Who's Coming With Me?

  • Thread starter GreenThumbBill
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go and have a good time. I grew up in the PNW and it's the only other place i'd live. great people (just stay far away from the meth heads..... lots more out there then here), great herb and every type of recreation you can possibly think of within a few hours drive. ocean, desert, rain forest, mountians, lakes, rivers, skiing, boating, dune riding, bike trails everywhere, dry, wet, you name it. but the herb market is pretty flooded there already, especially around the Seattle corridor. talked to a friend today that said lbs were already @ $2500 for fire (was $4K a year or two ago), $1200 for beasters (always prevelant in mass quantity, and it's much better quality then the beasters you used to see here because WA gets 1st dibs before it heads out of state). wish you luck bro
Yeah I definitely wont be slaying it there with price per unit. But with the ability to have 48oz on me legally, I will be able to have a much higher turnover. And utilities/cost of living are pretty reasonable in WA. I've run the numbers and they looked good. Only time will tell though. Not like I have to stay more than a year if I get there and things don't work out.
sky high

sky high

Don't worry bout it SH, 'we' know whats going on and things are tough. Stay strong brother man.

Think of the movers and shakers not all as "easy streeters" but those who evolve. I'm a firm believer in survival of the fittest, evolution, and being a gypsy if necessary.

Let's try again.....

Ever seen a gypsy camp, bro? (any campspot where folks "live" for an extended period or this year's smelly showing @ Bonnoroo will do)

Are the patients in CO better off since 2009 and the "rush"...>wherever< the folks came from?

It's cool though. I'm fortunate I don't need this income to survive and am not dependent solely on weed for my existence on this planet or to make rent/etc.....like some of ya seem to be. We will make do....especially if more and more folks seek that "protection" elsewhere. (also known as "profit and not working a real job")

I'll grow, "protection" or not...just as I did it for 15+ years here before the med law and when it was JUST AS ILLEGAL as it was for any of you who clammor on and on about how we here in CO have NO clue how rough it was where ya came from.....as if we ALWAYS had these laws here. Yeah, right...LOL.

but hey....good luck on ya all wherever ya go. We'll still be here doin' what we do..."legal" or not....."protection" in place or not....market or not...


Mr Dank

go and have a good time. I grew up in the PNW and it's the only other place i'd live. great people (just stay far away from the meth heads..... lots more out there then here), great herb and every type of recreation you can possibly think of within a few hours drive. ocean, desert, rain forest, mountians, lakes, rivers, skiing, boating, dune riding, bike trails everywhere, dry, wet, you name it. but the herb market is pretty flooded there already, especially around the Seattle corridor. talked to a friend today that said lbs were already @ $2500 for fire (was $4K a year or two ago), $1200 for beasters (always prevelant in mass quantity, and it's much better quality then the beasters you used to see here because WA gets 1st dibs before it heads out of state). wish you luck bro

unfortunately meth is huge here. Everybody who acts tough on these boards are fueled by methamphetamine. Half of the "do not trade" black-list that goes around are people who use meth



Let's try again.....

Ever seen a gypsy camp, bro? (any campspot where folks "live" for an extended period or this year's smelly showing @ Bonnoroo will do)

Are the patients in CO better off since 2009 and the "rush"...>wherever< the folks came from?

It's cool though. I'm fortunate I don't need this income to survive and am not dependent solely on weed for my existence on this planet or to make rent/etc.....like some of ya seem to be. We will make do....especially if more and more folks seek that "protection" elsewhere. (also known as "profit and not working a real job")

I'll grow, "protection" or not...just as I did it for 15+ years here before the med law and when it was JUST AS ILLEGAL as it was for any of you who clammor on and on about how we here in CO have NO clue how rough it was where ya came from.....as if we ALWAYS had these laws here. Yeah, right...LOL.

but hey....good luck on ya all wherever ya go. We'll still be here doin' what we do..."legal" or not....."protection" in place or not....market or not...

true grit

true grit

Let's try again.....

Ever seen a gypsy camp, bro? (any campspot where folks "live" for an extended period or this year's smelly showing @ Bonnoroo will do)

Are the patients in CO better off since 2009 and the "rush"...>wherever< the folks came from?

It's cool though. I'm fortunate I don't need this income to survive and am not dependent solely on weed for my existence on this planet or to make rent/etc.....like some of ya seem to be. We will make do....especially if more and more folks seek that "protection" elsewhere. (also known as "profit and not working a real job")

I'll grow, "protection" or not...just as I did it for 15+ years here before the med law and when it was JUST AS ILLEGAL as it was for any of you who clammor on and on about how we here in CO have NO clue how rough it was where ya came from.....as if we ALWAYS had these laws here. Yeah, right...LOL.

but hey....good luck on ya all wherever ya go. We'll still be here doin' what we do..."legal" or not....."protection" in place or not....market or not...


Yep I hang out and know plenty of hippies and gypsies bro. Always wandering, always happy, and mostly financially ok. And instead of bickering at one another, we always tend to help each other too.

Like I said you can make it sound like people who don't work, yada yada, or you can take it for what it is- People who can go anywhere, make a living, survive and live HAPPILY. Sorry you can't quite grasp that one, but not everyone wants to compromise, live unhappily, stressed, or miserable in any way.... Sorry bro, don't care if I'm growing pot, or making art like in the past or hustling goods- if I don't like the climate of the environment I live in, I see no reason to submit myself to crap and then bitch at people for it. I'm capable enough to move my hippie ass to the next spot. Doesn't mean anything other than being capable, and not putting up with shit.

