trying to find a nutrient schedule that works for sure.

  • Thread starter Northdank67
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I do things all legal like nowadays and in my state we only get 4 per house hold in flower.. so I try for the biggest bang for my buck. Big plants in small spaces. I grow from cuttings. Takes a month to a month and a half. That lollipop is the only thing I found to compare. But I nixed it because of diameter issues. I use mykos and the smorgasbord of advanced nutrients fertilizers, run a 100% and a 50 % chop solution on feeding days. Got out from under the grip of bud factor x once I found chitosan and then brassinolide took it over the top. If I could legally grow more,I would .. I smoke steady.
Interesting in these nutrients. What measurements of chit and brass do you use


Hey, I'm not a first time grower but my latest grows have went to shit.. nute lockouts and all kinds of problems.. i've propably experienced every single kind of problem that can happen during an indoor coco, hydro or soil grow..I dont grow in a large scale, only for myself but it just pisses me off that for the past 3 years every time i've tried to grow i've been having a lot of problems with feeding the plants with correct nutrients at correct growth stages. and this npk thing has really started to confuse me alot lately. I've previously managed to grow some beautiful and tasty bud, and had ok Yields in coco but lately I've been starting to question myself and my knowledge alot after wasting thousands of Euros on stuff (nutes media pots, you name it) and had 0, and i repeat 0 success..
so I've decided to come here to ask for your help, i can only get my hands on products that can be bought online inside the EU, and I'd rather not spend too much money on nutrients that work.
I'd be super thankful if some of you more experienced guys could push me into right direction, I have two differents kinds of setups i could use for growing, a NFT GT100 hydro with a watercooler or to grow in coco+ perlite mix.
allso it would be very helpful if someone showed me a feed chart that works 100% i've read the fatman nute guide, but honestly i can't understand anything that hes saying.. :'D

thanks alot everyone.
Im growing in peatmoss and i use Canna

theyre greath they got a coco line too but a nutrient schedule doesnt really exist

You just gotta feel your way around and you will figure it out by time

And always remember better to give too little than too much with everything


Im growing in peatmoss and i use Canna

theyre greath they got a coco line too but a nutrient schedule doesnt really exist

You just gotta feel your way around and you will figure it out by time

And always remember better to give too little than too much with everything
I've heard tons of people have success with canna, personally my biggest fuck up was with canna so i went back to GHE/TA
currently interested in ATHENA nutes since their feed program should be dialed in out of the box. IDK if thats true or not tho and i cant find any specifications of exactly what they contain so I haven't bought them yet. still rocking GHE and plants seem to like like what I feed. I'm a small tent grower for personal use only but I'd still like to dial in the feed 100%, guess I'd have to grow the same pheno for a few cycles to get everything even close to dialed in tho.


The nute game is a fucking circus. But look how quick any discussion on nutes goes right back to "environment, maaan"

Pot growers fucking hate the concept of nutrition it's fucking weird. Always some random ass factor they form a witch circle around.


Ph perfect . Its maybe not the best but add some perlite to your ff and ph perfect pretty easy stuff!!
I haven't grown in 30 years. I spent the $$ on a complete grow set up about 1400$ add HSC seeds and Ethos seeds another 200$. I went with AN perfect ph, bud ignitor,bud candy and Ignitor probably another 250$. I be harvesting in about 3 weeks. It was worth every penny. I'm not growing to turn it over. I'm growing because I love to grow things. I finally added cannabis to my garden.


I ♥ fat colas
Just ditch the bottles and vuild some living soil, much easier imo and cheaper.


I haven't grown in 30 years. I spent the $$ on a complete grow set up about 1400$ add HSC seeds and Ethos seeds another 200$. I went with AN perfect ph, bud ignitor,bud candy and Ignitor probably another 250$. I be harvesting in about 3 weeks. It was worth every penny. I'm not growing to turn it over. I'm growing because I love to grow things. I finally added cannabis to my garden.


