Organic Grow - Question Please???

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Hi all. I'm doing an Organic Grow of four Blue Amnesia Autos, and right away I ran into a problem. I've bought Kelp Meal, powdered Aloe Vera Gel, and several other things including this ("Organic Barley Flour"). Trouble is, it does not say whether or not it's "Malted", or partially sprouted, prior to Grinding. The difference being, that "Malted" barley releases the desirable enzymes. I do not know, but the way it was explained to me, it makes a world of difference. Does anyone know: If I use this as Top Dressing (along with Kelp meal), will it work? Or will it create a sticky Mess & ruin my Grow?



What's on the back of the package? If they did anything other than mill it, then it's been processed.


According to their website, it should be good. They claim not to process the good out of the product.
Why do you want this? What are you trying to boost?


According to their website, it should be good. They claim not to process the good out of the product.
Why do you want this? What are you trying to boost?
I must Quote: "...What is malted barley, and why is it so special? Yes, this is the same stuff that is used to brew beer! Therefore, you can usually obtain organic malted barley from a local homebrew store, or buy it online. In this context, “malted” is used to describe barley grains that have been germinated. Under controlled conditions and temperatures, the wet grains are allowed to sprout… just a little bit. The process is halted when they reach peak enzymatic activity, which makes them ideal for future fermentation – or use in the garden!..."
"...The key part in all of this is the “peak enzymatic activity”. Basically, enzymes help plants do everything from photosynthesize, to more readily take up and make use of nutrients and minerals! The use of malted barley provides a lot of the same benefits as sprouted seed teas, so we’ll talk more about the role of enzymes in that below. Also like sprouted seed teas, you really can’t go overboard with malted barley! It is very mild and will not burn your plants..."

This, from some instructions I was reading on:

I can only hope I haven't been led astray. This will be my first "Organic" grow. Yahoo lol.
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No, you have not been led astray. As a matter of fact, there is a discussion concerning enzymes and organics vs non in another thread right now.
Enzymes are very good. Personally, I would grow my own microbes and just add some enzymes from the plant store. I think I saw a recipe for that in here somewhere.

You're doing fine. The biggest two mistakes new growers make is not asking for help and the other is overdoing everything.
Take your time and do some reading here. There is so much good info.

Some threads may look like big arguments, but some of us learn that way and by the time the thread works out, the subject has been clarified one way or another.
Relax and have fun growing with us!


Hi all. I'm doing an Organic Grow of four Blue Amnesia Autos, and right away I ran into a problem. I've bought Kelp Meal, powdered Aloe Vera Gel, and several other things including this ("Organic Barley Flour"). Trouble is, it does not say whether or not it's "Malted", or partially sprouted, prior to Grinding. The difference being, that "Malted" barley releases the desirable enzymes. I do not know, but the way it was explained to me, it makes a world of difference. Does anyone know: If I use this as Top Dressing (along with Kelp meal), will it work? Or will it create a sticky Mess & ruin my Grow?

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MY FIRST ORGANIC GROW [seeds popped 6/13/21, planted 6/14/21]

Four Blue Amnesia Autoflowers. 2 planted in FFOF soil, 2 planted in (Mixed) soil. All four fortified with Humic acid granules, Dr. Earth Flower Girl, and of course a hefty dose of Perlite. Fertilizing with Kelp Meal and Barley Flour, with powdered Aloe Vera gel and Silica Blast > (these two mixed in with every watering). Note the shriveled one on the lower right. It was the slowest of the 3 to sprout. Now it's "cringing", possible because of something in the soil - but I'm going to give it a chance to live. If it dies or languishes, I'll replace it with a Lowryder seed.

Any suggestions, RE: Fertilizing with an Organic Grow? I'm new at this.



Any suggestions, RE: Fertilizing with an Organic Grow? I'm new at this.
I am working on an organic grow, first time, so I am of course still learning!

For me, I used Coast of Maine Platinum organic soil and I did not give my plants anything for around the first 30 days because all they needed was in the soil. I did both top dress and made a tea from worm castings and a tbsp of molasses to boost the microbe production, that was it. When I noticed the soil was starting to get depleted, I began to fertilize with the Roots Organics Terp Tea program I am currently using. The plants seem to love it.

Also, I learned this the hard way but if you are in "hot" soil, it can be too hot for seedlings. I had a similar problem early on and ended up transplanting from the 4" peat pots I started in to a 1/2 gal plastic pot with regular soil and flushed. This cleared up the problem and then I later transplanted them into the 5 gal. pots of the hot soil and they did great. They were in the 5 gal pots for about 3 1/2 weeks before they needed anything besides cal/mag, which I have to use because I use all distilled water.
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99% of commercial soils are not 'hot'. The companies don't make them that way on purpose because they don't feel like being sued for lost crops.
What people are calling 'hot' is really closer to 'living soil'. what makes it so hot is when oustide nutes are added.


I am working on an organic grow, first time, so I am of course still learning!

For me, I used Coast of Maine Platinum organic soil and I did not give my plants anything for around the first 30 days because all they needed was in the soil. I did both top dress and made a tea from worm castings and a tbsp of molasses to boost the microbe production, that was it. When I noticed the soil was starting to get depleted, I began to fertilize with the Roots Organics Terp Tea program I am currently using. The plants seem to love it.

