Need help figuring out how to save my little clone!

  • Thread starter BRetnewgrower
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I've been having problems with mmt two clones. The other has it's own set of issues and dont get why either are acting up but this one was doing better up until the probs. Its have its original fans drooping for maybe 2 weeks now. Removed the lowers to try to help it save energy. New growth seemed to be developing despite this, and have been cutting back watering and trying to keep humidity up a little more. Now with the leafs, aside from newest growth, still drooping and slowly getting lighter, the new growth is getting brownish lines in the new growth leafs. Just want at least this little guy to make it! Dont have any more seeds and too late for more clones. Any advice or help would be greatly appreciated!
Need help figuring out how to save my little clone


Looks like you're loving it to death. How often do you water it? What do you feed it? What kind of light?


Looks like you're loving it to death. How often do you water it? What do you feed it? What kind of light?
I Probably have. These clones are my last resort because I cant find anyone to buy like 2 or 3 seeds or wouldnt be so important to me for them to thrive. I kept a lid over them and the humidity hi until they rooted. I kept them under a grow bulb for a few days and sprayed regularly before putting them in direct sunlight. Around the time I topped and repotted the drooping clone is around when the problems arose. I cut back on watering when someone suggested overwatering but the soil hasn't rly been drying out too quick since cutting back on watering. I tried one last time to fix the soil mixing about 20%ish sandy clay soil, 20%ish of some dirt I dug up in a woody area in the yard that's alot of decomp in it, 20% soil mix with less than .1% of NKP, the rest precious potting soil and barely watered. I'm going to let it dry out and see if that does anything when it gets thirsty. Too late to take another cutting. I know its possible into budding but itll b more difficult than these and I'm still in the process of attaining some basic growing things like some ocean forest and a ppm. Meter, ph meter ect.


Clone is too young to top, stress and too much light would be my guess
Do you think it could bounce back from that? It seemed very healthy but these were my first clones. These are my last resort (cant find seeds)


Yeah man it looks like your trying to do too much to it man. Glad it rooted. Ease off any additives and see if you can’t get any new green growth. How’s your temperature?
try to make one change, wait let the plant adjust, then make your next change.
Ph 007

Ph 007

Put a clear bag over the plant to boost humidity, try flushing no feed for few waterings, maybe room is to cold? Night tem ps aswell


Put a clear bag over the plant to boost humidity, try flushing no feed for few waterings, maybe room is to cold? Night tem ps aswell
I think it was a mix of transplant shock and I topped the little guy too early he bounced back tho 👍

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