I've heard tons of people have success with canna, personally my biggest fuck up was with canna so i went back to GHE/TA
currently interested in ATHENA nutes since their feed program should be dialed in out of the box. IDK if thats true or not tho and i cant find any specifications of exactly what they contain so I haven't bought them yet. still rocking GHE and plants seem to like like what I feed. I'm a small tent grower for personal use only but I'd still like to dial in the feed 100%, guess I'd have to grow the same pheno for a few cycles to get everything even close to dialed in tho.
I found it really easy because they only had grow and bloom i use calmag and rhizotonic with it too but its really easy to manage
im not a big fan of triparts i just think the rest og the macro nutes should already be dialed into the grow and bloom confuses me to keep track of


I grow in ProMix HP and 5 gallon SIP's (with GroBuckets insert).

Did two grows with AN ph perfect and got tired of the cost And the hassle of measuring out milliliters of five or six different liquids.....

Changed to Mega Crop one part and also tried GH MaxiSeries.

Much cheaper and easier to weigh powders and both gave me the same results !

Photo's vegged for 50 days average 8oz, autos range from 8 - 16 oz !

These are average numbers from all three nutrient lines...

IIRC I did three plants with AN, total cost was ~$150 with enough left over to do another four plants.

Mega Crop one part 25# bag was ~$120 delivered and it will do me for Years of 8 plants per year !

The GH MaxiSeries is slightly more expensive but 4 bags (8.8 #) at ~$80 will also last for Years of growing !

BTW > I use well water with a ppm of ~500 and a ph of 7.5 And Do Not use ph down or Cal/Mag!

Best yielding plant from last auto grow, a Six Shooter from Herbies. Yield 13.86oz.

Six Shooter one 30 Nov 2023



If you are having that much difficulties why not grow organic in soil. Can't overfeed taste and quallity is much better (ooh do I miss my organic weed) no need for ph and ec meters. Just grow, Bloom and pk that's all you need.

Nft is one of the harder hydrophonic systems to master and the main benefit is that is is cheap on water. But water is cheap so who cares. Not was created for horticulture in space.
Really you cant overfeed with organic? I also have three week old plants autos, I have biobizz light mix and i was thinking of starting nutes now with quarter dose. But if theres no risk of overfeeding I could try what the schedule says on the website.


Hope you find the following helpful. I've grown a lot of weed mostly many years ago. My state is now legal so I got back into this - just because it's fun and I wanted to share the fun. Years ago, I grew in soil and hydro. Now only hydro for weed. Due to legal - I chose to grow auto's. We can have 8 plants total but only 4 in flower.

My grow style can be described to resemble a Dutch bucket concept where I grow 100% course / extra course pearlite. The containers are 3 gallon buckets with a discharge about 2 inches from the bottom. You simply run the feed supply for several minutes (I run 7) every 30 min or every hour depending on stage (seedlings every 30 minutes). It's impossible to over water. The run off goes back to the tank.

In my first tent you can see wooden benches to hold the plants where the Dutch bucket run off is collected by a 2 inch pipe emptying into a 17 gallon tote outside the tent. Rate of growth is amazing. The problem with that first tent was headroom. All the research I did - Autoflowers were supposed to get to a certain size. My plants grew 15-20 inches bigger than estimates. It's messy - no style points, just very functional. 4 Spider farmer 2x2 lights. 100W per light.

Second grow tent - same concept except plants are placed on large low profile storage containers connected via bulk head connectors making a large tank. Buckets drain directly into the storage containers. No no more headroom issues. 2 Mars Hydro 2x4 lights I think 300W per light

Both tents are 4x4x80.

The nutes are a 3 part from General Hydro Flora series where I also use Armor SI and CaliMag (totaling 5 parts). Use the instructions for medium feed. I make 10-15 gallons at a time and often add 1 extra gallon of water. I use a multi meter type tool for EC, PPM, and PH. The tool was like $30.
Two images are posted - one of the first tent (see how big the plants are for such a young age).
Next image is the newer tent using the storage containers as the tank.

I know you guys will crap all over the following statement. The harvests can be enormous. The image is a 3 gallon bucket from 1 auto flower Bruce Banner 3. Later I pulled nearly another 2 gallons from the same plant.

