Bodhi Testers: Big Sur Nigerian X Nl2 And Mendo Purps X Ssdd

  • Thread starter Minitiger
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So we're on day 42 of flower and I have to say, the plants are kinda looking like shit, particularly the Big Sur/NL's. Looks like they're suffering through a big-time Mg deficiency. Or something. I watered in a little epsom salts a few waterings ago, maybe that'll help. I dunno. I also switched to an 11/13 light schedule a few nights ago, too, just in an effort to get these plants to finish up ASAP. The Mendo Purps/SSDD's are obviously quick finishers regardless, probably gonna start chopping them in a week or ten days. But the Big Sur's have quite a while yet to go, at least four weeks (probably closer to five or six), so hopefully the switch to 11/13 will nudge them along. I might even switch to 10:45/13:15 or 10.5/13.5, just because they really don't look like they're doing well. The buds themselves look good, nice and frosty, but they're praying for Mg and losing leaves big-time.

I won't be growing in three gallon pots ever again. Gonna switch to bigger pots next run for sure.

Anyway, here we go:

Big Sur NL#2:

Big Sur NL 2 day 42 1

Big Sur NL #3:

Big Sur NL 3 day 42

Look how shitty that plant looks. Super-embarrassing...

#3 close-up:

Big Sur NL 3 day 42 1

Big Sur/NL#4:

Big Sur NL 4 day 42
Big Sur NL 4 day 42 3

Big Sur/NL #5:

Big Sur NL 5 day 42
Big Sur Nl 5 day 42 1
Big Sur NL 5 day 42 2

Gosh, they just look so fucking rough... If anybody has any ideas, feel free to chime in. I think they'll end up smoking fine, but I'm just bummed that I'm testing and not going to realize the full potential of these plants. Such a bummer...


No embarrassment bro, she’s alive and well! Got moxy man:) 5 gallon buckets are the way to go.


And here are the Mendo Purps/SSDD's. These really look dang close to being done, but I'm gonna let them get to day fifty before I even consider chopping them.

Mendo Purps/SSDD #1:

Mendo Purps SSDD 1 day 42

Mendo Purps SSDD 1 day 42 1

All of the nugs on these plants are getting really dense. Squeezed a few last night and was like,"Oh yeah, these are about ready..." Incredible smells, too. Big-time caramel and "purple" smells. I'm pretty excited about these plants.


Mendo Purps SSDD 2 day 42
Mendo Purps SSDD 2 day 42 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 2 day 42 2


Mendo Purps SSDD 3 day 42

Mendo Purps SSDD 3 day 42 1


Mendo Purps SSDD 4 day 42
Mendo Purps SSDD 4 day 42 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 4 day 42 3


Mendo Purps SSDD 5 day 42 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 5 day 42 2
Mendo Purps SSDD 5 day 42

So, yeah. We'll see how everything turns out. I think it'll be fine, though. Shitty-looking plants, but I'm sure the bud'll be fire. Hopefully.... haha!


No embarrassment bro, she’s alive and well! Got moxy man:) 5 gallon buckets are the way to go.

Yeah, that's what I'm thinking. I used seven gallon pots for my Mountain Temple and Goji run and the yield kinda sucked on the Gojis (although the Mountain Temples yielded huge). I don't think it was the bucket's "fault" but it kinda made me reluctant to continue using them, just because those fuckers are heavy as shit after watering. I've never had issues with the three gallon pots until my last run and now this run, too. So yeah, that's that. Fuck three gallon pots haha.
Mr Bee

Mr Bee

Nice Mt. The big sur holy is one I always wanted to run but never got the chance as he only released em once I think and it was years ago.


Nice Mt. The big sur holy is one I always wanted to run but never got the chance as he only released em once I think and it was years ago.

Actually, I asked B what the deal was with the Big Sur Nigerian and he told me that it was just a special Nigerian clone that’s been in the Big Sur area for years. No Holy Bud (or Holy Weed or whatever) in it. It’s just a real nice Nigerian sativa that’s been kept in Big Sur. Works for me haha....


