Boggleberry, Irukhanji, D-Bomb & Matanuska Gold

  • Thread starter D-Bud
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Hello everyone..

I needed to drop some seeds while I wait for a new mommy to get large enough to take cuttings
off her, probably next grow. So, thought I'd go through some beans I"ve been wanting to go through in hopes of finding a gem or 2..

Boggleberry = BOG's Original Bogglegum x DJ Shorts Real Blueberry.. a friend made these himself and has been sitting on these beans for quite some time swearing it is from old original stock. So the fact only 2 of 5 showed doesn't upset me at all.. been nice if all 5 showed, but somethings you just accept..and seeds are always chancy..
Irukhannji Fem'd = Mamba x Pestilence. Mamba = Chemdog D x Pre98 Bubba Kush
Not much info on this one other then the Pestilence is very popular and the other 2 speak for themselves.. both growing very fast to..
D-Bomb F2 = I made these using Chemdog D x Purple Wreck/Blue Moonshine.. and grew out a batch of 15 seeds... a few went outdoors and pick of the litter I kept.. along with one male that looked to be dominant in Purple Wreck/Blue Moonshine.. hitting one lovely female and my far these seedlings look very uniform to one another..a good sign.
MV GOLD = Matanuska Valley Gold.. From a buddy who lives in the Alaskan Tundra and IMHO purchases some of the best seeds available in today's seed market.. and over a few years has dropped a few, misplaced labels and winds up just mixing them all together in a bowl.. which ones are the magic beans eh? well, like the ole saying, the journey is half the fun.

First cool thing happens is, one of the MV Gold mystery seeds does something really weird.
Ever seen female hairs come out the end of the first set of jagged leafs, tell me what you think this is?????

Boggleberry  irukhanji  d bomb    matanuska gold
Boggleberry  irukhanji  d bomb    matanuska gold 2
Boggleberry  irukhanji  d bomb    matanuska gold 3

The other side doesn't show up well in the photos but, it actually has the 2 white hairs coming out just like you would see in a sex organ.. I've seen polyploids and other weird anomalies, but this is a first...

Everyone else is right at about a day old... so I'll add some more photos when they get a bit bigger


Yeah, I've seen some weird stuff northone.. but this is a first. I looked at it and looked at it, got a 2nd opinion before posting it as I didn't want to sound stupid.. but this is strange and curious to see what others come up with.. I'm sure someone has seen this and will let us know wuz up..


You got me curious????? It sounds like you have some badass seeds, will be nice to see what you end up with.


i would call that unused protein from the inside of the seed. in a few days when the three finger leaves appear this spot will be the first to yellow or lose nitrogen. not a scientifically sound guess but my observations come from experience. the pic here shows a seed that had no head. i split the first leaf thinking...lets give it a chance.
it didn't work. its still alive six weeks old 3 inches tall with maybe six total leaves. only posted this because of the weird stuff being mentioned.


Those are not female pistils, that's an abnormal leaf growth. The next set of leaves will probably grow out fine. Doesn't mean it's not a female just not showing yet, it's too young to show sex. Nice selection of seeds though, keep the pics coming.


Well, after some research this is what we came up with.. sometimes, as we all know, little baby plants have a hard time throwing their shells off at the very end of birth.. sometimes they kinda hang on the end or tip of the cotyledon leaf's.. in this case so severe that it actually pulled the veins of the leaf out through the end of the leaf itself.. the one side split into two simulating the V female hairs make when protruding from their sex organs.. so WALLA.

And we all learned something .. lol. ok, I did anyways.. peace


i would call that unused protein from the inside of the seed. in a few days when the three finger leaves appear this spot will be the first to yellow or lose nitrogen. not a scientifically sound guess but my observations come from experience. the pic here shows a seed that had no head. i split the first leaf thinking...lets give it a chance.View attachment 212509 it didn't work. its still alive six weeks old 3 inches tall with maybe six total leaves. only posted this because of the weird stuff being mentioned.

