Chobbles Endless Indoor Grow and 2012 Summer Outdoor Grow!

  • Thread starter Chobble
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Hey Everyone my names Chobble. I'm a young Botany student here in California who has been growing Prop 215 Legal Medical Marijuana since I was Sixteen years of age. At the time I had been battling with my Bi-Polar Disorder and years of depression. I had started smoking pot and I saw the immediate positive effect it had in me, it made me realize my life was worth life and did was any of the pills never did. At the age of Seventeen I was taking Seven different medications and knew that it needed to end. I told my parents that I thought I would just be fine with pot. Plenty of doctors said that pot was a depressent and that I would only be made worse by it, and by god if I didnt smoke it would make me more depressed; thus being there main argument against it. Well If I didnt take my pills, I wanted to find the nearest cliff and jump.

Now today I dont live such a life style. I'm a silly happy stoner who grows his plants with all the TLC they need and then maybe a little more. While I prefer to grow my marijauna outdoors I dont have enough room here in the city so I have been forced indoors. The nice thing about indoors is I really can perfect my art and work with the plant I love.

My specs for my Indoor are as follows:


600 Watt HPS System
Covering about a 3 1/2' x 2 1/2' space
Fox Farm Ocean Forest Soil
3 Gallon Pots(Sometimes one gallon)


T5 Hood with 8 Bulbs
Covering 4'x2'
I mostly use Quart and Gallon sized Containers along with my cloning trays etc.
I use a mix of Ocean Forest and Sun Warrior when I initially Transplant clones to promote a large healthy root system before putting them into straight Ocean Forest Soil.


For Rooting/Translating I use a cheap B1 Vitamin solution
I then use the three main Fox Farms Fertilizers for general feeding
I use clonex because its what I have at the moment, It is a great product (Unless someone wants to dispute it?)


I make sure to infuse my soil with everything my plant will need to grow big healthy buds, I mostly make sure to mix in my compost and manure into the soil a month before along with a shovel of worm infested soil from my worm bin.

I believe in trying to be as self sustaining as possible. I brew my own Tea's and am actually hoping to open up a business in the area selling my variety of Tea's that help your plants grow big and strong ;)

I mostly use Chicken and Steer manure when it comes to poo. I like to use worm castings but they can get pricey if I have enough in my bin I always toss it in (I'm telling you guys, worm bins are easy to keep and you can collect worms from anywhere). If Worm castings are out of the question I always make sure to have some high quality compost, whether its a good bag of mushroom compost or the compost from the back yard you have to get all the microbal life somehow!


Currently I have Two mothers that I am training. I have a Strawberry cough mother standing at about 8 inches tall by 8 inches wide in both directions that I take 10-15 cuttings off of every two weeks. I always leave my room saying "That god damn strawberry cough" Its truely a monstrous sativa! I also have my Master Kush and OG Kush. I personally am done growing the OG Kush. It just doesnt meet my standards and I dont like the high, The mother is just growing so I can take a few more clones and pass them on to friends before retiring them in my garden.

In seed form I have two heirloom strains that where brought to the county in the 70's from Africa and Afghanistan. The one from Afghanistan is a purple indica (This thing produces more resin then any plant I have seen to this day). The one from Africa is a large late flowering sativa that I unfortunately don't have the opportunity to grow. I've sprouted the seeds twice and grown them indoors, but never to the full grandeur of this great sativa.

I hope to post some of my phenotyping studies in the seeds I sprout and sex and to use this Diary to record the groundwork for a seedbank I hope to open in the next five years.

Ill be updating this Journal/Diary as often as possible so please follow along and give me any input that you may have or ask any questions that you may have ;)

Thanks for the read and dont forget to subscribe!



These are some older pictures I took last week, Its just of my flower room I will be sure to put some more up when I can go in and take pictures.

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0312121840 01

These are two of the three OG Kush that I'm flowering at the moment, Im trying three different grow styles on them to see if I just missed something my last round, unfortunately the OG gets a bad rating from me!


Thanks guys! I've been really busy as of late and thankfully the rain is here and I can sit down and update my dairy ;)

As of late I have been preparing the soil for my outdoor, In all of my planning I used my soil for the ground for getting about my 15 Gallon pots. So those worms better get busy making my plants some good food!

