Getting rid of fungus gnats during flower

  • Thread starter AnOldColdSoul13
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What I did to get rid of em and it might be way cheaper is that I put an inch or two of perlite on my top soil and sticky cards. It got rid of em in about two weeks as there life cycle is cut off because the adults can’t get through the perlite to come out of the soil or in as it will tear up and mutilate there tiny bodies if they tried. And the sticky traps caught any fliers that were hiding out. Lol


What I did to get rid of em and it might be way cheaper is that I put an inch or two of perlite on my top soil and sticky cards. It got rid of em in about two weeks as there life cycle is cut off because the adults can’t get through the perlite to come out of the soil or in as it will tear up and mutilate there tiny bodies if they tried. And the sticky traps caught any fliers that were hiding out. Lol

This works.


I use mosquito bits which is the granular version of the mosquito dunks. the bits you only need a spoonful put under the soil every 14 days dunks you can cut up into about 16 pieces good for 30 days just shove a hunk under the soil. Takes several days to start to take effect as you see it work in the coming offspring not what currently is alive and flying around. Im not certain but don't think it kills whats alive unless it starves em out or something. But i mostly see it work killing em off over time and you keep those bits going til end will be no issues. Im given the mosquito dunks for the section of trails i manage. to put in the standing water in summer so tourists don't complain about mosquitos while riding through the great outdoors on their atvs. I also spray the trails for ticks. I hate ticks. I once stepped in a tick ball and i honestly felt like "just finish me off" Nothing more skin-crawling than 1000s of ticks crawling up your skin.

But to that mosquito bits 100% effective. There is 3 commercial strains i believe that are cultured for this. they are all good. But proper IPM does state to change it up from one strain to the next. I forget the other company but there is a liquid that is as cheap as that is a different variant of BTI i want to say its Bonide or Monterey or both. I pretty much buy enough for one season then try to change. But I find the mosquito bits are more effective long term than the liquid but the liquid variants tend to be more aggressive if they aren't old and were properly stored.


If you don't mind using pesticides this is best thing and only thing I use after trying lots product even £50 a bottle shit from grow shop. Cheap cheerful and even killed the Borg I got from Amsterdam one year. Spray on plants during lights off tho and increase fan to dry off before the lights come back on
Happy growing
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Okay so a few weeks ago my girlfriend's flowers or whatever was inside the house and i noticed a little bug with wings come to the surface when i watered her plant. I looked it up and its a fungus gnat. I removed her plants from the house immediately. I also had a water leak issue with my washing machine discharge hose, which will cause them to stay in that area as well. I got all the causes fixed. But earlier when i was feeding, it seemed like i caught something in the corner of my eye fly by me, but it was small. Assuming the obvious, i dug my finger about 1/2 inch deep into the coco in each pot (i have 3), and in one of the finger holes i saw a super tiny White larvae thing. Im assuming thats fungus gnat larvae..
Ill say this before it even gets brought up. Im definitely not over watering. Im watering once to twice a day in coco (normally once a day), i have decent amount of perlite for drainage, fabric pots, and they are elevated. Runoff also gets drained so that i avoid problems with standing water, such as gnats...
How do i get rid of these bastards? I could put sand or dry coco on top of the medium, but i feel like theyre gonna eat my roots either way if i dont get them out of there with a pesticide of some sort. Im like 3 full weeks into flower with autos. Any suggestions? Thank you
Microbe lift bmc! It comes in 20z, 6oz, and gallon sizes....1tsp to about 50 to 100 gals of nute sulotion/plain water will do great. It contains bti and its toxins. Will kill larval stages not adults.adults die from rubbing alcohol.....this eliminates the use of nasty chemicals you didnt need in the first place


