Botanicare's organic, Organicare nutes

  • Thread starter llcoolJ
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I just purchased the entire lineup of Organicare nutes. Pure Grow, Pure Bloom, Calplex, Nitrex, Humega, Huvega, Seaplex, Boost, Sweet Citrus, and ZHO.

It is hard to find much about Organicare anywhere. I was wondering if anybody has any experience with the nutrients they would like to share with me for the best possible results.

And how they compare to some of the other organic nutrients out there.

I have heard great things about Botanicare, but only used Canna myself. And their organic line is too expensive. Organicare is very reasonably priced IMO.

I really appreciate the help :banana1sv6:


I have been trying out the Pure Blend Pro Grow & Bloom/Soil this run. So far I have to say I am impressed with the PBP Grow, haven't used the Bloom yet. I have a good soil that carries a lot of N so I have had to use very little of the nutes. The plants are loving it and I haven't seen them this tall and deep green before. The only other things I add are Cal/Mag+, Earth Juice's Catalyst to feed the soil beasties and once a month I hit them with a dose of Earth Juice's Microblast to keep everything happy.

I can't speak to the effectiveness of the other Botanicaire products you listed but if they are like the PBP products I'm sure you'll be okay. I'd suggest starting out with a lighter dose and see how your plants react then increase it until you get it dialed in. I actually overfed some of my Jillybeans by following the Botanicaire PBP feeding schedule.


I have only used Humega and I love it. It is a humic supplement with microbial life in it. I use it with my nute line because it helps to buffer the nutrients as well as raise the PH naturally so I don't have to add as much potassium bicarbonate. I used a sample of Humega last year. My plants perked up after I gave it to them and I was in love ever since haha.

As for the other parts of Organicare. They are pretty cut and dry. The Grow, and Bloom are the base nutes. Calplex and Huvega are the "Calmag" of the nutrient line with trace minerals. Nitrex is in case your Grow base doesn't have enough N for the needs of your current garden. Seaplex is another good supplement for trace minerals, hormones, and auxins. It is also used as a foliar spray. I don't know what "boost" is. Sweet is basically some carbs with a bit of magnesium and sulfur to help with the herb aroma(although I don't understand how). ZHO is beneficial fungi to help improve nutrient uptake, and resistance to environmental stresses like drought, excessive salt, pathogens etc.

They are actually one of the few lines out there that offer an Organic calcium and magnesium supplement. General Organics, and Safergrow, are the only other lines I can think of that have an organic cal mag supplement.

As whipple said I would start with 1/4-1/2 dose in order to see how strong it is. Then bring it up slowly. You might not even have to go to the full dose. All nutrient line doses are generalizations IMHO.

Oh yea and here is a feed sheet:


I've been using the PBP Bloom and Grow for years with great success - they work very well in my experience. I started using the Nitrex this last season, and it seems to work pretty good. It does not work as well as the organic 16-0-0 I used to be able to get, but it is the most effective replacement I have found so far. I plan on trying more of their OMRI listed products this year.

As far as a effectiveness and cost I have found Botanicare's organic products to be some of the better ones out there.


I love Botanicare, been using them for years as well. Definitely planning on giving the Organicare line a shot this year., OMRI being a big reason for me too. I'm willing to give some feedback here on that.


Huh, when was that? Sap readings don't lie - the Ntirex did boost NO3- levels, but not quite as much as I would have liked.


don't know if it is true but, The owner of the organic garden center said that botanicare got in trouble for using urea in there Nitrex, if that is the case i would cut your losses and throw that bottle away b4 you poor diluted piss on your plants,

why would they get in trouble for that? I always thought urea was used in organic agriculture anyway? Yes it is part of urine, but isn't that just part of the natural way of things with organics anyway? I mean in organics one uses bat shit, worm shit, fish emulsion, bone meal, blood meal, etc.

I mean the N in urea from our urine probably helped with the growth of plants in the past. Of course too much urea would obviously kill a plant in one dose, but I am sure that if the Nitrex has urea in it, it is probably in proportion intended for plant use. The whole idea of organics is using things(bat guano, EWC, Fish emulsion, etc.) that have already been reused for eons by other life forms. That's just how the earths ecosystem works. If their is urea in Nitrex I don't find it disgusting in the least. In fact I would think that makes it even more true to the OMRI listing.
The Joker

The Joker

Back in the early 90's going by Ed's book I used a bit my own urine in a gallon of water and it worked quite well. This was pre hydro store days when you had to make your own nute solutions. I got all my ingredients at gardening stores and it worked quite well.