So for my outdoor this year I'm planning on about Three large plants, and tossing clones outside that I havnt sold or traded. If the weather doesnt improve the little guys below will be put into a 3 Gallon pot in a week. It was just in a six pack and its roots will fully develop around the 4 inch pot in a matter of days, thats why I like to grow this giant strawberry cough in soil, The root system is giant, its growth is vigoruos and it stretches 2-1 1/2' upon flowering.

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In the 15 Gallon pots I plan on putting some master kush. This is a very mold resistant pheno that has been grown outdoors here for years. It has a very small root system, maybe even to small for this 15 gallon pot but they will be going outside in June when its truly warm enough for them.

And now for a few soil plot pictures...

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They're covered in plastic to keep the neighborhood cats from poo'ing in the area....

- Chobble


Hey Everyone, Today I spent a lot of time in the veg room so I took a few pictures, Actually just about to take a few clones from my OG Kush mother. Anyways, Ill be posting some of my flower room in the next few days. Possibly move my hardened off clones outside and into the soil? We'll see so stay tuned! Enjoy the read too ;)

All clones


Heres a pick of my latest babies! These clones where translated into soil on Thursday 3/21. The Two on the right are Master Kush and everything else is the strawberry cough. These guys are hopefully going to make there way outside!


My humidity dome is a little dirty, but are are the clones and seedlings. The Seedlings are a little bit cramped as I'm waiting to transplant them and set them outside, I'm just growing them for a male or two maybe a nice female if one arises. With 4 bulbs on and my mothers using a quarter of that light, I produce about 20-10 clones a week.


My mothers, I tie them down and train them to produce a maximum amount of clones in a small area. as you can see, the OG Kush is in the front and she is actually bent really far over, the main stock is almost below the pot line. The Strawberry cough has about 10 branches ready to be cloned and was just trimmed last week... You wonder why I have so many of them?

and last but not least a cute little six pack of Strawberry cough (The Sixth one was selected to go in my garden)...

Sixpack clones

Alright everyone this is Chobble, Signing out.


Well done mate keep up the good work. Seeing your LST pics has reinforced I'm doing the correct thing. I will try and get a grow diary on the go. Stay happy! :-)


Well done mate keep up the good work. Seeing your LST pics has reinforced I'm doing the correct thing. I will try and get a grow diary on the go. Stay happy! :)

Haha great, Well best of luck and send me a message when you make a journal, I'd love to check your plants out.



So I'm starting my spring project, I'm growing these seeds out for a few males and maybe a female that I like. Some are bag seed and some are seeds of known genetics, I've been carefully cataloging growth characteristics etc to be able to gain some nice breeding stock.


I started the seeds in my cloning tray and ended up neglecting them for an extra week. They got a little sad but they've been fed and I'm hoping they continue to grow happily outdoors with a nice kick start.



I lied mid way through writing this thread I ran into my flower room with my good camera and took some pictures... Here we go. The Strawberry cough is in its final two weeks and the leaf thing has never been helped before so I just let it do its thing and keep the ph etc in a healthy range.


but damn does it look good..

You can see 2/3 of my OG Kush here, I have two different styles of growing them. I tried dutch styling one and I think it helps them grow a little better. The plants where poorly vegged by a local collective (Boy I should be doin there clones rights haha...) and I got them at about 16 inches.

Anyways the Master Kush are the two really dark ones.. Boy doy they look good.



i dunno wat part of the world u at but i love me some strawbery cough never seen it done outdoors well werever ur at i wish ya a hotsummmeer maing cant wait too see this girlz get bigg good luck


i dunno wat part of the world u at but i love me some strawbery cough never seen it done outdoors well werever ur at i wish ya a hotsummmeer maing cant wait too see this girlz get bigg good luck

Haha thank you! I'm from California and I'm hoping to stabilize my Strawberry cough in some Feminized seeds. The strain is great and I hope for it to be the first step in me becoming a breeder. I just carried the babies that Im hardening off for the summer grow inside.

Do stay tuned ;)



Everything's going very well, I had some fruitflys fly into my buds in the flower room, I ended up picking out anyone I could find. Someone put rotten fruit in the trash can(It's outside a window)... So I'm going to be cleaning the room out to make sure everythings all good. I saw some ants too. I cant stress room cleanliness guys!