Im about to go to Ace for a few things. I see the store in town has "safer soap neem oil rtu". What are y'all's opinions on this product for having something on hand in case of potential future bug and/or fungus issues?
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Okay so a few weeks ago my girlfriend's flowers or whatever was inside the house and i noticed a little bug with wings come to the surface when i watered her plant. I looked it up and its a fungus gnat. I removed her plants from the house immediately. I also had a water leak issue with my washing machine discharge hose, which will cause them to stay in that area as well. I got all the causes fixed. But earlier when i was feeding, it seemed like i caught something in the corner of my eye fly by me, but it was small. Assuming the obvious, i dug my finger about 1/2 inch deep into the coco in each pot (i have 3), and in one of the finger holes i saw a super tiny White larvae thing. Im assuming thats fungus gnat larvae..
Ill say this before it even gets brought up. Im definitely not over watering. Im watering once to twice a day in coco (normally once a day), i have decent amount of perlite for drainage, fabric pots, and they are elevated. Runoff also gets drained so that i avoid problems with standing water, such as gnats...
How do i get rid of these bastards? I could put sand or dry coco on top of the medium, but i feel like theyre gonna eat my roots either way if i dont get them out of there with a pesticide of some sort. Im like 3 full weeks into flower with autos. Any suggestions? Thank you
worked miracles for me.,aps,241&sr=8-7
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I use mosquito bits which is the granular version of the mosquito dunks. the bits you only need a spoonful put under the soil every 14 days dunks you can cut up into about 16 pieces good for 30 days just shove a hunk under the soil. Takes several days to start to take effect as you see it work in the coming offspring not what currently is alive and flying around. Im not certain but don't think it kills whats alive unless it starves em out or something. But i mostly see it work killing em off over time and you keep those bits going til end will be no issues. Im given the mosquito dunks for the section of trails i manage. to put in the standing water in summer so tourists don't complain about mosquitos while riding through the great outdoors on their atvs. I also spray the trails for ticks. I hate ticks. I once stepped in a tick ball and i honestly felt like "just finish me off" Nothing more skin-crawling than 1000s of ticks crawling up your skin.

But to that mosquito bits 100% effective. There is 3 commercial strains i believe that are cultured for this. they are all good. But proper IPM does state to change it up from one strain to the next. I forget the other company but there is a liquid that is as cheap as that is a different variant of BTI i want to say its Bonide or Monterey or both. I pretty much buy enough for one season then try to change. But I find the mosquito bits are more effective long term than the liquid but the liquid variants tend to be more aggressive if they aren't old and were properly stored.,aps,241&sr=8-7
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спрей для кошек от блох и клещей, помогает от трипсов, комаров и других насекомых


yes and it is safe for humans and plants.
Hey man. Im using RO water so I would probably want to at lest add calmag with the BTI correct? Also wondering how often and how much you water. Do you go until runoff? Sorry for all the questions lol just trying to get this infestation under control ASAP


Well I got sick and tired of seeing my poor stunted girls doing battle in the rooting zone with these Sciaridae Flies.

D. Earth didn't work in last grow, Sand didn't work, Yellow Stickies caught some flying fuckers. But soil bound larvae kept reproducing.

Yesterday I bought a bottle (EXPENSIVE) of Tanlin , (Organic)
2 drops in 4 ltrs of water, drenched the girls, + sprayed for the flying fuckers.

I am not a sales rep. No Gnats seen flying today, will check each morning.I will drench again next water.

I hope this helps somebody else.


Quote Reply


Okay so a few weeks ago my girlfriend's flowers or whatever was inside the house and i noticed a little bug with wings come to the surface when i watered her plant. I looked it up and its a fungus gnat. I removed her plants from the house immediately. I also had a water leak issue with my washing machine discharge hose, which will cause them to stay in that area as well. I got all the causes fixed. But earlier when i was feeding, it seemed like i caught something in the corner of my eye fly by me, but it was small. Assuming the obvious, i dug my finger about 1/2 inch deep into the coco in each pot (i have 3), and in one of the finger holes i saw a super tiny White larvae thing. Im assuming thats fungus gnat larvae..
Ill say this before it even gets brought up. Im definitely not over watering. Im watering once to twice a day in coco (normally once a day), i have decent amount of perlite for drainage, fabric pots, and they are elevated. Runoff also gets drained so that i avoid problems with standing water, such as gnats...
How do i get rid of these bastards? I could put sand or dry coco on top of the medium, but i feel like theyre gonna eat my roots either way if i dont get them out of there with a pesticide of some sort. Im like 3 full weeks into flower with autos. Any suggestions? Thank you
I used sand and used coffee granules made a kinda coffee tea and watered thru and it worked great

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