Day 13 after sprout. Extremely slow/no growth?

  • Thread starter darkerfalz
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Hey all. Im on my fourth grow right now. These seedlings are around 13 days from sprout and honestly haven't really grown much at all after around the first week. Im pretty new to growing, but I havent changed anything I've been doing in my past couple successful coco grows (tried soil first). Wondering if anybody might have any ideas.

Right now Im in 3 gallon pots using straight Mo'Koko Coco + Perlite. Before planting I rinsed the medium with CalMag'd PH'd RO. I made a very lite 1/8th strength nutrient solution for watering. Planning on using Lucas because its worked for me pretty well in past grows. Humidity is kept around 50-55% with temps at a steady 73-75f. Lights on 20/4, 18 inches above at around 30-40% intesnity. Been watering very very lightly daily. The only one that is showing growth is the Samsquanch x Forum Stomper.

Appreciate any help or advice anybody might have to offer.

Day 13 after sprout extremely slowno growth


I cant believe they're still alive. toss em and start over.


at this point they are definitely having some issue, you have 12 days invested, if you are going to start over, now is the time.
it might be nice to find out why, maybe someone here could help. different strains, so maybe something with the coco? temps? humidity? i cant help, but maybe someone can. i agree you might be better off starting over, those dont look like a good investment of time.


Zooming in on each plant would be a help.

And now for my usual disclaimer: I don't know dick about coco, but I do know that it doesn't have much of a water holding capacity, compared to peat moss mixes. High perlite mixes also call for more water.

I don't think you're watering that media thoroughly. Keep in mind that roots grow toward water. If the media is only wet in the center of the pot, the roots will only be in the center of the pot. You might as well have a 2 liter pot if that's all the water they're going to get. The roots will NEVER explore dry media.

Even if you choose to start over, give water a chance and see if they start growing.


Hey all. Im on my fourth grow right now. These seedlings are around 13 days from sprout and honestly haven't really grown much at all after around the first week. Im pretty new to growing, but I havent changed anything I've been doing in my past couple successful coco grows (tried soil first). Wondering if anybody might have any ideas.

Right now Im in 3 gallon pots using straight Mo'Koko Coco + Perlite. Before planting I rinsed the medium with CalMag'd PH'd RO. I made a very lite 1/8th strength nutrient solution for watering. Planning on using Lucas because its worked for me pretty well in past grows. Humidity is kept around 50-55% with temps at a steady 73-75f. Lights on 20/4, 18 inches above at around 30-40% intesnity. Been watering very very lightly daily. The only one that is showing growth is the Samsquanch x Forum Stomper.

Appreciate any help or advice anybody might have to offer.

View attachment 1107413
Get your temp to around 80-85 and humidity around 75% this should help out!!


You need to water to run off, not "very lightly daily". Your plants need more water and nutes mix than they are getting. Your coco is soaking up what little it's getting and staying way to dry for the roots to feed the plant. How much will depend on pot size. For coco/perlite, start your seedlings in solo cups with holes so they drain well. Much easier to regulate watering. You'll use a fraction of the water and nutes than you will in those 3 gal pots. Water to 10-15% run off at least once daily. You'll need 1/2 - 3/4 of a gal or more each for those large pots to water/feed correctly. Only ounces each with the solo cups until you repot into larger. When they reach about the size of those in growsince79's photo or a little bigger you can repot, or when you see roots poking out the drain holes. Make a hole in the bigger pot's coco and plant the whole works after you cut the solo cup away. It'll never miss a beat and keep right on growing.


Thanks for the responses.

I think I'm going to try to use this as a learning experience and attempt to nurse these back to health. My last grow I accidentally turned off my heaters oscillator and burned one of my +Speed auto seedlings to a crisp. Basically brought the growth to a screeching halt. About a week after that it lost both cotyledons and all but one crispy yellow fan leaf. I almost said F it and restarted, but instead I just planted another and let that one grow. Im about to chop that one in a few days. Ive attached some pics below to show you what it looked like right after burning (and it got much worse after that first pic) vs what I managed to get it back to. Its almost as big as the one I planted a couple weeks after.