I like PBP. I'm looking into a simple organic system. Advanced and Humboldt nutes make sucker people into buying 100 products you don't need.


Urea is a natural and organic form of Nitrogen and plays a part in the nitrogen cycle. If you have microorganisms in your soil then guess what: you have urea in your soil too. Relying too much on Urea and Ammonium can and will deteriorate your soil as well as disrupt the soil food web, but it is impossible to eliminate them entirely since they play an important and essential role in the nitrogen cycle.


Wow guys, thank you so much for all of the replies. You all have been very helpful. I could care less if there is piss in the Nitrex. I have read all over that it is great for plants (unless you use your piss after a heavy night of drinking!). Should I use all of these products in conjunction, or wait to see how my ladies react, and then use the products if there is some sort of deficiency?


I'm using this stuff now... ORGANICARE... I've got a half dozen plants about ready to go into flower that I'm testing the Organicare against the FF POM (Peace of Mind). I want tasty, potent buds. I'm about 2 weeks in with the ORGANICARE grow nutes, will veg for about another 2-4 weeks then throw these babies in flower. ;)

Good luck LL with your trials. There is usage info, mix rates, from botanicare if ya go look.


how is everyones outcome with these nutrients? does anyone have pictures of finished product? i am using this line with my outdoor plants i was looking for a simple organic line without hurting my wallet and i believe ive found it in the organicare line. someone post pictures please!


Cannobi Genetics
I've been using the PBP Bloom and Grow for years with great success - they work very well in my experience. I started using the Nitrex this last season, and it seems to work pretty good. It does not work as well as the organic 16-0-0 I used to be able to get, but it is the most effective replacement I have found so far. I plan on trying more of their OMRI listed products this year.

As far as a effectiveness and cost I have found Botanicare's organic products to be some of the better ones out there.

Here's your 16-0-0 Blaze :sun Never used it, but I have it. A bit concerned about burn with it. What was the dose and when did you use the 16-0-0?


N16.00% - P0.00% - K0.00% derived from Urea

For use with Planting Mixes, Native Soils and as a Hydroponic Additive. Elements Grow is a High Nitrogen formula developed to encourage vigorous stem & leaf growth. May also be used as a Grow Booster or as part of the Elements Total Solution. Indoor/outdoor plants, soil and hydroponics. Available sizes: Pints, Quarts, Gallons, 2.5 Gallons, 5 Gallons, 55 Gallons & 265 Gallons.

I have 2 bottles of this on stand by in case of N being needed, and I keep the Calplex for when Calcium is needed without Mag. I also use Epsom Salts to make up for the Mag if Mag alone is deficient. Didn't like the EJ line but I do love the PBP in coco mix! Great results, but they do run a bit hot, so as said run it low first, then creep up with observation and you'll be golden.



I just purchased the entire lineup of Organicare nutes. Pure Grow, Pure Bloom, Calplex, Nitrex, Humega, Huvega, Seaplex, Boost, Sweet Citrus, and ZHO.

It is hard to find much about Organicare anywhere. I was wondering if anybody has any experience with the nutrients they would like to share with me for the best possible results.

And how they compare to some of the other organic nutrients out there.

I have heard great things about Botanicare, but only used Canna myself. And their organic line is too expensive. Organicare is very reasonably priced IMO.

I really appreciate the help :banana1sv6:
i have used alot of botanicare especially organicare pure bloom and grow and would reccomend it great results and ease of use make it even more desirable


I use the pellets in layers, veg on top, flowers in lower middle, light blood meal in very bottom for mid flower yellowing plants w calcium also on bottom. This along with my flower boosters has served to increase ALL aspects of plant health and yield/flavor. I switched to this from the Techniflora line of hydro nutes for main source of food. Will not go back to pure chem ever, still use recovery and booster nutes that are pure chem cause they just work fast and well.


Pretty sure botanicare is going to phase out the Pure granular line now that they have Growilla.
I did a whole run under 4K with nothing but Growilla and teas. It was meh. Not enough control for me. Still have a bucket full of bloom..I'll use it up here and there. IMVHO..nothing like the control of amounts and PH when using liquid nutes. Peeps who do dry ferts and water only are superstars in my eyes..takes a ton of dialing to be successful.

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