How To Dry Indoors Inexpensively Without Smell??

  • Thread starter jdjosh420
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I understand how the process of PROPER drying/curing works down to the T however I have a bit of an issue. I am forced to only be able to grow outdoors as per a smell issue. I do not have very much money to supply a carbon filter system in a 4X4 tent of some type, nor can I use any rooms indoors to hang dry my plants at harvest for 10-14 days before moving into jars. How is one expected to inexpensivley yet effectively provide a 54-56% humid, 70 degree temp, with fresh air flow and no smell for 2 weeks? I currently grow in a very dry climate where humidity doesn't reach much past 20% on a bad day. Humidifiers themselves will already be needed to slow down the process of transpiration. Ive used a broken refrigerator once with the racks as 'drying racks' and a humidifier inside of it with gauges and fans in a garage before but this specific grow is a little more up scale than those days.

Any help would be appreciated!!!!!


I was taught by an old head from cali long time back. His trick was simple. He always grew stuff like mint in his yard around house. Then just hang dried in closet. He scattered moth balls around his fence ( available at dollar store for $1 a box). Don't need but a couple boxes. He ran like 50 in each of his 3 rooms. And literally had 30 gallon totes of dried bud every 45 days or so. Never once did anyone smell it. I run a basic $15 exhaust fan with tubing. Totaling $20. I put moth balls in a 5 gal paint strainer bag. And put it in the ducting. Not exactly his operation but so far so good. N when I open the room I can clearly smell fresh greenery. But when door is closed that setup cuts all smell. A carbon setup fan tubing and filter only runs about $90 now on amazon. Not sure how they work though. Never used carbon filtering.


I was taught by an old head from cali long time back. His trick was simple. He always grew stuff like mint in his yard around house. Then just hang dried in closet. He scattered moth balls around his fence ( available at dollar store for $1 a box). Don't need but a couple boxes. He ran like 50 in each of his 3 rooms. And literally had 30 gallon totes of dried bud every 45 days or so. Never once did anyone smell it. I run a basic $15 exhaust fan with tubing. Totaling $20. I put moth balls in a 5 gal paint strainer bag. And put it in the ducting. Not exactly his operation but so far so good. N when I open the room I can clearly smell fresh greenery. But when door is closed that setup cuts all smell. A carbon setup fan tubing and filter only runs about $90 now on amazon. Not sure how they work though. Never used carbon filtering.
Thanks for the tips. Deffinitly gon get some moth balls


I plan to dry in the room with my exhaust pushing through my $5 moth ball filter. I'm almost sure that it will smell like an old lady's closet full of mothballs coming out the duct. As lon as I keep negative air in the room so it all goes through the exhaust. Same exhaust I'm using to grow.


Make you don't blow the moth ball air back into your dry room area. Norhing like moth ball flavored buds.
Yeah I know. I assumed that too cause they are their own strong nasty smell. But don't smell like bud. Definately agree not to let it in the room at all.


I plan to dry in the room with my exhaust pushing through my $5 moth ball filter. I'm almost sure that it will smell like an old lady's closet full of mothballs coming out the duct. As lon as I keep negative air in the room so it all goes through the exhaust. Same exhaust I'm using to grow.


sound so cheap it just much work but sound like a bad idea


NOT trying to be a jerk here I promise. But I don't understand why people skimp on securing and neutralizing smell. Please spend the few hundred dollars on a nice can fan carbon filter and ipower fan. I know it's expensive but its much better than going to jail.


StandingRock is right. You can get a 4 inch filter system for around 150.00. That is a cheap fan but it will fix the smell a lot better than leaving it out in the open.


When I was into bloom with my last grow I had a homemade charcoal (pellet charcoal for fish filters) filter made up, that I thought was OK. Neighbor came over and asked what kind of dank shit I had going.
One I was nose blind to the smell of the grow, two the "filter" I had wasn't working as well as what I replaced it with.
Got a "phat" filter via you know where for about $100, (24 lbs) that fixed everything.
Also pay attention to any noise your fan could be making heard from the front of your place also.


With my 6 inch and a massive filter i still had issues at harvest. My little 20 x 30 x 36 inch grow box you could smell down the street. I have a licence but I don' t want to be a dick so i fixed it up with bigger filtration. :D


With my 6 inch and a massive filter i still had issues at harvest. My little 20 x 30 x 36 inch grow box you could smell down the street. I have a licence but I don' t want to be a dick so i fixed it up with bigger filtration. :D

That may be because of some positive pressure or leaks in the exhaust.

I have a 6 inch filter killing the smell of 8 flowering plants and a drying closet with up to 2 on average.

Someone just commented they could not smell even what I was smoking.

It all gets sucked through the veg room where the dry meds are and into the flower room and out the chimney filtered.

Or right under the living room for heat in winter.

I am sold on phresh filters for sure.


Wow guys! Thanks for all the input! Sorry been working my tail off and havent checked my post til now... Moth balls? Wow never heard of that before, and yes I know carbon scrubbers are the truest way to eliminate smells and in all reality 'smell' in my actual aspect isn't per say THAT bad of an issue, I need to cut it down a lot but a few questions still remain. On a budget, how is one supposed to maintain 50-54% humidity, (temp is fine inside with A/C as its 110 here) but our humidity is like 5%. I cannot have them dry out too quickly. I want to keep them in a fresh air IN and exhaust air OUT situation WHILST maintaining that 50% humidity area during a 2-3 week hang-dry. Obviously a humidifier is needed I presume, as well as keeping that dank smell down at least 50% of it. As "professional" as cheap can buy, which I know is an oxymoron because its like buying parts for cars to make them fast. 'Cheap. Fast. Reliable.' Pick Two. Unfortunately I cannot afford what I already KNOW what it costs to make a true 'dry room' for my crops. Jail isn't an option as I am licensed in a recreational state and within limits.

Thank you though for all inputs!!
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