Council Of First Knowledge, Jedi Temple Training Facility

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Not really
Before you understand it can be confusing, but once you understand it, it's simple. IMO you'd be surprised how much I see it all twisted up!
I usually just say
An easy way to see this is feel your intake breeze now shut your exhaust fan off and go feel your intake breeze.


so this plant has been yellow literally since it popped its shell
which is strange because it should be green and live off itself for atleast up to the first set of true leaves
it has been yellow from birth
every new leaf is yellow
they eventually green which might be iron but you wouldnt need iron right out of the shell

both of his plants are in coco getting the same feed
the yellow plant has been growing much faster than the nice dark green indica plant

IMO I believe that the yellow plant is just a genetic flaw and if running a shit ton of beans it would have been thrown out before it reached for the second set of leaves

I to had a similar thing happen....and out of 10 beans this one just stayed yellow

I threw it outside and stuck it in the ground....a month later it was 6' tall and bright green
I think it needed a more basic opposed to acidic

so the problem with his plant could be Fe/Mg/ next we are gonna be stepping into the Calmg plus which is added iron and see if that corrects the problem

so I would now start with per gal
3ml Calmg
18ml Bloom
Silica Blast until 5.8 ph is reached
And I put $10 and all my hoes on this calmag.. fixin up some good vittles for ole yeller.... she be perky in a week!
Or my name aint Bufford T Justice!


And I put $10 and all my hoes on this calmag.. fixin up some good vittles for ole yeller.... she be perky in a week!
Or my name aint Bufford T Justice!
Welcome to the temple, I've been expecting you!
Now we wait.... one more person and then it's on.

I got the rope.

We're still waiting... but soon we'll be

Playing double dutch jump rope!

But seriously, do it!
That plant eats my mind!


Welp, kinda burried my 5th seed a little too deep and she was pushing down, not up. Once again, very very carefully dug around and fixed the problem. So, now we're 5 for 5. First 4 are already green and turning towards the CFL.

So this was discussed a while ago but at what point do I start adding CSN17 Grow and how much? iirc something about "charging" the coco

I got my silica blast as well, but I don't think I start adding that yet correct
How we doing brother... Im glad you are moving good on the second run and im glad we could work it out, so we could all keep moving forward....
What a workout tonight!
The 5x5 every other day of less than 30 mins each has really brought my workouts up to a good spot..
Now remember I was weeks away from lower back surgery just 90 days ago....
Tonight I did 120# squats, 180# deadlifts... And it felt good...
I worked all the way up from 40# at 5# each time...So my core would build at the same time...

Lol my bad haha..
I didnt mean to get off topic..
Im just pretty excited to be making such good progress....
You should start feeding the coco imo asap..
Now there is 5 diff ways to get there..
Wisher prob has told you to just go 18/5,
and that works.. I have did it..

But I like it a little different... When using res in dtw..
I like to add calmag and grow at 2 ml each, the first 5 days.
Then new res..
or if you got a big res, you can just add grow till you get to 500 ppm
If making a new res, add 2 ml of calmag, and then add grow till 500 ppm
If in dwc, then 2ml calmag and add grow till you are at 400 ppm.
If you are in a super aerated dwc, 2 ml and grow to 250 ppm

There is no need to overfeed plants.
A 100 grams of protein a day is good for me, but 10x that would not be..
Same with nutes..
Now listen, not all race car drivers race the same way, so you are the driver of this operation.. Its your decision. Some ppl like to raise ppm till they see slight tip burn, then back off 50.. And it works as long as you know what your looking at.. Again I am slightly different, as of late at least.. I know see how low I can be with out underfeeeding.. Its a chess game.. Its fun and it can be antagonizing..
And as for you, remember your not feeding that lil plant, your feeding the coco..


My plants will be ready to harvest before I find something discussed that long ago in this thread

I usually give zero nutes until a week or two but I recall Wisher saying something about it.

The coco got some PBT initially when I put the sunsets in there and these got it their first time watering as well.

I don't have +Life but I have everything else. I only mix up 32oz at a time initially as I just use a squirt bottle to feed them until some roots develop. Otherwise I just fuck up and wash the roots out when I water
get some gravel rock out the drive way and put in the top of the pot.. That will keep the coco from gullywashing..


@Wisher619 what do you think about transplanting to a container at least 3 gallons more, add aeration and adjust nutes?
well it be like selling the statue of liberty to N Korea... Ok maybe I overstated it..
Son I think you need to get your notebook out you was talking bout 20 messages or so back, and get some notes.. Hell we just might take you next level if we can just get you rewired from the no till and soil biology thought process... :)


How we doing brother... Im glad you are moving good on the second run and im glad we could work it out, so we could all keep moving forward....
What a workout tonight!
The 5x5 every other day of less than 30 mins each has really brought my workouts up to a good spot..
Now remember I was weeks away from lower back surgery just 90 days ago....
Tonight I did 120# squats, 180# deadlifts... And it felt good...
I worked all the way up from 40# at 5# each time...So my core would build at the same time...

Lol my bad haha..
I didnt mean to get off topic..
Im just pretty excited to be making such good progress....
You should start feeding the coco imo asap..
Now there is 5 diff ways to get there..
Wisher prob has told you to just go 18/5,
and that works.. I have did it..

But I like it a little different... When using res in dtw..
I like to add calmag and grow at 2 ml each, the first 5 days.
Then new res..
or if you got a big res, you can just add grow till you get to 500 ppm
If making a new res, add 2 ml of calmag, and then add grow till 500 ppm
If in dwc, then 2ml calmag and add grow till you are at 400 ppm.
If you are in a super aerated dwc, 2 ml and grow to 250 ppm

There is no need to overfeed plants.
A 100 grams of protein a day is good for me, but 10x that would not be..
Same with nutes..
Now listen, not all race car drivers race the same way, so you are the driver of this operation.. Its your decision. Some ppl like to raise ppm till they see slight tip burn, then back off 50.. And it works as long as you know what your looking at.. Again I am slightly different, as of late at least.. I know see how low I can be with out underfeeeding.. Its a chess game.. Its fun and it can be antagonizing..
And as for you, remember your not feeding that lil plant, your feeding the coco..

Just so you know, Nirvana claims these Blue Dream can be flipped earlier because they yield high and double or triple in size. 4 weeks of veg is looking better and better ;)
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