Okay, so I chopped the MP/SSDD's #'s 2-5 on Saturday, which made it day 48. Crazy. I did not anticipate these taking such a short amount of time. I know I said I wouldn't chop until day 50 at the earliest, but they just looked so ready. I was afraid that the high might've ended up being way too heavy, so down they went. I've never grown a super-heavily Indica dominant hybrid before, so the short flowering time has really surprised me. I bet I could've chopped them on day 45 even.

Mendo Purps/SSDD #2:

Mendo Purps SSDD 2 day 48

Mendo Purps SSDD 2 chop 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 2 chop 2
Mendo Purps SSDD 2 chop 3

Mendo Purps/SSDD #3:

Mendo Purps SSDD 3 chop 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 3 chop 2
Mendo Purps SSDD 3 chop 4

Mendo Purps/SSDD #4:

Mendo Purps SSDD 4 chop

As you can see from the above pic, the #4 is gonna yield really poorly. The nugs just never really blew up. They're all super-dense, but just tiny. Look at that "cola." Super-small. If I get a half-oz from this one, I'll be stoked. Having said that, this is the frostiest plant, by far. Typical. The runt yields the best weed haha. Just kidding, I always wait and see until after everything's all dried and cured for a few weeks or a month before I start sampling and forming opinions.

More #4:

Mendo Purps SSDD 4 chop 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 4 chop 2

Here's the "cola":

Mendo Purps SSDD 4 chop 3
Mendo Purps SSDD 4 chop 4

And here's the MP/SSDD #5:

Mendo Purps SSDD 5 chop
Mendo Purps SSDD 5 chop 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 5 chop 2

And last night I chopped the MP/SSDD #1. I wanted to let it go a couple days longer than the others, just because it didn't look as far along as they did. I even think I could've let it go for another week or so, but whatever. I'm kinda glad to just give the Big Sur Nigerian/NL2's the run of the tent haha.

MP/SSDD #1, chopped on day 50:

Mendo Purps SSDD 1 chop
Mendo Purps SSDD 1 chop5
Mendo Purps SSDD 1 chop 1
Mendo Purps SSDD 1 chop 2
Mendo Purps SSDD 1 chop 3

So yeah. Right now, conditions in my drying tent are fucking perfect, humidity's been consistently between fifty and sixty percent and temps have been between 70 and 75 degrees, so hopefully I won't start trimming these for another week at least. Then into jars for three weeks or so and then I'll post a smoke report. Still have those Big Sur/Nl2's going, they look like they have another three or four weeks at least. I'll get some pics of them soo, they're just reeeeealllllyyyyyy taking their time, not much difference in the way the buds look from the last time I took pics.

Anyway, yeah, so that's that.


So, my next-door neighbor is this super-old lady who’s, like, all strung-out on pain pills and shit. She’s constantly coming over to ask me to fix things for her and complaining about the pain she’s in, her back and legs and shit. Anyway, I gave her a grip of the Mendo Purps/SSDD a couple days ago and she told me today that it worked really well for her pain. Said she wasn’t in any pain at all anymore.

I should add that I give her weed all the time. Gave her a bunch of two-year cured Mountain Temple a while back, a bunch of Cluserfunk, a bag of The Fuzz, some Tangerine Kush etc etc. In other words, ounces and ounces of free weed and none of them worked for her pain. But the Mendo/SSDD did. So there’s that. Good to know, I guess. This one’s a pain-killer.

It’s too narcotic for me, though. I smoked a j with my friend Natalie a couple days ago and straight passed out right in front of her. Like, we were just talking and watching “Jeopardy” and shit, and the next thing I knew it was three hours later and my girl was waking me up and I was all like,”Whaaaa??? Where’s Natalie?” haha. So, it works for pain, but it’s also real sleepy. I like Sativas. But Indica-heads will probably dig this one, as long as you don’t mind epically shitty yields.


Yeah @Minitiger its amazing certain genetics do it for people, that's an incredible story. Glad she found something that worked for her. Plants look really cool, yeah small yields though. hah

Anyone know if the Nigerian strain has thcv in it? I heard Nigerian sativa can produce THCV and I was wondering if this cut was maybe known for it?