Generally, if you keep the feed tank full of good nutes with correct PPM and PH, and manage the temp and humidity, you will have a great harvest. Also make sure to use good lights.
20240327 072436
20240327 072354
20231104 191338


Looking good @tgpeters !

Doesn't get any easier than hempy buckets with perlite !

5 gallon pail, calculate the height of 1 gallon of water in the pail and drill a drain hole.

Fill with perlite, off to the races, he, he... Once the plant is established simply water to run off everyday...

I grew a Wedding Cheesecake auto this way, quit watering at day 118 😵

I fed General Hydroponics MaxiSeries. Super cropped at 4' and she still managed to make it to 5'.

About three weeks before harvest...

Day 84 Wedding Cheesecake 13 Oct 2023

and hang dry..

Day 124 WC hanging 22 Nov 2023

Final dry yield 13 oz !



Looking good @tgpeters !

Doesn't get any easier than hempy buckets with perlite !

5 gallon pail, calculate the height of 1 gallon of water in the pail and drill a drain hole.

Fill with perlite, off to the races, he, he... Once the plant is established simply water to run off everyday...

I grew a Wedding Cheesecake auto this way, quit watering at day 118 😵

I fed General Hydroponics MaxiSeries. Super cropped at 4' and she still managed to make it to 5'.

About three weeks before harvest...

View attachment 2140898

and hang dry..

View attachment 2140897

Final dry yield 13 oz !

Hi, My only comment is I don't think you really need the 5 gal buckets, of all my harvests, the root ball did not indicate the need for a 5 gallon bucket. 3 worked for me, and with that growth, needed all the headroom I could get. Great looking plants - thanks for sharing. Cheers to you as well. I just wish more new growers would be willing to try that grow style.


Hi, My only comment is I don't think you really need the 5 gal buckets, of all my harvests, the root ball did not indicate the need for a 5 gallon bucket. 3 worked for me, and with that growth, needed all the headroom I could get. Great looking plants - thanks for sharing. Cheers to you as well. I just wish more new growers would be willing to try that grow style.
Not fancy or complicated enough, I guess 😉

I get so tired of seeing/hearing about problems with FFOF, etc. And the chefs throwing together everything and the kitchen sink for an "organic" grow 😵

I agree on the size, I actually cut a styrofoam filler to reduce the amount of medium to 4 gallons to compare to my other three plants in 5 gallon pails with GroBuckets being fed Mega Crop one part.

Root ball, maybe 1/3 of the volume ?

Wedding Cheesecake root ball



Just wanted to give a few more details regarding equipment all equipment is inexpensive - Air Pump / Air Stones - water pump, special timer for air and water pump, tubing, 3 gallon buckets, paint strainers, storage containers, 1,5 inch slip & slip bulk head connectors, PVC, multi test tool, nutes, and pearlite. All easy to find, only the bulk head slip & slip stye are a bit harder to find (go online). For the timer you need a recurring / recirculating timer (I believe that's the term). The other equipment is same as soil, need good lights, black paint, probably a grow tent, exhaust fan, cheep recirculating fan etc.
Maintenance, at a minimum the res needs to be checked weekly for levels. I visit the plants daily just to see, but really, a weekly (5-6 days) fill up is about all I need to do.


yup I saw that same thing but brassinolide is labeled as a plant growth regulator, the chtiosan was not, like I said I still need to read more about this to be a 100% I'll never add something to my garden if i dont know 100% what it is!

Gmix the ph and ec meters ain't the problem haha currently my only problem is trying to dial in VPD, humudity wanders a bit bc I dont have a good way to control my humidifier and im not gonna buy a 300$ dehumidifier to solve that problem in my small personal home garden.
@INKBIRD sells humidifier controllers on Amazon. I think mine was $30.00ish pretty good investment all things considered. But make sure your humidifier has an on off knob as opposed to a digital button, the knobs will allow it to turn back on once it’s been turned off by a controller. the other won’t turn back on until you hit the button again. Another thing you can do is hook the humidifier up to a timer and have it turn on for 30 mins and back off for 30 mins and repeat, or whatever it takes to keep it where you want it.
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