Looking for amateurs

  • Thread starter Crabgrassfarms
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I am looking for a site inhabited my folks who grow for themselves, 5-10 plants and not pushing products. Are there any sites like that? Not everyone is growing 100 plants for profit and invest in the tens of thousands of dollars or if you remove the manufacturers' names nothing would be said.

I am not slamming this site, as it does very well. I am just looking for something that suits dumbed down growers like me who pays for all of his tents, lights, seeds, everything.

Aw never mind. I am just pissed by the absolute commercialism of the marijuana world, it is nothing like I hoped legalization would be when I was 25, some fifty years ago. I am not sure I would have ever planted a seed if it were legal then.


I am looking for a site inhabited my folks who grow for themselves, 5-10 plants and not pushing products. Are there any sites like that? Not everyone is growing 100 plants for profit and invest in the tens of thousands of dollars or if you remove the manufacturers' names nothing would be said.

I am not slamming this site, as it does very well. I am just looking for something that suits dumbed down growers like me who pays for all of his tents, lights, seeds, everything.

Aw never mind. I am just pissed by the absolute commercialism of the marijuana world, it is nothing like I hoped legalization would be when I was 25, some fifty years ago. I am not sure I would have ever planted a seed if it were legal then.
You get to do whatever you want, the way you want. It's like with beer. You can brew small batches of what you like, and ignore Bud Lite.......or the Guava-Rose petal-Anise Gose.......

This site has good people. Much of it falls into "experienced, small to mid-size home growers", but there are plenty of newer growers, small tent 3-4 plant growers........if you're relatively new, even if you're a first time grower and your goal is to become any of the above, then this place is great. All the way up to the very serious grower looking to acheive very high quality results. I find that just about everyone is interested in quality over quantity as the primary goal.

Plus, it's fun. It should be fun. ;)


You can also ignore the commercialization and you don't have to click on ads if you don't want to. However, every now and again, something gets released that's worth looking at ... It seems to be AC Infinity lately with all the best gear at the most pocket friendly prices.
Yeah......there's commercialization.....then there's sponsorship. Sites need 2 things to run well. People, and money. Both can be good. It's the intention and results that matter.


I am just pissed by the absolute commercialism of the marijuana world, it is nothing like I hoped legalization would be when I was 25, some fifty years ago.
Fifty years ago, I was 21 and managed to plant some seeds. It sure would have been nice to have a forum like this back then. The plants grew and I was happy. At the time, I didn't know a bud from a fan leaf, though.

Legal recreational marijuana isn't what I expected it to be. That's for sure! In some ways it's better and in some ways it's not. I like the broad range of products. I didn't come close to imagining how product development would expand. I also didn't expect the popularity of cannabis stores. They're just about everywhere here in Washington State.

Commercial enterprise hasn't detracted from the joy of growing my own. It's even more enjoyable when I can do it legally and not have to worry about trouble with the law. I'm surprised to find so many products for indoor growers. I suppose I shouldn't be, however. Folks have been trying to grow it in a controlled environment for that same fifty years.

Growing food crops under lights at commercial scale is beginning, too. That's slowly becoming a major industry. Soon, every city will have factory food growing facilities. Future historians will look backward and understand that indoor-grown crops began with marijuana.


I am looking for a site inhabited my folks who grow for themselves, 5-10 plants and not pushing products. Are there any sites like that? Not everyone is growing 100 plants for profit and invest in the tens of thousands of dollars or if you remove the manufacturers' names nothing would be said.

I am not slamming this site, as it does very well. I am just looking for something that suits dumbed down growers like me who pays for all of his tents, lights, seeds, everything.

Aw never mind. I am just pissed by the absolute commercialism of the marijuana world, it is nothing like I hoped legalization would be when I was 25, some fifty years ago. I am not sure I would have ever planted a seed if it were legal then.
Hi I'm a small grower and that utilizes this site all the time. The information gained the camaraderie the chats all well worthwhile here. All the posts I follow give me information and I'm able to help others as well.
You're welcome here.


Legalization destroyed the cannabis industry, sorry you better get used to it...
I disagree. Legalization sure has had an impact. That much is certain. From what I see, the cannabis industry has grown immensely. A recent Seattle Times article claimed that cannabis has become the fourth largest agricultural crop in this state. That's huge! There's an effort to have it legally included as an agricultural crop by the Department of Agriculture, which is likely to benefit the industry. It isn't now so it isn't listed among other crops like wheat or apples.

