Aj's Sour Diesel

  • Thread starter purekushkills
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Just a question about AJ's cut. If ECSD is Chemdog 91 x Mass. Super Skunk, then where does AJ's cut come from? Didn't someone say it was a precursor to ECSD?

Just wonderin:sun2:

The Kind Man

The Kind Man

'Sour Diesel' aka ECSD came from an accidental cross of ('91 Chemdog x Mass Super Skunk/NL)x DNL after the DNL hermed and seeded the room. The DNL's lineage is NL/Shiva x Hawaiian.
• Original Diesel' (also known as Diesel #1, Headband, Daywrecker Diesel, Underdawg) came from a cross of '91 Chemdog x (Mass Super Skunk x Sensi's Northern Lights) done by a guy known as ‘weasel’.

Hope that helps gentlemen. AJ's cut is the Original Diesel.

The Kind Man
|Scientia Ipsum Est Vox|
|Knowledge Itself Is Power|


so technically AJ's sour diesel is the original headband??


So then I guess Sour OG wouldn't really be the right name.

I guess you would have to call it one of the below.
Daywreck OG
Underdawg OG
Headband OG
xX Kid Twist Xx

xX Kid Twist Xx

Premium Member
so one has dnl in it and one dosent?
east coast has dnl
aj's does not?


I'm pretty sure Aj's sour D is not the 'Original diesel' in that chemdog 101 thing.



I been working on diesel for over 5 years ,, I can tell you all a shit load of secrets about this diesel line lol ,,,

if i s1 a ecsd plant i can get pretty much every chemdog pheno in the book ,, I also see skunk 1 phenotype plants.
i have grow over 2 to 300 ecsd s1 seeds and there are some fugging amazing phenotype plants in that gene pool .

Some offspring have a stronger affy traits ,, some have more chemo traits ,, i have even seen the real chemo phenotype plants in it also , Sometimes i see plants with strong Hawaiian influences,, Some of the offspring have a growth like pattern to the ( DIESEL BUD STRUCTURE ) but the Limbs ,, leaves ,, Have that Hawaiian plant look to them ,, Some plants have a Huge massive buds , with great big hairs , fat ass calyx .Also any plant that comes from ecsd ,, chems ,, the white ..
headband ,, daywrecker,, and all the other hundred names they put on diesel and chemo .. There is something with the leaves these plants do that already tell me they are brothers and sisters ! it shows it self everytime also! dead giveway that someone is using diesel type plants .. im only saying this cause some ppl claim they do not use any type of diesels to breed with ,, and i can clearly see threw that!

Anyway sorry im not too big on chems or these plants , Imho ecsd was the best things that ever happened outa that gene pool . And when ya got ecsd . You pretty much are done searching. Now being said that ,, i will say i have some chems ,, and white,, and diesels ,, and i will sprout some ecsd s1 seeds and show u guys just how many chemo type plants there are in the line.
true grit

true grit

Ahh so.... did you get those S1's from reversing the fem like we discussed in the other thread? I have to agree so far.... I've had some real SD (imo) and it still was better than my best OG yet....haven't gotten to any Chems yet though... hehe...

I got a SD S1 from a homie, I'll pm ya over a some pics of this Sun and you'll have to tell me if the leaves are pointing me toward what Im looking for....


yea bro i done the s1 with ecsd really easy ,, it has that notion about her to keep on giving! lol .. Im not trying to stir any shit just trying to figure out what offspring shows what dom expression,, When i see someone use other pollen on any of these plants ,, i pay attention to what changed in the plant ,, what ever changes are made from outxing it ,, shows what is dom ,, or what influence changes the gene sequence . If in fact the person is telling the truth about used parents . I am looking for expressions for my own information ,,with my diesel line ..
recombining genes to find the order they go back in. To make a desired outcome. or to know that one plant used in a different manner will give me a certain outcome,

And i would love to see some of your s1 seeds .... plants . anyone else have any s1 seeds of the diesel chemog line? i would love to see them also ,,

JJ i;d like to talk to you about your findings and playing with these genes. the more true information we trade , the better we become ,, and we make further progress!:joint:


I'm running AJ's cut from Swerve and its straight fire. Its much more vigorous then the AJ cut thats been in upstate NY for the last 10 years. Good job to those who kept the mom so strong!

I'm with ya JJ, not sure why there are so many titles. In NY we know it as straight up Sour D that came from AJ.

There are going to be some killer phenos out of this one for sure, Swerve says this is his most anticipated cross. I'm with him on that after seeing how vigorous he's kept this cut.


Yea but didn't swerve say it was the real sd not ecsd. My guess is its another seed that was popped with ecsd?


• Original Diesel' (also known as Diesel #1, Headband, Daywrecker Diesel, Underdawg) came from a cross of '91 Chemdog x (Mass Super Skunk x Sensi's Northern Lights) done by a guy known as ‘weasel’

This original diesel is so different from the Sour Diesel that we know of today. Not Sour not Chemmy at all.

I am hoping the AJ's Sour D is more of the SourD we are used to.


i grow the Original Daywrecker Diesel and i must say you are correct man. its nothing like the ECSD thats around i have tried ECSD/SD many times. its not a chemy or dank smell at all its a very strong smell but more citrus / grapefruit than ECSD but both great smoke. :passingjoint:
here is a pic of my ODD cut


I am not sure if the ECSD / HeadBand or Daywrecker or Original Diesel debate will ever die.

I've heard one is better than the other time and time again that I've start to feel that it just comes down to personal choice like most things.

It seems that in the bay though people seem to go after the Headband a bit more but I think that is just because they haven't heard the name as much.
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