A Message From Cm.....

  • Thread starter chickenman
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All in fun C-Man. However, I knew you would be back in full force and you are. You were just having a bad day and feeling low. It happens to all of us. I am addicted! Been away for a few days fishing and couldn't wait to get back and see what drama awaited me.


Premium Member
Ranting away is good for me.....
People who are grateful are more satisfied with their relationships with friends and family. Theyā€™re happier, less depressed and less stressed. They feel more in control of their lives, have higher self-esteem and cope better when things get tough. So how can you start??
You could write a thank-you letter to someone in your life you've never properly thanked, or regularly write and share things you're grateful for in a journal or in a forum such as this.
In one study, a group of people was asked to practice this gratitude exercise every day for one week. Even though the exercise lasted for only seven days, when measured a month later, participants were happier and less depressed than they'd been at baseline, and they also stayed happier and less depressed at the three- and six-month follow-ups.
Also hoping to inspire others to seek out what they are searching for...


You're a great man CM. You are definitely someone for us younger guys to look up to. Your outlook and way of life is something so many dream of but never achieve because they don't realize a lot of it is mental. I've been practicing a gratitude exercise lately, immediately upon waking up thinking of 10 things I'm grateful for. The change in perspective is distinct and noticeable fairly quickly. Glad you stuck around :)


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This song by my friends in The Sons of Champlin is very near and dear to me.
I was at this show, this song was the opener dedicated to James Preston, original drummer who passed away a few weeks prior to this show. He was an awesome musician as well as person, he is sorely missed.
That's me up front on the left in white hat.
The Sons have been my guiding light for 45 years.
Tears were flowing during this song and still brings a tear to my eye...
The fella on guitar in white shirt, Terry Haggerty is not only one of the best guitar players he also is a cultivator of some of the finest cannabis, highly regarded long before the green rush, talking early 70's Terry is the man.
I purchased airline ticket book renta car, hotel for this show, but it sold out. Terry Haggerty heard of my predicament and put me on guest list.
I met him at the show and he introduced me to his lovely wife, both were so happy I could make it out, big warm hugs, These folks play their music from the heart and walk the talk...
Life is good....


Don't have a picture to put up but I do have this:

Whenever you go out-of-doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every handclasp. Do not fear being misunderstood and do not waste a minute thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your mind what you would like to do; and then, without veering off direction, you will move straight to the goal. Keep your mind on the great and splendid things you would like to do, and then as the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the element it needs. Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual... Thought is supreme. Preserve a right mental attitude -- the attitude of courage, frankness, and good cheer. To think rightly is to create. All things come through desire and every sincere prayer is answered. We become like that on which our hearts are fixed. Carry you chin in and the crown of your head high. We are gods in the chrysalis.

A little gem I have in my commonplace book. Keep a section with passages from novels I read which I feel will carry benefit in the future and this is one of them. Words of Dale Carnegie in "How to Win Friends and Influence People"


Premium Member
Don't have a picture to put up but I do have this:

Whenever you go out-of-doors, draw the chin in, carry the crown of the head high, and fill the lungs to the utmost; drink in the sunshine; greet your friends with a smile, and put soul into every handclasp. Do not fear being misunderstood and do not waste a minute thinking about your enemies. Try to fix firmly in your mind what you would like to do; and then, without veering off direction, you will move straight to the goal. Keep your mind on the great and splendid things you would like to do, and then as the days go gliding away, you will find yourself unconsciously seizing upon the opportunities that are required for the fulfillment of your desire, just as the coral insect takes from the running tide the element it needs. Picture in your mind the able, earnest, useful person you desire to be, and the thought you hold is hourly transforming you into that particular individual... Thought is supreme. Preserve a right mental attitude -- the attitude of courage, frankness, and good cheer. To think rightly is to create. All things come through desire and every sincere prayer is answered. We become like that on which our hearts are fixed. Carry you chin in and the crown of your head high. We are gods in the chrysalis.

A little gem I have in my commonplace book. Keep a section with passages from novels I read which I feel will carry benefit in the future and this is one of them. Words of Dale Carnegie in "How to Win Friends and Influence People"
So simple...a sweet surrender....
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