IMG 0543 1
IMG 0998 1

Anyways, I'm raising the temps and humidity as Growgod420 suggested. Going to give them a little mini flush with runoff using calmag'd PH'd RO, give them another week or two and see how it goes. These are seeds from Mephisto, and Ive only heard great things about their genetics so I'm hoping maybe they will show their resilience. I'll take slightly reduced yields if it means I can learn something along the way.

Thanks for the advice.
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Alright welp I think I discovered the culprit.

While testing my water tonight I realized I hadnt calibrated my PH pen in a minute. Went out a recalibrated both my PH pens.

Turns out my pens were both completely off, almost 1 whole point off. So I assume the PH of the water I was feeding these plants to be more like in the 7.1 range this past week.

Learned my lesson. Recalibrate your cheap PH pens after every grow at minimum.


Looking at the first picture it looks like inadequate watering to me but you say you have grown successfully in Coco before, did you water the Coco through BEFORE planting the seeds?
If not, do that next time and use a humidity dome until the tiny seedlings looks settled and strong :-)


Alright welp I think I discovered the culprit.

While testing my water tonight I realized I hadnt calibrated my PH pen in a minute. Went out a recalibrated both my PH pens.

Turns out my pens were both completely off, almost 1 whole point off. So I assume the PH of the water I was feeding these plants to be more like in the 7.1 range this past week.

It's better to figure it out and learn something. It will be interesting how the plants answer.

I find with young plants they need decent water and light and away they go. If the coco has been used before that may be an issue too. I usually start in Pro-mix and let the plants establish more than you have with good results.


I use Pro-mix as well for 20 days then up-pot to 3 gal coco/perlite. After the up-pot I use 3gals. a day to fertigate. Here is a pic of my younguns. The pic was taken on 03/01 03 2021 they were very young in 3" jiffy pots. I soak in water 24 hrs. move to wet paper towel then the 3" jiffys.
20210301 165050 Burst01


In my experience humidity is a bit overrated and has never held me down. My grows the humidity is never above 30% at any stage of growth and no issues
Get your temp to around 80-85 and humidity around 75% this should help out!!
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Hey all. Im on my fourth grow right now. These seedlings are around 13 days from sprout and honestly haven't really grown much at all after around the first week. Im pretty new to growing, but I havent changed anything I've been doing in my past couple successful coco grows (tried soil first). Wondering if anybody might have any ideas.

Right now Im in 3 gallon pots using straight Mo'Koko Coco + Perlite. Before planting I rinsed the medium with CalMag'd PH'd RO. I made a very lite 1/8th strength nutrient solution for watering. Planning on using Lucas because its worked for me pretty well in past grows. Humidity is kept around 50-55% with temps at a steady 73-75f. Lights on 20/4, 18 inches above at around 30-40% intesnity. Been watering very very lightly daily. The only one that is showing growth is the Samsquanch x Forum Stomper.

Appreciate any help or advice anybody might have to offer.

View attachment 1107413
Honestly I’m a HUGE believer in this recharge stuff. I’ve had countless unknown issues and this crap miraculously ended up saving the day..
ADDB122E E984 4EC9 A873 960A158833F9


Figured I’d post an update for anyone interested.

After testing my PH pen I realized it was significantly off so I calibrated it. I think it was a combination of the PH and underwatering. After flushing the medium with a light PHd feeding, they started to thrive. Here they are now.
A4D0A12C DFEB 46BA 97AA EE786EB964B5


Good thing you didn't start over, they look great. Usually a good idea to figure it out and learn a lesson at the same time, that's how you gain experience. Good luck bro!!


Honestly I’m a HUGE believer in this recharge stuff. I’ve had countless unknown issues and this crap miraculously ended up saving the day..
U just said u don't bother about humidity and u have no issues with it,then u say this(above).contradict urself much?,76


Good thing you didn't start over, they look great. Usually a good idea to figure it out and learn a lesson at the same time, that's how you gain experience. Good luck bro!!
Thanks! Yeah, I can see why an experienced grower with a bigger setup might not want to waste time with potential runts, but I’m in this for the experience and since I’m so new I figure what better way to learn than this.

It also feels much more rewarding and like a greater accomplishment to me, which to me is a feeling *almost* as good as that first hit from a fresh harvest!
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