The seedlings are adorable! I love them so. I'm going to sex them in a few weeks to get a male or two for breeding and maybe keep one or two females to trellis up the fence with some of my pea's :D. I posted a picture of my blooming apple tree because spring is here! The birds are chirping and I love this time of year. Good farmin everyone!



Great news... The OG Decided to Hermie on me. I had to cut down all three plants and the factors causing this are still a bit of a mystery (They where all separate etc so ambient light should have not affected them all). Only the OG Hermied but I believe a few of the flowers opened before I caught it, I know as a fact a large amount of the Strawberry cough looks seeded ironically not much of the OG does...

The OG where some crappy clones I got from a fairly reputable dispensary, Shit the owner sold em to me(Told me they where his). I do find it a little fishy it was just those three though.

Anyways I still have the Master Kush growing under the light may as well get a good seeded harvest and get some hash making material.

Anyways yesterday was a sad day, chopped the OG's and SC (The SC was a few days from harvest anywho) and the OG's had obvious problems (20-30 flowers opened in a very short time on each plant).

I have to get some clones ready to go in!

Chobble out.


Well, Im recovering from the Hermie mishap, The crop was seeded somewhat badly but everything smokes well. Nothing was seeded to badly, the OG is the worse from what I can tell. I havnt smoked much of anything but the Strawberry cough. The Master Kush is finishing up under the lights night and Im prep'in two Strawberry cough to go in there.

I think I have fixed the light leak problems (Lets hope to god). Im going to be doing everything I can to insure that this doesnt happen again.

I thought I would also take a few pictures of some clones and my mothers while I trimmed the Strawberry cough mother up. I want you guys to know I produce about 10 clones a week off that little lady, This week was no different.

Last but not least in the pictures you'll see the outdoor Im still thinking about how I will grow these plants, so I dont want to set up a trellis and not use it. One plant has it and the other doesnt. This will be the first training stage to get the main stock the way I want it.

Anyways, any input my fellow gardeners?


looking good Chobbs! My grow journals all up and running in the grow diarys section. Under LST Liberty Haze and Barney's Blue Cheese. The Super Lemon seems to of recovered but doesn't look like it's gonna yield much. Maybe a dodgy/weak seed.


Howdy Everyone I thought I would drop by with an update. In this thread: I talk about my root aphid infestation. Im currently working to fight them every so swiftly. I need to get some money and buy some miticides. Organic ones of course.

Outdoors everythings going well my ruderalis seeds are sprouting up and the strawberry cough clones are taking off. We had some bad rain that slowed everything down but the babies suffered no damage :D

Chobble out


Think thats the last of the rain chobble ,i dont know the clouds look like they want to open up one more time . Im thinking about covering up a few young ladies just in case it hits the 40s tonight .
Nematodes (Natural gnat and aphid control)bro 25.00 to YOUR DOOR discount hydro riverside . Plus they eat termites and a few others pests too .
How long have you been rockin the cough Outdoors ?


Think thats the last of the rain chobble ,i dont know the clouds look like they want to open up one more time . Im thinking about covering up a few young ladies just in case it hits the 40s tonight .
Nematodes (Natural gnat and aphid control)bro 25.00 to YOUR DOOR discount hydro riverside . Plus they eat termites and a few others pests too .
How long have you been rockin the cough Outdoors ?

I've done the cough outdoors twice now. This will be my third season with it. Now I've never heard of Nematodes actually working, Advise on how to get them to work effectively?

Also the Rain should be over even though we really do need more. My ladies got hailed on last thursday etc but I have a lean-to green house protecting them.


Well Chobble again.

Indoors is goin pretty well, Im trying to fight off the last of those damn Root aphids. The mothers are ready to have clones taken and the cloning tray is still isolated away from everything else. The soil has visible RA still living on the roots (Those mother flippers...). Im going to hit it with azamax again in a few days.

Outdoors my plants didnt want to top <,< I cut the top off and the strawberry cough keep growing so I may end up bending them over. Who knows whats gonna have to been done to those big old sativas They just want to grow!

Chobble out

(sorry for now pictures)
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