Tnelz thread about whatever!

  • Thread starter Tnelz
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@gardnguyahoy I'm pretty sure he's not. Just wary of anything logic could potentially fuck


@Pimp T yes. Never ran into defiency as long as your water isn't too hard and throws off the ion balance, pH is obviously important for proper uptake but at 140-210 ppm (.2-.3 ec 700 scale) it's pH perfect. No additives needed. Quality is great, like always enviroment plays a much bigger part. Look up gsizzle. Dude kills it bar none


@gardnguyahoy well I suppose a NFT style system would possibly allow the least total water. Though since it's kinda about stability one of the "easiest" ways to get stability in any of these systems; is with more volume. So, the smaller you go; the faster things can get out of whack. Other than the flood / drain I did; I've not messed much with active hydro systems (cuts I suppose); so I'm no expert.

If you do a dtw coco setup as Tnelz or SpitX suggested; you can get around the reservoir issue, while still getting much of the benefit as you would from an active hydro setup.

I agree with getting a pump setup for watering (if dtw). I hand watered all of mine for 9 years and was glad to get a pump. I still rotate the whole floor weekly, so that gives me something to whine about; lol.

@SpitXFire my only complaint after using a few bottles of Flora Nova bloom; was those darn tiny chunk's always getting stuck in my syringe's. The nova grow didn't have that issue really.


I don't know what anyone is talking about. The 420 give away has nothing to do with logic. Where that info comes from I have no idea. And for the record all these breeders left the farm eons ago. This isn't new. Whatever logic chooses to do is his business I don't get into other people's bullshit. I also have no problem with people who don't like his methods. Just saying it's not my business so I don't care. I don't buy beans from the farm. I buy direct from the breeders I mess with for the most part. Back to the 420 thing. That was me giving back to the people who make this thread what it is. Just like this thread it all of a sudden blossomed into something way bigger than I anticipated. So one thing I don't ever want this place to become is a rumor mill. Not sure how anyone put logic or anyone else into my own personal give away. So I never asked for anyone to participate like I said it was supposed to be me giving back. So it is what it is. Participate or not. I will be fine blessing someone with my own personal seeds once my thread reaches that point. If nobody wants a pack from my vault it's fine. I'm just as happy keeping them. No stress here but please if ur not sure about something please ask. Don't assume. I have no idea where the 420 give away was going to be anyone but me giving seeds away.


This site struggles with credibility, because of the underhanded trolling bullshit of the few, take a clue.... It's people that make the site, not vice versa. The little conspiracy Michigan skanks are a prime example, know what I mean Zeke? Nelz, I think your a good guy, and I appreciate your work with my genetics, please don't get caught up in the same shit, that has plagued this site from the beginning. Get


I always try to give folks the benefit of a doubt, but it always comes back to the lack of credibility of the few


Appreciate the compliment bro. But I get caught up in nothing. I stay out of other people's shit. Don't like drama at all. This has been a pretty much drama free Zone for just about 300 pages. It's only recently it's been creeping in. Don't like agendas or other people's problems. I started this thread so I and whoever wanted to dwell here could escape a lot of the bullshit that goes on here at the farm. The one thing I don't want is this to become a zone to take shots at a bunch of people. Not speaking to u by the way just speaking. All that's going to do is bring said people to come here to fight back. Which ultimately will cause me to just walk away and that would be disheartening considering two days ago it was all smiles around here to the point I was going to do my first give away. The vibe has changed and I am annoyed by that. Just tired and need some sleep. Again I am not addressing any person in particular at all. Just saying. Peace and good vibes y'all. Let's get back to growing.


so on the topic of anyone into mycology here? and further more does anyone currently grow any fungus? I ask bc im thinking of building a terranium ( i got some spare time!=)) I did it once when i was like 14 or so and actually yielded close to a #....



I was planning on starting up some mycology studies...less about spare time more about $pare.....

I've tried before but the inoculation jars I used were too big, and we were impatient.


so on the topic of anyone into mycology here? and further more does anyone currently grow any fungus? I ask bc im thinking of building a terranium ( i got some spare time!=)) I did it once when i was like 14 or so and actually yielded close to a #....
There is only one type of fungus I would be interested in growing.. it sounds like "much rooms" lol. The best ones I had were like 90 an 1/8 but less than a gram had me geekin


Yeah usually mushrooms aren't much more than &35 an 8th...although I've seen like albino penis envy go for $50 a cut

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