Thanks man..this kinda stuff keeps us learning.. just when you think you've seen or heard everything about these wonderful plants, some weird anomaly pops up.. I recall my first polyploid.. like wtf is that, three leafs.. then found out they tend to hermie and it did... hehe. oh the journey to live and learn eh?

Here's the babies..

Feminized Irukanji by Inkognydo
IMG 3954

Boggleberry... looks like a typical D.J. Short BB pheno by the weird early growth they are typical for
IMG 3965

The Gang
IMG 3963

until next time...


ill follow if you post. i want to see all the bog stuff i can. got some sour lifesavers that ill probably run with blueberry x sour jack.
if what you say about polys is true i can make some room in my tent. currently have three different plants that are doing this
that second top is a branch from three maybe four nodes below and it has polyploid...ism.


love the first shots of the seedlings with their first set of true leaves. so cute.

this should be a good grow to keep a watch on :)
Prime C

Prime C

Defender of Dank
Well, after some research this is what we came up with.. sometimes, as we all know, little baby plants have a hard time throwing their shells off at the very end of birth.. sometimes they kinda hang on the end or tip of the cotyledon leaf's.. in this case so severe that it actually pulled the veins of the leaf out through the end of the leaf itself.. the one side split into two simulating the V female hairs make when protruding from their sex organs.. so WALLA.

And we all learned something .. lol. ok, I did anyways.. peace
So she's an OUTIE! lol.. That BoggleBerry sounds delicious!


So she's an OUTIE! lol.. That BoggleBerry sounds delicious!
That's funny stuff BM... an outtie.. like the girl told her boyfriend when he dropped his pants.. dude, innies are only cute when they are belly buttons.. lol.
I'd like to try something new this run and flip these a week old.. what I'll do then is sex them right away, cull the males and then put the females back into a veg mode for about 6wks.. I'll have some Giesel cuts rooted and ready by then and pull these out, and flower out a batch of Giesel.. we are also thinking of going to a 30day rotation.. for example lets say you have 12 plants.. you'd harvest 6 every 30 days.. be a nice way to stay stocked with a small garden.
any thoughts would be great.


I'm starting to believe I"m cursed when it comes to My very first grow I ordered my 10 pack of beans like the book said.. all went so very well.. then after a month long veg, I flipped them to find 9 males.. don't over feed, stress or anything.. so just plain old bad luck. well, here we go again. BOG was a ugly male with deformities.. Out of all the seedlings I planted, 3 are females.. 2 Feminized Irukhanji and one of my D-Bomb.. so, me thinks it's finally time to work with clones..can't afford to keep losing over half my run to seeds.. so. for now things are moving kinda slow..



snap out of it D-Bud! If you believe you are cursed I can prove that you are, and I don't even know you like that.

I'd like to try something new this run and flip these a week old..
not a good idea if you mean that literally.
If you plan to veg for one week meaning you would be flipping a three week old plant is fine imo

what I'll do then is sex them right away, cull the males and then put the females back into a veg mode for about 6wks.
youse a bad man if you can sex them right away.
id cull the males before sexing no homo.

we are also thinking of going to a 30day rotation
they call it "perpetual harvest" around these parts and I think you are among-st the majority with wanting that...we welcome you to the bright side.

did you make the D-bomb? why not start a D-Bobblebomb?

I'm just gonna throw this out there.
As far as you having a gang of males in your garden. How soon do you put your seeds in those pots? I ask because those 1g pots are pretty deep and a seedling looking for a bottom/anchor point may very well foster males.

good on you in which ever way you decide to grow just keep growing and be proud you have the balls to do it.


Good luck bro. Love seeing tiny seedlings turn into beautiful bud-heavy mothers of joy. :)


Hey D-Bud.....Im glad to see you running my Boggleberries and the Irukandji....I hope they turn out good for ya....cant wait to see an update..
talk with you soon :D


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