Also, I learned this the hard way but if you are in "hot" soil, it can be too hot for seedlings. I had a similar problem early on and ended up transplanting from the 4" peat pots I started in to a 1/2 gal plastic pot with regular soil and flushed. This cleared up the problem and then I later transplanted them into the 5 gal. pots of the hot soil and they did great. They were in the 5 gal pots for about 3 1/2 weeks before they needed anything besides cal/mag, which I have to use because I use all distilled water.

"Also, I learned this the hard way but if you are in "hot" soil, it can be too hot for seedlings." - Yes, I am aware of this, but I planted them directly into their final container anyway. 3 of them popped their heads up in 24 hours, but the 4th one (the sickly one) held out for two more days, so I'm thinking it was Weak. I'm not concerned; I've got plenty of seeds. I plan to use Molasses too. Any other nutes you're using?


Any other nutes you're using?
I finally settled in on the Roots Organics Terp Tea lineup, there are 4 blends that make up that nutrient system. My plants seem to like it a lot. I am currently in day one of week 2 flower so just getting into the bloom transition.


MY FIRST ORGANIC GROW [seeds popped 6/13/21, planted 6/14/21]

Four Blue Amnesia Autoflowers. 2 planted in FFOF soil, 2 planted in (Mixed) soil. All four fortified with Humic acid granules, Dr. Earth Flower Girl, and of course a hefty dose of Perlite. Fertilizing with Kelp Meal and Barley Flour, with powdered Aloe Vera gel and Silica Blast > (these two mixed in with every watering). Note the shriveled one on the lower right. It was the slowest of the 3 to sprout. Now it's "cringing", possible because of something in the soil - but I'm going to give it a chance to live. If it dies or languishes, I'll replace it with a Lowryder seed.

Any suggestions, RE: Fertilizing with an Organic Grow? I'm new at this.

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Roots organics terp tea dry amendments!! Along with a blast of microbes and fungi that help your roots and make nutrients available for your plants. Recharge, fish shit (it’s a product), orca, and what else am I forgetting 🤔. Anyways it’s all about feeding the soil and microbes not the plants. I make compost teas and they love it. I’ve had like 1 or 2 deficiencies pop up this whole grow and this is my first time growing indoors.


terp tea dry amendments!!
I ended up getting the Bloom Booster and my wife bought the Microbe Charge for her garden and she is going to share. The Bloom Booster isn't used, I believe, until the 4th week of flower through week 6, with zero added nutrients during week 7 and 8. That part I guess can change depending on what strain you are growing, basically the way I understand it is you don't feed the last two weeks of flower.

I'll start using the Microbe Charge in every feeding through week 6, once it gets here.

Psyched to use the whole Terp Tea line, excited to see how well they produce.
Roots organics
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Here's the Afflicted one, today June 25th. It's recovering pretty well. I think it'll make it.

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June 29th. It's only been 4 days, but things are moving along splendidly. I'm going to add Alfalfa Meal to the mix of Top Dressing on schedule with the rest of the fertilizers on July 3rd (once weekly). I'm told Alfalfa Meal is a little Hot and may burn my plants, so I'll begin with one Teaspoon per pot & work up from there. The Sickly one is still Sickly but I'm still giving it a chance. I think the seed itself was Doomed, from the start (slow/reluctant Germination), but you never know.



June 29th. It's only been 4 days, but things are moving along splendidly. I'm going to add Alfalfa Meal to the mix of Top Dressing on schedule with the rest of the fertilizers on July 3rd (once weekly). I'm told Alfalfa Meal is a little Hot and may burn my plants, so I'll begin with one Teaspoon per pot & work up from there. The Sickly one is still Sickly but I'm still giving it a chance. I think the seed itself was Doomed, from the start (slow/reluctant Germination), but you never know.
The alfalfa meal (like most organic meals) will take awhile to breakdown and become plant available. If you’re looking for a quick (weekly) boost you’ll be better soaking alfalfa in water and then feeding this to your plants. I only do 1 cup/5 gal water, with 1/4 cup kelp meal and don’t notice any burning. (I’m using pellets at the moment and think that there’s definitely more than 1 cup of meal after the pellets expand and break apart.)


Hi all. I'm doing an Organic Grow of four Blue Amnesia Autos, and right away I ran into a problem. I've bought Kelp Meal, powdered Aloe Vera Gel, and several other things including this ("Organic Barley Flour"). Trouble is, it does not say whether or not it's "Malted", or partially sprouted, prior to Grinding. The difference being, that "Malted" barley releases the desirable enzymes. I do not know, but the way it was explained to me, it makes a world of difference. Does anyone know: If I use this as Top Dressing (along with Kelp meal), will it work? Or will it create a sticky Mess & ruin my Grow?

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2 row malted barely is what I use from the wine /beer store ground in a coffee beans grinder I top dress 1 to 2 cups or malted barely per 200 gallon Soil 4×8 bed from 2 weeks in flower for 2 to 3 weeks


2 row malted barely is what I use from the wine /beer store ground in a coffee beans grinder I top dress 1 to 2 cups or malted barely per 200 gallon Soil 4×8 bed from 2 weeks in flower for 2 to 3 weeks
Top dress and scratch in and water in these got a month to go yet
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