Another Failed Colorado MMJ patient Prosecution

  • Thread starter Bluzboy
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Please FORWARD and SHARE this announcement.

Medical Marijuana Cancer Patient Wins Freedom to Medicate
Bob Crouse Celebrates Victory, But Can't Go Home Because of Wildfire Threat
For immediate release: June 29, 2012
Medical Marijuana Patient Bob Crouse NOT GUILTY on All Charges
{Colorado Springs, CO} -- Leukemia patient Bob Crouse celebrates a victory
to use cannabis as his cancer treatment of choice. In a battle for his life
that lasted over a year, on Friday, June 29, 2012 at 4:20pm, a jury of 12
El Paso County residents declared Crouse to be "not guilty" on all charges.
Click here for pictures of Bob Crouse celebrating his verdict.
Crouse calls his win a "huge victory in Colorado for all patients."
Crouse had been charged by El Paso County District Attorney Dan May of
felony cultivation and distribution of marijuana. Crouse had been treating
his leukemia with a preparation of cannabis called "Phoenix Tears",
developed by Canadian cancer patient Rick Simpson.
Blood tests showed that in the months when Crouse has been able to obtain
and ingest a consistent supply of Phoenix Tears, his leukemia cell count
has decreased by HALF since his original diagnosis in 2007.

Crouse's treatment required him to cultivate up to 75 plants at a time. At
his trial, his physician testified that this was a reasonable number of
plants for Bob to use to produce his treatment. The Colorado Constitution
states that medical marijuana patients can have as much marijuana as
medically necessary and that it is up to the patient to decide what that
amount is.
Additionally, cannabis expert Dr. Robert Melamede of Cannabis Science
testified that cannabis does indeed kill cancer cells.
The jury deliberated for less than 4 hours, which included a 1.5 hour lunch
*Juries Are the Last Line of Defense*
It has been said that juries are the last line of defense between a citizen
and a tyrannical government, and that is exactly what we were seeing here
in Colorado.
This is the second high-profile medical marijuana case to result in a jury
acquittal in El Paso County this month. On June 11, medical marijuana
caregiver Elisa Kappelmann was found not guilty on marijuana cultivation
charges. El Paso County is generally seen as one of the more conservative
counties in the state, but even conservatives have no tolerance for a rogue
government prosecuting cancer patients for trying to heal themselves.

Despite a medical marijuana law that was enacted over 12 years ago to
protect patients, the state of Colorado has ramped up its prosecution of
medical marijuana cases to a record level. It is up to the juries to toss
these cases out, and they are standing up to their duty statewide.
There have been several other jury acquittals of medical marijuana patients
in other districts.
In Jefferson County in May 2012, medical marijuana caregiver Josh Jones was
acquitted by a jury of 12 after he was forced to endure not one, but two
In Adams County in October 2011, medical marijuana caregiver Richard
Wainwright was acquitted by a jury of 12.
In Boulder County in August 2009, patient Jason Lauve was acquitted by a
jury of 12.

*Wasting Taxpayer Money*
The prosecution of Elisa Kappelmann was estimated to cost at least
$100,000, and she paid for her own attorney.
Crouse's trial lasted 5 days. Bob was represented by the El Paso County's
Public Defender's Office, and prosecuted by the El Paso County District
Attorney, so taxpayers got to foot the bill for both the prosecution and
the defense.
Bob has also been forced to evacuate his home due to Colorado wildfires.
Please send donations to celebrate this victory help support Bob and his
90-year-old mother, who have been displaced by the fires. The trial was a
huge emotional and financial burden on them both, and the evacuation only
adds to the stress. Please be generous.
Send checks in any amount to:
Bob Crouse, P.O. Box 97, Green Mountain Falls, CO 80918

only miles from Bob's house


SHARE this link:

SPECIAL THANKS TO C4CPR and Audrey Hatfield
Phone: 719-271-8430

Also to "I AM BILL SMITH" Supporters
Chaz and Shan Patient Advocates

Facebook pages

Provided as a Public Service by the:
Cannabis Therapy Institute
P.O. Box 19084, Boulder, CO 80308
Phone: 877-420-4205
Email: [email protected]


I have been following this well as Elisa's.

Power of the jury, man. Kudos to the MD's recommendation and his testimony and thanks to Dr Melemede for his expertise.' Prosecutor Dan May is a cockroach and is wasting tax dollars.

