Leaves Doing Weird Things

  • Thread starter JayJr814
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Can anyone tell me what this is from? My light is good distance away from tops, temp has only been above 85-90 degrees maybe 3-4 times in past 30 days normally pretty steady around 70 give or take, humidity normally between 55-65 steady, and I've been pretty good with watering going by weight of tubs.. They are going on week 3 of 12/12, was told not to really worry too much but a good friend who's pretty knowledgeable but I still would like to try and fix it if it's somethig simple gonna be serious to the health potential of flowers.
Leaves doing weird things


I have a Blueberry plant that does that every time we fertilize. It seems it is more sensitive to feeding that the other plants. They settle down after a few waterings. I would show a pic but I don't know how to add a pic IRL? Why has this changed? Help.


Tacoing of leafs is usually from heat stress like @ShroomKing said.
That's what I have found but it's usually in the 90* s temp range.
Yeah I was thinking it was the heat, it's checked everyday while lights are on so it's never too hot for more then maybe 8-10 hrs just while at work then it's cooled down via central air as soon as I get outta work.. I don't know if being too hot a couple different times could cause this or not? And I haven't added neuts yet just the Fox Farm ocean forest blend since planted, im going to start feeding it slowly this weekend seeing as it's been growing in that soil with nothing but water for about 2 months.. Just got my neuts today so ill be feeding with pure blend pro bloom every other watering from now on until I figure out best dose


Best of luck. Peace
Also like I said it's only been above 90 a few times since flip which was 3 weeks ago
Too heavy with the feedings. Back off 25% and see if it helps.
Best of luck.


Too heavy with the feedings. Back off 25% and see if it helps.
Best of luck.
Feedings as in waterings? Cause it hasn't been fed neuts yet if anything the neuts are about gone in the soil that it's in which is what I wanted since I'll be feeding liquid bloom neuts starting this weekend


Definitely not a huge issue. I am going to assume you have discarded that it is pest damage?

If so we think it is heat, but I have a question about nutrition.

What is the media? Did you amend with your own? As you might think the nutes are gone, the darkness of green of your leaves (at least as much as I can tell from a pic) makes me think they have plenty of nutrients, maybe slightly too much.


Definitely not a huge issue. I am going to assume you have discarded that it is pest damage?

If so we think it is heat, but I have a question about nutrition.

What is the media? Did you amend with your own? As you might think the nutes are gone, the darkness of green of your leaves (at least as much as I can tell from a pic) makes me think they have plenty of nutrients, maybe slightly too much

I don't believe they a
Definitely not a huge issue. I am going to assume you have discarded that it is pest damage?

If so we think it is heat, but I have a question about nutrition.

What is the media? Did you amend with your own? As you might think the nutes are gone, the darkness of green of your leaves (at least as much as I can tell from a pic) makes me think they have plenty of nutrients, maybe slightly too much.
I highly doubt its pests being indoors in a clean environment, haven't had an issue with pests since switching too indoor luckily, was my major problem outdoors though. To answer your question I don't understand how this soil would have too many neuts in it, Ive used nothing but Fox Farm Ocean Forest Blend organic soil since clone was taken, was alittle harsh on them after first showing roots but all plants pulled through and became very healthy, ive had them in the same soil with no added neuts since roots were astablished in solo cups, from the cups I went straight into these concrete mixing tubs for a total area of about 4x6x1 and have been growing in there for about 2 months veg and almost a month now after flip gonna be week 3 in flower this weekend. Which kinda blows my mind cause a knowledgeable buddy of mine once told me that healthy plants should be fed for 30-45 days with the organic soil im using then after hitting that 30-45 day period should look into supplementing with liquid neuts to sustain a healthy and hearty grow medium.. with that being said it kinda blows my mind that these plants could be getting too much neuts from the same soil they've been in their whole life... but hey, I could be wrong! The friend swears by Fox Farm Ocean Forest Blend for the fact that its capable of growing very healthy plants without much alteration, atleast for the first step of the plants life.


Well thats why I asked if you amended it...if not than you are right the plants probably should need feeding. If they didn't have other optimal conditions, I could see them not feeding as high. Such as light, temperature, humidity to an extent.


Definitely not a huge issue. I am going to assume you have discarded that it is pest damage?

If so we think it is heat, but I have a question about nutrition.

What is the media? Did you amend with your own? As you might think the nutes are gone, the darkness of green of your leaves (at least as much as I can tell from a pic) makes me think they have plenty of nutrients, maybe slightly too much.
My friend also told me to google a Vapor Pressure Deficit Chart (VPD) i think he may believe that to be my issue, im kinda on a budget with this being my first indoor grow and im set back on grow expenses already as it is so im having a hard time adjusting my humidity, its in a room with central air so controlling the temp is was easier then the humidity ive noticed per the chart my humidity should be up about 15% more then what it is to be perfect at an 80 degree temp which is normally between 70-85 degrees when we get spikes which are rare it might hit 99 degrees in the room but for a time period of no longer then 9-10 hrs due to being at work and not having the thermostat in the room with the grow. We are forced to manually set the thermostat to control temps when necessary.


Well thats why I asked if you amended it...if not than you are right the plants probably should need feeding. If they didn't have other optimal conditions, I could see them not feeding as high. Such as light, temperature, humidity to an extent.
What im running with is 1 600watt mh/hps temps are usually between 70-85 and humidity is normally right around 54-59% i have 4x6x1 of nothing but the fox farm soil, with 10 clones 5 in each tub, just to give you an idea of what i got going on


If your room is going 99+ for 9 to 10 hours, you've just found your problem! That is a long time and a lot of heat!
it's never been higher then 99, and 99 was the absolute highest it's ever reached and couldn't of been that hot for more then a couple hrs... It's not like the room goes on monitored for a crazy amount of time, got a first shift job so when light goes on at noon the temp might go up depending on temp outside the house normally home by around 5-6ish and I check as soon as I get home and adjust AC depending on temps


Best of luck. Peace
it's never been higher then 99, and 99 was the absolute highest it's ever reached and couldn't of been that hot for more then a couple hrs... It's not like the room goes on monitored for a crazy amount of time, got a first shift job so when light goes on at noon the temp might go up depending on temp outside the house normally home by around 5-6ish and I check as soon as I get home and adjust AC depending on temps
Get control over your temps before you start flowering or the heat stress will make your plants herm. Best of luck.


We have got control over the heat now, Central Air stays runs now whenever lights on to keep room temps lower, here is an undated better picture I took today, we moved light up now 4-5 feet above tops and moved fans around, got temps under control, and jst a reminder I know this looks kinda like neut burn but I don't understand how that is possible due to being in this same soil for 3 months with no other neuts added. I honestly don't think it's neut burn, maybe heat stress from light being too close before, was about 2-3 feet above tops prior too today and with fans more focused Beneath the canopy to prevent mold there was direct heat to tops not necessarily hot on back of hand if held under but warmer then the outside lower parts.. Let me know please and thank you. All this info is great learning a lot from you people! Greatly appreciated as this is my first indoor grow ever.


Once again, raise your light!

If you can't, make sure you have high humidity at the top of your canopy with lots of air movement so you don't get that water condensing and burning your leaves. Cold mist humidifier atbthe canopy level and a fan in front of it shold do the trick. But once again, raise your fucking lights

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