And you are right, things have gotten worse for patients since the "boom"...but like TK and I have tried to point out to you numerous times- the locals fucked up the industry just as bad as imports if not more so and the main issue AGAIN is POLITICIANS. None of the laws have any rhyme, reason or substance, so why do you keep blaming people- its about the $$$$$$$$.....

So in reality people like GTB are hitting them where it hurts (at least for folks our level) by moving the fuck on and taking all his contributed tax dollars, fees, etc OUT of the state coffers.


Living dead girl
Since no one else has said it, I will. GTB, watch out for that tectonic plate and volcanic action, mang! I've never seen a real volcano before we went up to Portland for Christmas last year, and it was freaky deaky, I tell you what! Almost as bad as sitting under an overpass (or passing over one of the REALLY high, curved ones) in SoCal thinkin' about the last earthquake. I never stop under bridges, ever.

Just sayin'.


Since no one else has said it, I will. GTB, watch out for that tectonic plate and volcanic action, mang! I've never seen a real volcano before we went up to Portland for Christmas last year, and it was freaky deaky, I tell you what! Almost as bad as sitting under an overpass (or passing over one of the REALLY high, curved ones) in SoCal thinkin' about the last earthquake. I never stop under bridges, ever.

Just sayin'.
LoL funny you should bring it up. I was in Seattle during their last major earth quake. 2006ish(?) I was parked at a stop light when what I later realized was the earthquake happened. Swear to god I thought I was having an acid flash back! Radio station I had on got interrupted with news of the earthquake a few minutes later and I was like, "oh, ok that makes more sense." lol


i eat pretty darn good here in colorado..and my jars are never empty! hope it all works out for ya..! :rasta2:
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
Its ok to supplement your income but to make an actual living at is a bad thing? its a living, thats it, I guess everyone that gets up and goes to work to feed their family and pay their bills is just chasin that ol profit..lol..nothing else...what a joke..now growin isn't a real job, well i guess you don't now and never have done it the way i do, it is a shit tone of work 7 days a week 365 days a year, I would love to just get by on a 9-5 for no money but it doesn't work that way if your growin....

Am I to understand that the only way to be rightous anymore is to stay in the state where you were born, grow weed, and give it away? anything other than that is evil? Gimme a break.....You know when there are building boons, builders go there, roofers framers, construction, etc...they go where the work is and there talent is needed...those damn profiteers!! where are the aerospace jobs? Washington state, it must really suck when aerospace engineers from Georgia move there for a job because thats where thay are at and where their talents are marketable...another damn profiteer!!! no one can make a living anymore..your just all profiteers..that is how silly that sounds.

All I really hear is envy, but I am sure thats just me



So how do you move your 3 lbs if you're only allowed to have one patient? Especially if that patient is your lady...

Or am I reading the law wrong, and patients are free to buy/sell/trade amongst themselves freely?

It sounds like the law has your back in terms of cultivation and possession, but kind of leaves you hanging in terms of making a living.

Also a comment to TK... I know EXACTLY what you're saying. I was never as afraid if TDC as I am now of the DOR and Health dept. And boy, I really felt like I was letting it all hang out in TX, as they certainly aren't as 420 friendly in general as CO. But before my stint in TX, I was here in CO where my family has been growing for 40 years. None of us ever worried about anything until we were doing it "legally".

Truth be told, I've thought about WA myself, but can't bring myself to uproot the family (with one in Jr. High, and the other in High school, the kids would disown me). Props to Bill though, it takes nuts to do this bro, and yours are the size of beach balls. And you're right, nothing says you can't come back if things don't work out. I think though, that with your attitude, things will work out.

If there's one thing all of us from CO should know, is that if you're in it to "get", you better get while the gettin' is good, because it doesn't stay good forever. WA, at this instant, looks to have some good gettin' goin on.
Texas Kid

Texas Kid

Some guy with a light
When did there become two camps here?

99.9% of us on this site all grow and sell weed one way or another...period



"When you got nothing, you got nothing to lose" Dylan

LOL, you came in here acting like a dick, made a completely insincere apology, thought it might have seemed sincere since you brought the death of your son into it.. Then you came back in full force being a dick again!!!! I've come to my conclusion regarding you..


So how do you move your 3 lbs if you're only allowed to have one patient? Especially if that patient is your lady...

Or am I reading the law wrong, and patients are free to buy/sell/trade amongst themselves freely?

It sounds like the law has your back in terms of cultivation and possession, but kind of leaves you hanging in terms of making a living.
No med states allow for sales/profit. You make "donations" and get compensated for time/nutrients/electricity etc.

Same as it ever was...


No med states allow for sales/profit. You make "donations" and get compensated for time/nutrients/electricity etc.

Same as it ever was...

My understanding was, however, that you can only receive "recuperative costs" from the one patient who has made you their "designated provider". I mean, they actually spell out that even the "provider" himself, cannot consume any of his patient's medication. Given that, it seems odd that you could "donate for consideration" to anyone but that one patient, who has designated you their provider.

Hey, do you think we could have avoided all this "significant responsibility" and crap with caregivers in CO, if we had called ourselves "providers" in the beginning? Interesting... I like that you're not a "Care Giver", but rather the more accurate designation of "MMJ Provider".
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