And BTW A public defender kicked Dan May's ass. Rot in hell Danny-boy. Again the Col Sprgs nazi-cops were full of errors, lies and cover-ups. NO surprise from those pricks.


We all shall and must keep up the "Good Fight" and we shall together win our fight for liberty in the end Kolah! I truly believe this. As Benjamin Franklin stated while amidst the writing of the Bill Of Rights and our Constitution I quote Ben " We must surely hang together or we shall surely hang separately."
Best regards from The Bluzboy!


Ageed Bluzboy. Some of us still are willing to fight for freedom while the others look away or bash us. But you know in a second they'll be riding on our coat-tails should things change for the better.

btw, the verdict came in at 4:20, lol


Premium Member
Victory??? Kinda, they still caused a lot of hassel ,it cost taxpayers, defense attornies, ass pain, they dont care how much WE spent to try this case and they will probaly do this again to someone else. Why cant they just leave us alone and go after real crimminals, then IMO we will have won....


I doubt we will see as many more attempted prosecutions or indictments now that a trend has been set with local Colorado jury's/peers and verdicts that contradict the perception MMJ patients/caregivers/licensed growers are easy targets for County prosecutors across the State of Colorado. I believe their will be a lot of reluctance by local prosecutors to pursue such cases in the near future at least for a while since indicted MMJ patients and caregivers are essentially batting "1000" with local jury's and judges who are deciding in favor of those defendants/patients/caregivers and their State MMJ rights, and extending those rights to the chagrin and frustration of idiot dolt politically motivated hubris tyrannical GOP fascist bred prosecutors like Dan May on County payrolls in Colorado. What would make tjese prosecutions even more unlikely would be for some citizens to sue Dan May to pay for this recent prosecution by getting a civil judgement subtracting its entire cost from his salary and repaid to El Paso County revenue department. Now that would be a deterrent to erroneous biased MMJ prosecutions that every local and County based prosecutor in the State would heed and be terrified to bring upon themselves.
The Bluzboy


Yes, and all these "not guilty" trials can be introduced in other cases to support the new victims and the entire MJ movement.

I do not buy newspapers or watch TV news. Are they writing and televising the outcomes of these cases? edit

BTW, that's a great quote by Ol Benji. "hang together or hang separately." Love it.

his other one, "Ma''am I give you a republic, that is if you can keep it."


And yes, that cockroach Dan May needs to be exposed for what he is. I am trying to get an interview with him. :)


Yes, and all these "not guilty" trials can be introduced in other cases to support the new victims and the entire MJ movement.

I do not buy newspapers or watch TV news. Are they writing and televising the outcomes of these cases? edit

BTW, that's a great quote by Ol Benji. "hang together or hang separately." Love it.

his other one, "Ma''am I give you a republic, that is if you can keep it."
That is correct! These/those trials can and will be used to deter further prosecutions right at the preliminary trial level and believe me that does currently dominate the discussion/debate in DA offices now across the State on any further or current considered prosecutions. My bet is a lot of patients/caregivers still waiting trial start are having their cases dropped. I would love to get access to those statistics if this is happening and I suspect cases dropped are under the radar of the media because DA's across Colorado do not want the public to know they are dropping cases due to the embarrassment and absolute failure to be successful at them. Elected County Prosecutors actually have larger flawed hubris egos and narcissism based vanity than their defense counter parts which I find ironic hysterical humor in. A good example of hubris ego, vanity, right wing LEO fascism, and political narcissism is Ken Buck in Weld County.
The Bluzboy


yep..and this will help the folks who may think about taking a plea bargain and convince them to take it to the courts instead or just asking for a "Motion to Dismiss" and ending it without a trial. Shit man you can even win with a Public Defender. That says a lot.

I'd like to find out the name of the PD who represented Bob.


I bet that is on one of those videos who Bob's public defender was. My bet. Attorney's Robert Corry and Andrew Reid(my cousin) threw some discreet help and ammunition to Bob's defense. Cannot say for sure.


And yes, that cockroach Dan May needs to be exposed for what he is. I am trying to get an interview with him. :)
It would be great to get a petition in El Paso asking Dan May to repay the County from his own salary for the erroneous and biased prosecution of Bob. That is how you scare and kick ass on the Dan May's in positions of power. That is how you get them to focus on real criminals like murderes, pedophiles, robbers, and other true anarchists/criminals/danger of society. Maake them pull money from their own wallets for their asinine hubris jackass mistakes as a public servant on a public County taxpayer filled payroll.
The fighting ass kicking Nam Vet and MMJ patient the "Bluzboy"!


