Soil growing answers

  • Thread starter Tyleraxis
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Soil Growers:
1. Are you growing from seed or clones? Seeds
2. How old are your plants? 2 months on the 26th of July
3. How tall are your plants? 19"
4. What size containers are they planted in? They were started indoors in 6" round containers
5. What is your soil mix? Miracle grow, mulch, and horse manure
6. How often do you water and what type of water do you use? I use well water- water once the first inch is dry
7. What is the pH of your water? 7
8. What kind of fertilizer do you use and what is its NPK ratio? Peter's 20-20-20
9. Do you foliar feed or spray your plants with anything? Yes, water, NPK, Water, NPK- everyother
10. What kind of lights do you use and how many watts combined? (HPS, MH, fluorescent, halogen, incandescent "plant lights") In my grow box I used, 6- 2700k- 2300 lumen CFL's with 2- 850 lumen LED fixtures. Flowering closet (under construction) Im using one 600W HPS and during the dark cycle 2- green 100w CFL's
11. How close are your lights to the plants? I kept the lights about 4-6" away
12. What size is your grow space in square feet? 4^'
13. What is the temperature and humidity in your grow space? indoors it was 75-80* with 50-60 humidity outdoors- 80's with 80% humidity
14. What is the pH of the soil? 6.5
15. Have you noticed any insect activity in your grow space? not at all
16. How much experience do you have growing? very little, first time growing

I started them indoors- they were doing great. I went to Vegas for 4 days- watered and pruned them before I left. Came back one was dead but was a male, the other, a female- and was ok- Watered with 20-20-20 and it was doing good.

Placed them outside because my flowering closet wasnt ready- Left them outdoors in containers for 2 days. The plant is no in the ground. I dug out a 2x2 foot hole and put in the same mulch mixture. Watered with 20-20-20- that was two days ago. Checked them last night seemed ok- we had a big storm last night and when I checked it this am it seemed to be "hanging" I guess. Gets a great deal of sunlight so Im hoping it was over watered and just needs to dry out


They were random seeds I got from a friend. Gave me a bunch for free, only half germinated and about 80% that sprouted cotyledons died. only had 3- 2 were male this was my only female. Could it be just a weak plant?
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To me the look overwatered and are having some issues with the miracle grow....I wouldn't feed them any more food...In fact I would flush with Plain water and see what happens
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

how much miracle grow?

how old was the horse shit and how much?

Was the mulch well composted?

How well was the hole draining before you filled it with long did it take to drain out?

It sounds like you are a little hot and water logged.

You know how to make a simple ACT?

I would flush, and as the final step of the flush, fill the pot with a simple EWC tea.

Let that sucker dry a few few few days.....until the top 2-3 inches are bone dry. It wont hurt anything....promise.

Foliar with plain distilled water for a couple of days after dusk sets in... foliar with the tea once its made.


I wouldn't flush yet, that T-storm you just had already flushed it enough and it looks really overwatered. Let it dry out for a few days then give it plain Ph'd water and use nutes only once or twice a week for now, good luck.


Thanx. This is my first run at it. I didnt plan on putting them outside. I will try these tips.

Theres not much miracle grow at all, mulch was composted outside in the sun, the horse poo is 2 weeks old.

Whats an ACT?
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

Ok...thats pretty green for horse poo. It generally needs to compost for a year.

Aerated compost tea.

Search it out here on the farm. A million threads on ACT's. Look in capulators subforum in the nutrient section.

I will post a link or two after I wife just put it on the table..:)

Nutshell: the ACT will balance most possible screwups in your soil mix and get the plants on a healthy path.


Tried searching tghe organic tea. But nothing comes up on How to:
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

you put water in a bucket and bubble a few things in it...thats it.....

I will post recipies later if you like


Thanx alot. gonna do it tomorrow on my day off.

Heres a link for others to use:


Alright, So I let them go all day yesterday and today. Just checked them at 5, seemed to be the same, soil was dry to about 4" down, flushed it with distilled water.

I also started my ACT this afternoon- same as in the above video, I used an older air pump to bubble it. So tomorrow afternoon I'll use the tea and maybe by the end of the weekend she'll be alright.


Alright, So I let them go all day yesterday and today. Just checked them at 5, seemed to be the same, soil was dry to about 4" down, flushed it with distilled water.

I also started my ACT this afternoon- same as in the above video, I used an older air pump to bubble it. So tomorrow afternoon I'll use the tea and maybe by the end of the weekend she'll be alright.

You just flushed it today, so I would not use the tea tomorrow because your gonna overwater it again. Give a few days in between waterings.

The easiest way of overwatering is not giving time for the soil to dry out. So you can give your plant 2 gallons of water every 3rd day, IMO thats better then giving it a half gallon everyday. So since you just watered today I wouldn't water again til Friday or Saturday.


ok, thank you. I just gave it a gallon.

Once the root system gets bigger its gonna need more water, but right now be careful not to overwater. If the leaves start drooping, then its either over or underwatered, in your case overwatered. Give it a couple days and it should perk up, good luck.


ok, so I went and looked at her lastnight. Most of the leaves yellowed, including steams, yellowed and fell off. Theres alot of new growth tho and it seems fine.
Mississip Hip

Mississip Hip

sweet! up some more pics later on when she gets going,
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