A Message From Cm.....

  • Thread starter chickenman
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Premium Member
Just about done here. Most folks just do not seem interested any more, by lack of reply's...Lot's of looks few reply's
It's all good, will keep in touch with good friends made, maybe my posts are getting old or whatever, just feel like my efforts are a waste of my time and this may not be the place for such ramblings any more...
I try to encourage other to seek out happiness but maybe have over done and rubbed the wrong way..Sorry if offended or if misunderstood...
Hope you all find what it is to be happy, healthy and a fulfilling life.
Most of all be nice....
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Chickenman, I hope to cross paths with you again. Your a cool dude. Sorry for the losses you faced this year, yet you stay strong. Never loose your personality, it shines through your post like the sun after the rain. I say stick around, but do what you got to do. Good luck out there my friend.


This forum isn't what is used to be.

I'm glad to have met you and shared some time with you, you've been an inspiration in many ways. I hope you will touch base any time you come through town and stop for a visit.


you are pretty much the only reason i check this forum anymore..i keep to myself mostly so don't see many postings from me but I've read almost every thread or post you make…always showing my girl the pics of your dogs, goats, and fishing trips..you inspired me to make the flourless chocolate cake (with kerry gold butter), which is easily the best dessert I've ever made..lastly i just love the jerry thread, I'm too young to have had a chance to see the band but reading all your posts about concert venues and shows you've attended really brings a big smile across my face..you truly are blessed to live the life you do and i really hope to meet you one day..cant think of a better man to sit and listen to some dead while enjoying hash doobs with raw goat milk


Everyone has there own path in life. Your energy is rare and if folks steer clear of that kinda energy there the one's who should be concerned not you! You and i have similar interests, and i share when i can. To be honest after seeing some folks attacked here i would be apprehensive to get too too attached to anyone. In the grand scheme of things i have seen you as a source of awesome posts with awesome pictures. I use the analogy of today's society to internet site's these day's. More and more folks come and go having no clue what commensense or sommen decency mean. Greed,misguided passions, preconcieved notions of delusional rich boys who wanna get rich but don't wanna earn that money type's will continue to make life rough for those of us who were raised by parents who taught 1. respect for your elders, 2. treat others how you yourself would like to be treated. etc etc. Be a shame to see ya go imho.



I think lots of enthusiasm is lost through text! Sometimes it is hard to feel the empathy given to you over the internet. Stay wild, and remember that if you are looking for something nice, you can step outside and bathe in the view...


sad that your leaving, i dont think its so much a lack of intrest, as much as all the intresting folks have moved on. Start a IG, i still want chickenman feast photos! Wish i could have got to know ya better, im @calyxylon on IG


Wow!! This place won't be the Same. With no @chickenman .. Always Enjoyed your Posts,and Photo's.
and your Love for Life.. you never rubbed myself the wrong way .. Hope you still PoP in once in awhile
be well, Stay safe,Grow Strong~!!
And Stay High~!!


I hope you stay CM.I haven't been around much as I just got busy with other stuff but I would hate it if I wasn't able to come here and see what's going on at the farm along with your fishing adventures and homegrown cuisine.I think your input here is a welcome and needed breath of fresh air so I hope you reconsider!
Wish I could've gotten out your way on my road trip but I didn't make it past Kansas.Next year,God willing and the creek don't rise I'll be in Canada and then west coast. :)


Oh, man.... :(

Definitely one of the people I really enjoy seeing around. Your sunrise/sunset photos and the Black Canyon thread are just two of my favorites. It's a shame a few of you more prominent people here are considering parting ways, some of which were the whole reason I joined this place. You've definitely touched lives here, reminded some of us what it means to truly be good humans.

I hope you stay well and drop in from time to time, the Farm will definitely be missing you!

One Love,


Say it ain't so. Like many I look forward to your posts.

I'm in my early 50's and always relate to what you've been up to. Your music tastes are so parallel to mine and many others on here. Love all the music vids you've posted.

Plus I really enjoy your food and camping pics. I live in the Deep South but was honestly considering trying to make it out to one of your Gunnison Gorge outings. I used to live in Durango and miss the scenery and people tremendously.

You're an honest and true soul. It would without a doubt be a disappointment and loss to see you leave. The world has a great need for authentic people like yourself.

Your thread on relationships was so good. I was able to identify with a lot you said. It made me even more grateful for my girl and how wonderful she is.

This thread has made me realize the importance of communication. Instead of blowing through every morning while drinking coffee, I pledge to comment on a minimum of three threads every time I log in and be a more active member.

Consider sticking around man, I think you'll find your loved and wanted.


Bwhahaha.....your not gonna leave. U just had a bad day or something. This is home....period!! All sites have ebb's and flows as does this one. Tomorrow is another day and whatever is ailing you will be history. Se ya then addict.

Where would you go....Farmers only.com......
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Fuck the haters. Don't let some asshole(s) ruin what you have to share with people that appreciate it. You are appreciated. You live a wonderful life and have an awesome disposition on life and all of its lil idiosyncrasies. Don't let a few bad apples ruin it for all of us. We love your pics and I wish I could sit down and smoke a fatty with you and shake your hand to tell you "thank you" for showing us younger guys how it's "supposed to be" Family, Love, Herb, Food.....that's why I live everyday with a smile. Thanks again brother for all your contributions and wonderful pictures that always make me so hungry and sometimes your landscapes bring a tear to my eye in beauty. Live Free or Die!


CM you should of seen the fish jumping down in mission bay at Sunrise.. To the right of the photo is Mission Bay.. The Ebb tide brings in great fish along the Jetty at OB (Dog Beach)... They looked like trout hitting topwater bugs.. They would jump one foot out and tree feet forward... So Cool
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