They are 0 for 3 now on recent attempts to prosecute caregivers, and patients,. It is VERY expensive for a person to not take a plea. I don't think people realize the personal and financial costs that running a trial will impose upon you. Yes the results are what they should be, but it comes at great personal and financial expense. You don't get your expenses refunded when you win. You lose big time even if you win.

You have to go through the same shit a second time for A CHANCE of receiving a judgement. Success there is not guaranteed by any means. It is expensive and time consuming on the second run as well. Success rate is not very good in these civil cases either.

I would expect that the state, county, and city have wasted close to 1/2 million $$$ on these last 3 trials. You all have contributed to than number when you pay your taxes. Awesome use of the precious and scarce resources that we have available.

Yes, verdicts and precedents are being made but it carries a pretty hefty price tag.


Its far less cost expensive in civil court if its a class action driven suit or citizen/resident driven petition suit requiring the County itself to sue its own prosecutor to retrieve the large amount of County funds May spent prosecuting . I believe you could force El Paso County Commissioners to do so or really curtail the actions of their prosecutor with an El Paso resident petition drive demanding those funds be replaced that May spent by May.


I wonder if the costs that these assholes are accumulating are open to public record....or if they are even kept track of.


I believe because of the States "Sunshine Laws" you have the right to access that data but I bet you will have to get an attorney to make them comply. Now that you might be able to accomplish also using the ACLU instead of actually having to get a private attorney. ACLU loves to go after state, county, or local city government "Sun Shine Law" violators.
The Bluzboy


At least they got to eager and messed up a bunch of cases and tried convicting true patients. It could be the other way around its a victory for everyone of us.IMO. If and when we go to court for a case like this our attorney's will be able to use them as examples. I think the lines between real criminals and regular citizens is to thin in the laws eyes. Doesn't seem like they can fathom the new laws and they don't seem to respect them. Absolutely a miss use of our judicial system. The officers catching these people should be reprimanded it is there responsibility to know the law and to understand these people were abiding by it. Marijuana still = criminal in there eyes.


At least they got to eager and messed up a bunch of cases and tried convicting true patients. It could be the other way around its a victory for everyone of us.IMO. If and when we go to court for a case like this our attorney's will be able to use them as examples. I think the lines between real criminals and regular citizens is to thin in the laws eyes. Doesn't seem like they can fathom the new laws and they don't seem to respect them. Absolutely a miss use of our judicial system. The officers catching these people should be reprimanded it is there responsibility to know the law and to understand these people were abiding by it. Marijuana still = criminal in there eyes.
The problem with the judicial system,metaphorically, is that LEO's,DA's, judges. and courthouses have been turned into grocery store business' rather than the law/law enforcement/courts being about law, justice, or peace keeping. Essentially police have become neighborhood to neighborhood, city to city, county to county, writers of business for DA's, who then try to scan that business/cases/arrests through judges and a justice system that has become simply courtrooms filled with grocery clerks and baggers who scan the business through and bag up for the penal system business. On rare occasions the judges/grocery clerks take out items in the DA's/police check out cart, but the item has to cover the expense of being erroneously put in the GA/police cart for check out him/her self and must also re-shelve themselves at their own expense. The whole process has nothing to do with justice, peace keeping, or law and order as I stated earlier. Its about writing business for the system to keep them(DA's, LEO's, Judges, Probation Officers, Penal System with fresh meat and the keep the fresh meat system churning out business. DA's don't care if they prosecute someone unfairly or erroneously as long as they stack up a win on their resume score card for political purposes later(most prosecutors run for office or a judgeship eventually). Police are the same way. Law Enforcement entities are not about peace keeping, it is about how many arrests legitimate, false, or erroneous LEO's can get for the prosecutor to scan through the grocery line judicial system successfully. States that have legalized use of doctor prescribed medical marijuana have essentially had many of their local LEO entities and DA's disregard that legality trying to use Federal MJ law to circumvent those State medical marijuana rights because it means losing a lot of groceries through the scanner at their local or County Court Houses. That is the insidiously evil truth about these prosecutions and the motivation in the h behind fascist local State LEO's/DA's who perpetrate theses arrests and prosecutions of MMJ patients with despicable hubris.


Agreed Bluzboy . The fact they can try these cases at all shows the huge miss use of the system in simple form.
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