Newest growth is yellowing on only 1 of 4 plants. I need some help!

  • Thread starter homestead67
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Hello folks! I am back with another photoperiod grow!

I am growing 2- GG4's from Elev8 seeds and 2 - Hindsight's from Twenty20 seeds. One of he GG4's has it's newest growth turning yellow. The second GG4 has been small and yellowish from its first few days. All 4 plants have the same amount of nutrients, same soil, same size pot, same water, same everything. The only difference is the strain/breeder. The Hindsight plants seem to be doing great while giving them the exact amount of attention and care?

I have 2 possibilities -

1. I am using dry fertilizer mixed with the soil and haven't added any since the day I first potted them. Is it that there aren't enough nutrients? The other 2 hindsight's seem to be doing just fine?

2. The seeds/genetics are causing this or they are reacting to my environment this way?

Here are the facts of the grow -

1. Grown from seed. 2 - Elev8, GG4 S1 and 2 - Twenty20 Seeds, Hindsight. Photoperiods-
2. Plants are about to start 8 weeks in Veg.
3. Plants are about 8-12". 2 were LST'd and 2 were topped
4. 5 gallon fabric pots.

a. First 10 days, the seedlings grew in nursery pots.
b. At 10 days transplanted them into 5 gallon fabric pots

5. Fox Farms Happy Frog potting soil
6. Water around once a week or 10-12 days or when dry with 1.5 gallons of water per pot. 5ml CALMAG added per gallon.
7. pH is around 6.4 -6.5.
8. I have been using dry amendment fertilizers.

a. Earth Juice Rainbow Mix Pro Grow 8-6-3
1. Added 1 tablespoon to one gallon of soil

9. I do not spray anything
10. MarsHydro TSW2000 LED grow lights. about 300 actual watts.
11. I do not know the height, at least 28 inches from tallest budsites though
12. 4x4 reflective grow ten
13. Temp an Humidity Lights out 69F 55%RH Lights On 72F 50%RH
14. Soil pH - ??? Haven't checked this
15. No bugs in this site
16. This is second first indoor grow. I have previously done 6 outdoor grows with 5 grows auto and 1 with photoperiod plants. I did not and have not done very well even with my outdoor grows.

Here are the pictures.

First 5 are of the most problematic GG4 -

These next 2 are the other GG4 that has been having growing issues since week 1 -


The last 2 are one of my Hindsight alone then side-by-side with the GG4 plant. I noticed that the hindsight has yellowish tops too....but I think that one looks normal currently. I am wondering if my soil's nutrient have been depleted....


If anyone can give me any insight I would appreciate it. Thank you so much for reading my post!!
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They look hungry.
Would you suspect by just top dressing with dry amendments that it my make the plant turn around? Perhaps I should use some type of immediate nutrient to add to a watering? Any recommendation? Thanks!


Top dressing the plants with what you have will work, but it'll take some time. Bottled nutes are more readily available. You can brew up an aerated tea with some dry nutes to get it to the roots quicker.


mmm, don’t think feeding more is your issue.. 5 ml of calmg is too much for plants that size, more like 2 ml is enough..
day temp should be 75-79..
watering once is every 10-12 days? something wrong there? is the floor cold/cold roots?
raise your light like 6 more inches at least..


I use Pro-Mix from the Hardware store. With great results.
Promix 2

If you are considering feeding and want to cover all the bases.
Do this one time:
Boil a coupe of eggs. Save the water. Eat the eggs and let the water cool.
This is calcium enriched water.
In one liter of calcium enriched water. .
1/4 tsp 5-15-5
1/4 tsp 3-6-12
1/4 tsp Epsom Salts = Magnesium and Iron.
= 8-21-17 a great pick me up for your plants.
After 2 weeks switch to 12-6-6 1/2 strength every 2 weeks for the rest of Veg.
Outdoors larger plants can handle 12-6-6 full strength every week.
Switch to 5-15-5 for flowering.
Super easy. Readily available, affordable and it works.
Nice looking plants. I have no Idea about the yellowing.

I soft boil eggs every week, so my plants indoors or out get boiled egg water often and a little Epsom salts one a month.
Your potting mix looks dry in these pictures. You could pick op the water a bit buy the looks of the mix.
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mmm, don’t think feeding more is your issue.. 5 ml of calmg is too much for plants that size, more like 2 ml is enough..
day temp should be 75-79..
watering once is every 10-12 days? something wrong there? is the floor cold/cold roots?
raise your light like 6 more inches at least..
Yes. After watering with the 1.5 gallons, it has taken 12 days for the pot to get light enough to water again. I have had these plants growing since 9/19 and have watered only 4 times. I'm about to water this morning and I am at day 9 since I last watered.


Top dressing the plants with what you have will work, but it'll take some time. Bottled nutes are more readily available. You can brew up an aerated tea with some dry nutes to get it to the roots quicker.
Awesome idea! I am going to do this, this morning!! Thanks for the suggestion!

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