Witches Wedding
Feminised is a Seedsman Ltd. Edition strain, our own version of the celebrated Wedding Cake. Witches Wedding is a cross between GSC (Girl Scout Cookies) and Cherry Pie. This is a medium-sized plant that produces high yields of buds containing high THC content. A strain that is easy enough for growers of all levels of experience, even novices.
Witches Wedding is suitable for indoor cultivation as well as outdoors in a wide range of climate types although it is not a strain that is suited to high levels of humidity due to its dense bud formation. For this reason plants grown outdoors in greenhouses need to receive good ventilation if mould is to be avoided. Good air circulation is also a pre-requisite for growing
Indoor plants will reach a height of 90 - 100 cm. while those grown outdoors will become taller at 180 - 200cm.
Indoors, flowering takes 8 - 9 weeks with very good yields of up to 600gr/m2. Outdoors in northern latitudes harvest should be ready by the end of September with each plant having the potential to produce in excess of 1000gr. each. The mature buds display some very attractive shades of pink.
The flavours experienced when smoking / vaping Witches Wedding are earthy with minty and spicy undertones. THC content is high at 20% or more with accompanying low CBD at less than 1%. The effect is uplifting and euphoric while also relaxing both mind and body.