not hold moisture like the bags in my dry aired climate.
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well i have to go to eye doctor i need to hit the smoke shop too.
and harbor freight for some dabbing tools. lol

sorry thought u where talking about the bag over the cups
i am go look st the post of jipp I quoted


The Beast Slayer
I get that but why ?
Living in a low rh higher temp environment. Our places will cause high transpiration rates. Causing our clones to Wilt, dry out, or just die from lack of root system.

The lack of root system means lack of water intake. Without the humidity bag. The leaves cannot hold onto their water. Instead they transpire into the low relative humidity environment. Leaving the plant at the moisture deficit. While it also cannot uptake new water.

The bag allows the loss to occur more slowly. Allowing the plant time to shoot out roots. Even after roots are established and bag is removed. The plant can still have a hard time adjusting.

So in a dry hot environment.
It increases the reliability of cloning for us.


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so i mixed up micros will feed tomorrow.. plants using more water ow than last week.. temps about the same 80 - 86 low low humid.

with tent o pen during day its chilling at 77-78 with ac on.

the clone tent is here.. arrived yesterday when i was at the eye doctor..

im blind in my left eye because of stress. hah. so i have to go back in 3 months see if it i improves.. shrugs.

so i guess withdrawals are stressful. laughs.

im gonna try to get into a doctor today for my knee so i can make a appointment with a surgeon.. we see.

head shops are a fucking scam. hah, i broke my down stem. ( again ) they tried selling me some 90.00
yet, they had the same cheap stem i had in the back.. once i told them id buy it if i could drop it from waist high onto a hard surface it would not break other wise no. hah

i do not get it.. shrugs. oh well.

so i left spending way less than they expected.. shrugs.
im sure it was a nice down stem. hah but not for something i know for a fact ill break again.

i mixed up micros yesterday so i can feed/micro tomorrow. i used molasses this time. now i need to try and set my clone tent up ( much easier to keep a eye on clones instead of hidden under shit.. such a hassle.. i doubt these will take but good lesson anyhow.. ). hah. but ill wait till i find out whats going on with doctors and shit and also have to put shit off the table in a box.

hope you are all having a fantastic day.


hey check this out.. when you get a cool, dry environment..
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look how wax behaves.. im naming this shater-wax. hah
go out side and its a fucking mess tho.. inside tho it works just like shatter this way.. Bonus.. i got tired of heating it up to use it. so said fuck it last time i heated it up.. and made a small amount onto some wax paper or whatever shatter comes in.. and flatten it down to the same thickness as the shatter iv had.. maybe b it thick by 1/16 but whatever.
so much easier to use like this.

oh yeah i got some dab stuff.. fear..
just have to learn how to use the stuff. hah


its so dry here. 20 percent at the moment.

once the seedlings sprout i will remove the bag from them too.. the dirt would dry out so fast and seedling die too. with out the bag. i tried both.. bag works by far the best.

Thank you that's what I wanted to know.
Guys I know clones need domes I'm in a dry area as well and have been taking clones for 16 years:smoking:
I was trying to figure out if he was babying the seeds or preventing the dirt from drying to fast:D turns out he was preventing the dirt from drying out.
I've recently started seeds and it's been 10 years since I've popped beans so I am new to this and like to gather info to better my chances:party1:
Bowls up wake bake


Living in a low rh higher temp environment. Our places will cause high transpiration rates. Causing our clones to Wilt, dry out, or just die from lack of root system.

The lack of root system means lack of water intake. Without the humidity bag. The leaves cannot hold onto their water. Instead they transpire into the low relative humidity environment. Leaving the plant at the moisture deficit. While it also cannot uptake new water.

The bag allows the loss to occur more slowly. Allowing the plant time to shoot out roots. Even after roots are established and bag is removed. The plant can still have a hard time adjusting.

So in a dry hot environment.
It increases the reliability of cloning for us.

You'd think being a growgod and all you'd of already known this, but i digress the herbs not helping your delusions of grandeur are they? Of course your not aware silly!
Carlton dancing


well it really sucks not being able to take the plants out side.. all the plants are showing signs of wanting food now. the cob really hides it well.

hopefully next feeding will help. when i say all i mean all in the tent.

and solo 17 is growing like a son of a bitch or its on its death bed its been molting (growing new leafs ) all fucking day.

on the postive, i know i have to feed them all more.. once they hit this size i guess they want more food. than what the transplanted soil could give. when not over watered from a seedling.



its on no doubt.. it just sways from too and throw.

well i put the solo cup 17 under the LED ( not the LED COB ) and wow.. its starving liek bad! i ddi feed tho.. so maybe it can come back. but yeah.. ill get a picture so we can all learn what a starved plant looks like in a solo cup.

for every noob who will wants to enter the next solo cup.
i feel bad, but it what it is. im learning. so lets cross our fingers and hope it might come back.

( oh yeah COB suck for seeing a hungry plant.. really bad when you see its to late. at least for my fucked up vision. )

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actually its my fault. i did notice it was acting different all day. the cob led hid the color from my eyes. :( or i would of feed sooner.

lets get high.. and learn from my mistakes.
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oh yeah i like a hit off the bong with this wax. hah.. i take a good hit, then vape off the pen.. it works great.

rock on.
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here is a shot from dis morning. to my eyes it looks like its growing new leafs.. if you look at the bottom leafs they not limp... so not wilting. but.. from dis morning to 3 pm it did not perk back up.
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yesterday morning.
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now under LED.. cobs make it hard to see for me.. yeah i know if i took them out side and shit would not be a issue but at the moment kinda hard so im doing best i can.
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i guess the only thing to learn from this is not to neglect your plants. but its a whatever project anyhow. same with the seedling behind it, its fucking foot tall. hah. cut it in half an clone because it is a pancake plant.

( now one problem i have had.. is the leafs at the bottom were yellow long ago so iv been ignoring them.. but i see that was a bad idea. n ow i look at the pictures. also i was learning about food too.. so maybe its a ok mistake. )

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