Yeah @Minitiger its amazing certain genetics do it for people, that's an incredible story. Glad she found something that worked for her. Plants look really cool, yeah small yields though. hah

Anyone know if the Nigerian strain has thcv in it? I heard Nigerian sativa can produce THCV and I was wondering if this cut was maybe known for it?

I would guess that the Nigerian/NL2 tester I grew for this grow had significant amounts of THCV in it. My friend Natalie is kind of my “tester” for every harvest. She’s always a champ and comes over once all my buds are cured for about a month or two. I always give my flowers a really good, long cure before I do “official tests” haha; I may get into jars after a week or two, but I don’t share my weed with other people or form an actual opinion until my weed’s cured for at least one month. Anyway, my friend Natalie fully greened out, never seen her like that before. She actually got sick and we had to help her out for a while and then let her gradually fall asleep in our backyard for a couple hours. But after she woke up, she felt great and talked to us about all of these visions she had while she was passing out. Me, personally, I haven’t gotten that fucked up off of the Nigerian/NL2, but it is damn good weed. Like I said, it wouldn’t surprise me if there was a significant amount of THCV in it.

I’d have to chalk that up to the specific Nigerian that Bodhi used in this cross, though. I mean, I dunno, I haven’t really ever seen Nigerian anything around before (which is one of the reasons why I requested those testers from Bodhi). The Nigerian in this cross was apparently a special cut that’s been kept in the Big Sur area for years, which Bodhi then crossed to an NL2 male (and NL2 is pretty fricking rare, too....). So, yeah, I can’t vouch for all Nigerian crosses having high amounts of THCV in it, although certain African land races are definitely known to have noticeable amounts of THCV.

Unfortunately, Bodhi told me that he didn’t make very many seeds of the Big Sur Nigerian/NL2 cross and wasn’t planning on releasing it, despite me telling him that it’s gawddamn good weed that should be sold in seed form. Every pheno I got was really, really good. I’m pretty glad I still have a few seeds of this one, because it’s a keeper for sure.


Well that is great to hear. I scored a pack of the Nigerian space probe. BigsurNigerianXKashmir. I also have a pack of open pollinated Nigerian sativa seeds. Im wondering if I could backcross to the Nigerian and get some dank high THCV plants going, that is if they ain't already. I also hear the gene that makes THCV is double recessive. Not sure why it was such a limited drop. But yeah they sound stellar! Can't wait to find out.

That is interesting to hear about ur friend. I've had visions too. Usually yeah from low blood sugar or something who knows. But always from dank weed, even from small one hits if tolerance is low.

Also i've heard thcv is generated from uv exposure as well. Not sure how I would determine I have THCV without sending it to a fancy lab but hey one can dream.

Thanks for replying and the info!


Well that is great to hear. I scored a pack of the Nigerian space probe. BigsurNigerianXKashmir. I also have a pack of open pollinated Nigerian sativa seeds. Im wondering if I could backcross to the Nigerian and get some dank high THCV plants going, that is if they ain't already. I also hear the gene that makes THCV is double recessive. Not sure why it was such a limited drop. But yeah they sound stellar! Can't wait to find out.

That is interesting to hear about ur friend. I've had visions too. Usually yeah from low blood sugar or something who knows. But always from dank weed, even from small one hits if tolerance is low.

Also i've heard thcv is generated from uv exposure as well. Not sure how I would determine I have THCV without sending it to a fancy lab but hey one can dream.

Thanks for replying and the info!

Oh! Bodhi released a Big Sur Nigerian cross? I wasn’t aware of that. I think that the Nigerian crossed with that Kashmir should end up being as special as the NL2cross I tested.

Where’d you get those seeds? Are there any more available? I have a shit-ton of seeds already and haven’t even really looked online at any of Bodhi’s recent releases, just because I already have enough seeds for the next ten years or so, but I’d be VERY interested in growing out some Big Sur/Kashmir crosses. The NL2 has a reputation for psychedelic properties, so I dunno if that, combined with the Nigerian, was what made that cross as good as it is. Not sure if the Kashmir would enhance the psychedelic-ness of the Nigerian or not. But yeah, that sounds good. Lemme know where you got those seeds, cuz I’ll probably grab a pack if they’re still around.
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