
Need help with my seedling, it shows brown spots no leaves.

This is a sweet ZZ auto from RQS.
It is germinated 2 weeks ago in a 20l pot with biocanna bioterra and no fertilisers, only BioPH- from biobizz to correct ph of tap water to 6.3
Soil has been humid, not too dry, with a cycle from little humid to irrigated, but due to weather condition, the period of this cycle has been long, like 2-4 days
I grow outdoor, and I have other big plants that have some pests, but nothing like this one.
Temperature is 19 -28 °C, right humidity.

I do not understand why it shows these strange spots on leaves, I can see a translucid texture on one leaf, and others with brown-Darkgreen-deadish spots on the sides, but first sign was that strange curvature on the main leaves, just the day before I placed it under my viparspectra (450w LED) only for a cloudy day, at 100’’ height.
I think that the spots are caused by something else, not the light.

I observed some microscopic black dots on the leaves, maybe pests, and some flying mosquitoes really small and chaotic flying near the soil of other plants, not this.
I also want to suggest that using bioterra of biocanna, highly areated, I do not thing it can be a root problem, but I’m non sure.

I ask for suggestions and opinions about my plant, really thanks.
hope to understand the problem and correct before it’s too late.
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