I was surprised to see how growers who began during prohibition dislike legal growing, but then realized how much of a change it must be for them. As a buyer, however, buying is so much easier now. Finding a source during prohibition was almost impossible at times, and the quality was always uncertain. Now, there must be at least a dozen cannabis stores within a short drive of our home. I like that.


The commercialization of the plant we love gets old but it can largely be ignored, these plants grew for millennia without anything from a bottle, artificial light schedules, or bro science.

make yourself some well rounded compost plant the damn thing in the ground and let it do it’s thing.

I’m sorry you are not finding what you are looking for here but I promise it does exist here, you just have to read through a lot of bullshit and find the folks that you believe are going at it the way you would like to and follow them


I am looking for a site inhabited my folks who grow for themselves, 5-10 plants and not pushing products. Are there any sites like that? Not everyone is growing 100 plants for profit and invest in the tens of thousands of dollars or if you remove the manufacturers' names nothing would be said.

I am not slamming this site, as it does very well. I am just looking for something that suits dumbed down growers like me who pays for all of his tents, lights, seeds, everything.

Aw never mind. I am just pissed by the absolute commercialism of the marijuana world, it is nothing like I hoped legalization would be when I was 25, some fifty years ago. I am not sure I would have ever planted a seed if it were legal then.
You can grow in soil under the sun using organic methods. To turn your nose up at the experience of others because they use fancy equipment and or do things differently is just silly.

Don't forget the commercialism funding lobbying organizations is what has gotten some of us to where we are today as far as not having to worry about prison over a plant. You can have your glory days, I don't wanna go back for nothing.


What’s the matter? Don’t like clowns? 🤡
I am looking for a site inhabited my folks who grow for themselves, 5-10 plants and not pushing products. Are there any sites like that? Not everyone is growing 100 plants for profit and invest in the tens of thousands of dollars or if you remove the manufacturers' names nothing would be said.

I am not slamming this site, as it does very well. I am just looking for something that suits dumbed down growers like me who pays for all of his tents, lights, seeds, everything.

Aw never mind. I am just pissed by the absolute commercialism of the marijuana world, it is nothing like I hoped legalization would be when I was 25, some fifty years ago. I am not sure I would have ever planted a seed if it were legal then.
Say man, I am by no means a commercial guy, I grow a few plants here and there, you can hit me up anytime. I try to help anyway I can.


To be honest I haven’t seen to many commercial canna growers on here sure there’s been a few but I find the ones who stick around are the home growers that are either knocking it outta the park or the newer growers who need a helping hand I know some of the best growers in here only have under 20 plants going at a time but they do it extremely well. as for legalisation if yas don’t like it move down here to Australia were we are seen as bad a criminal as heroin dealers 😂


When the cops come and yank mine out of the ground, I kind of like the option of walking into a store and buying it!


I am looking for a site inhabited my folks who grow for themselves, 5-10 plants and not pushing products. Are there any sites like that? Not everyone is growing 100 plants for profit and invest in the tens of thousands of dollars or if you remove the manufacturers' names nothing would be said.

I am not slamming this site, as it does very well. I am just looking for something that suits dumbed down growers like me who pays for all of his tents, lights, seeds, everything.

Aw never mind. I am just pissed by the absolute commercialism of the marijuana world, it is nothing like I hoped legalization would be when I was 25, some fifty years ago. I am not sure I would have ever planted a seed if it were legal then.
Hi Crabgrassfarms!

I saw your post. I'm new to the site, but I know what you mean. I quit Facebook's growers groups , then FB itself, because of what you describe. Lots of promo of the sites (seeds) strains, and mention another seed site, and jail time! LOL!

I did my first grow of a couple plants in a closet in my house in Mead, CO back in '78 when I was about 24. I read Mountain Girl's Primo Plant book(let) back then that was inspiring, but those first 2 closet ladies never made it past veg...

Ffwd to AZ legalizing recreational and up to 6 plants per adult (12 with my wife) a few years ago...I started back up in half of a 2'x8' closet in an unused room in our house. So I grow 2 plants at a time. Year round. Started w/autos, but like photoperiods better. I do some FIM-ing and a little LST. I use SCROG nets, usually 2. I go for flavor and max yield out of a couple bushy ladies. I've got 2 in middle 7th week of flower right now:

Best regards,

GM O'Lorin
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